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We're going to dinner traduction Espagnol

317 traduction parallèle
Well, I hope he doesn't think because we asked him to dinner tonight... that we're going to take him up socially.
Bueno, espero que no crea por qué le preguntamos donde va cenar esta noche... que estamos llevándolo socialmente.
Didn't you know we're going out to dinner? - Get cleaned up.
- Vamos a cenar, ve a prepararte.
We're invited there for dinner next Friday night... and I'm going to wear my new silver with the white fox.
Estamos invitados a cenar allí el próximo viernes, y voy a llevar mi nuevo vestido con el zorro blanco.
Now, you know we're going To dorothy's for dinner tonight.
Sabes que vamos a casa de Dorothy para cenar esta noche.
You mean we're going to have dinner?
¿ Eso quiere decir que cenaremos?
- We're going to Paul's for dinner.
- Cenamos con Paul. - ¿ Otra vez?
Susan, is this the only course we're going to have for dinner?
Susan, ¿ es este el único plato que tenemos para cenar?
We're going to a dinner party at the country club.
- Vamos a una cena en el club de campo. - Ajá
Come along, Kit. We're going to the refugee dinner.
Vamos, Kit, tenemos que irnos a cenar.
We're going to have such a nice dinner.
Tendremos una buena cena.
It really doesn't matter, we're going down to dinner in a moment.
Realmente no importa, vamos a bajar a cenar dentro de un momento.
We're going out to dinner at the Embassy Club.
Vamos a salir a cenar al "Embassy Club".
We're going to have dinner in a few minutes, and you'd better get ready.
Vamos a cenar enseguida, será mejor que te prepares.
You don't mean that we're going to have dinner here?
¿ Quieres decir que cenaremos aquí?
It's especially important tonight Because we're going to the Morgan's for dinner, remember?
Estaré allí.
I just wanted to know if you're going to join us... at the club dinner we're arranging for Wednesday night.
Sólo quería saber si acudirá a la cena que estamos organizando para la noche del miércoles.
We're all going out to dinner and have a grand time, aren't we?
Iremos todos juntos a cenar y, lo pasaremos fenomenal, ¿ verdad?
- It's a quarter of eight. We're going to the officers'mess for dinner.
Son las ocho menos cuarto, vamos a cenar al comedor de oficiales.
Professor, as long as we're going to have dinner here... what do you advise?
Profesor, ya que vamos a cenar aquí,...... ¿ qué nos recomienda?
We're going to have a nice fish dinner.
Vamos a tener una gran comida con pescado.
We're going to have dinner together.
Vamos a cenar los dos.
We're going to have that dinner after all. No, we're not going anywhere.
No irás a ninguna parte, debes descansar.
- Now we're going to eat dinner.
- Ahora comeremos las gachas.
Look, we're just going to dinner. Won't you join us?
Os presento a Leslie Harris.
Mrs Phillips. We haven't decided where we're going to have dinner tonight.
Sra. Phillips no hemos decidido dónde vamos a cenar.
I hate going out for dinner in a big group. We're taking ages deciding where to go.
Escuchen, odio esta estupidez de ir a cenar en grupo,... te pasas horas buscando un sitio.
We're going to their home for dinner.
Iremos a cenar a su casa.
We're going on to dinner together. Sure.
- Y después vamos a cenar juntos.
We're going out to dinner.
Salimos a cenar.
We're going to take these ladies out to dinner, so grit your teeth.
Vamos a llevar a cenar a esas mujeres, así que aprieta los dientes.
Oh, we're going to have a fine dinner.
Va a ser una cena estupenda.
We came here to have a fine dinner, and that's just exactly what we're going to have.
Hemos venido a tomar una buena cena, y eso es exactamente lo que vamos a hacer.
- We're going to the club for dinner.
Vendrán a buscarnos. - Iremos a cenar al club.
We're going to have dinner with the owner, and he wants me there...
Cenaremos con el dueño, y quiere que vaya...
We're going to dinner!
¡ Vamos a cenar!
- Dinner. We're going to buy you dinner.
- Te invitamos a cenar.
We're going to have dinner with papa's friend, then we'll go to bed.
Cenaremos aquí con el amigo de papá, luego nos iremos a la cama.
Now, i've planned that you all have an excellent dinner this evening, and then we're going to have a surprise.
Ahora, he previsto que todos ustedes tengan una excelente cena esta noche, y luego vamos a tener una sorpresa.
We're going out to dinner and we're going dancing.
Vamos a cenar y luego a bailar.
We're going to malibu to have dinner with my father.
Vamos a Malibú, a cenar con mi padre.
- We're going to dinner aren't we? - Don't always change the subject when you start talking like that. You hear?
Siempre cambias de tema cuando te pones así.
We're not going to make it for dinner at the San Fermín Embassy.
Que barbaridad. A ese paso no vamos... llegar a tiempo a la cena en la Embajada... de San Fermín.
Well, Larry and I are trying to line up a new client and we're going to take him to the Hearthstone for a few drinks and I guess I'll be stuck for dinner too.
Larry y yo estamos tratando de conseguir un nuevo cliente y lo llevaremos a Hearthstone por unos tragos y creo que no llegaré para la cena.
You're going to tell them we were once cops together... and I have dinner here once in a while?
Vas a decirles que una vez había policías juntos... y ceno aquí de vez en cuando?
We're going to have fish for dinner.
Nos comeremos el pescado a la noche.
Julian, if we're going to dinner and a movie...
Julian, si vamos a ir a cenar y al cine...
We're going to have something real special for dinner.
Vamos a cenar algo muy especial. Comida china.
I think since we're all going to be waiting here, I'm going to fix us all dinner.
Ya que tendremos que esperar aquí, prepararé algo para cenar.
We're only going out to dinner.
Saldremos a cenar.
We're going to dinner tonight with an old friend, we thought you might want to join us.
Bien. Vamos a ir a cenar esta noche con un viejo amigo, Pensamos que quizas te gustaria venir con nosotros.
We're going to the mess tent for a birthday dinner.
Iremos a la tienda comedor a cenar por tu cumpleaños.

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