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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ W ] / We're going to do it

We're going to do it traduction Espagnol

705 traduction parallèle
We're here to get at who stole cotton, and how much. And what are we going to do about it.
Queremos saber quiénes robaron el algodón.
Lo vamos a hacer.
If we're going to think we should do it together.
Si vamos a pensar, debemos hacerlo juntos.
If they think they've got a couple of dummy editors, they're crazy. Well, what are we going to do about it?
¿ Qué haremos al respecto?
We're going to be married. And there's nothing you can do about it.
Nos casaremos y no hay nada que puedas hacer al respecto.
If we're going to be generous, let's do it properly. Come on downstairs and make a speech about it.
Pero si vamos a ser generosos, seámoslo debidamente
Well, if we're going to do this, let's get it over with.
Bueno, si vamos a hacer esto, acabemos de una vez.
It's our job to take her, and you know we're going to do it.
Debemos llevárnosla y sabe que lo haremos.
Thanks. But don't get the idea that we're friends. If I can still take your badge away from you, I'm going to do it.
Pero no se confunda, le quitaré la placa.
Listen, if we're going to do what I think we are, we should do it now.
Mire, si vamos a hacer lo que creo que vamos a hacer, deberíamos hacerlo ya.
I don't know how we're gonna do it... but we're going to, Lord, somehow.
No sé cómo lo haremos, pero lo haremos de algún modo, Señor.
I learned in the city that not a flower can be sold unless it's grown in their nurseries. I don't know what we're going to do. I really don't.
Me enteré de que no compran flores a menos que se cultiven en sus vieveros.
I'm glad you like it, Doc, because that's what we're going to do.
Me alegra que te guste, pero tenemos cosas que hacer.
We always talked about a vacation in the snow, now we're going to do it.
Siempre hablamos de unas vacaciones en la nieve, ahora lo haremos.
We're going to do that, but I'd made up my mind about it a long time before this happened.
Lo haremos, pero yo me decidí al respecto... mucho antes de que esto pasara.
Now we got two men here to hang, but we're going to do it by the law.
Ahora tenemos dos hombres para colgar, pero debemos hacerlo por la ley.
We're going to do it here.
- ¿ Sí?
Say your president said that you're fighting this war so there won't have to be any more wars, and that when we get through with it, we're going to sit down with other people who feel as we do
Díganle que su Presidente ha dicho que están luchando en esta guerra para que no haya más guerras. Y que cuando acabemos...,... nos sentaremos con gentes de otros países que piensen como nosotros y elaboraremos algún plan que haga innecesario que jóvenes...
I don't know how we're going to do it, but if that's the way you want it, lads, we'll have a try at it.
No sé cómo lo vamos a hacer, pero si es lo que queréis, lo intentaremos.
They're going to do it too just as sure as we sit here with our fingers in our mouths and let them.
Y lo conseguirán si nos quedamos aquí sentados mordiéndonos las uñas.
If we're going to say good-bye forever, we might as well do it right.
Si nos despedimos para siempre, hagámoslo bien.
If we're going to be that frank about it, I do.
Para serte franca, sí.
We came all the way out here to do a job and we're going to do it.
Hemos venido hasta aquí para trabajar y vamos a hacerlo.
And we're going to do it together.
Y lo vamos a hacer juntos.
If we're going to change the design the factories will never do it in time.
Si tenemos que cambiar el diseño, las fábricas no llegarán a tiempo.
I'd like you to do it at about the time we're going into the job over there.
Me gustaría que lo hiciera a la misma hora que empezaremos la operación.
If we're going to make the airport, we'll have to do it on foot.
Para llegar al aeropuerto, debemos seguir a pie.
This time, we're going to do it right.
Y esta vez se hará como es debido.
If we go back to our books now and let you manage the land, you're going to do something terrible to it!
Si ahora nos sentamos a leer libros y les dejamos a ustedes la tierra en posesión completa, ¡ Qué cosas terribles serían capaces de hacer con ella!
We're going to the river and it's necessary that I tell you what to do.
Vamos al río y es necesario que te diga lo que tienes que hacer.
We're still going to do it.
Todavía lo vamos a hacer.
They got one in where it would do the most damage and we're going to lose the ship.
Nos han dado en el peor sitio posible y vamos a perder el barco.
No, it knows we're here and what we're going to do.
No, sabe que estamos aquí y Lo que vamos a hacer.
And then, do it later on but that seems like such a hack's way of getting married, so we're going to drive up-state, or over to Jersey, or wherever it is that you do it, and do it.
Y luego, lo haremos más tarde, pero casarse así parece algo rutinario, así que vamos a... ir al norte del estado, o a Jersey, o a donde... se haga eso, y lo haremos.
We're going to have to walk for a long time. Can you do it?
¿ Crees que podrás con la maleta?
We figure if we don't do it now, we're going to die out here.
Pensamos que si no lo hacemos ya, moriremos aquí.
Then here's what we're going to do about it.
Entonces, esto es lo que haremos.
If we're going to starve, I don't want to do it eating porridge.
Si nos vamos a morir de hambre no quiero hacerlo comiendo potaje.
We've all discussed what we're going to do, and i for one can't see any reason for putting it off any longer.
Ya hemos discutido lo que vamos a hacer. No veo ningún motivo para que sigamos posponiéndolo.
- Work, work, work, Irene, and we're going to do it together.
- Vamos, vamos, vamos, Irene, vamos a hacerlo juntos.
If we're not going to make love, why do you need to give me it?
Si no hacemos el amor, ¿ por qué tienes que dármelo?
Let's decide on when we're going to do it.
Decidamos cuándo vamos a hacerlo.
We're going to do it the right way, from seeds.
Vamos a hacerlo bien, con semillas.
Well neither do I, if we're going to do anything at all we must stop it!
Si hacemos algo, debe ser detenerlo. Sí, Ian tiene razón, Barbara.
Anyway, if we're going to do any exploring, we should do it now'cause it's going to get dark in a minute.
De todos modos, si vamos a hacer cualquier exploración, debemos hacerlo ahora porque va a oscurecer en un minuto.
We're going to do this play and we're going to do it right.
Vamos a hacer esta obra y la vamos a hacer bien.
We're going to take it, and they'll do their worst to keep us from taking it.
Nos haremos con ella y harán lo imposible para evitarlo.
We must break the chain of events that led up to it and going out of here might be just what we're not supposed to do.
Tenemos que romper la cadena de acontecimientos que condujeron a ella y salir de aquí puede ser justo lo que no debes hacer.
So that's where we're going to do it?
¿ Así que aquí es donde lo vamos a hacer?
Go back and tell your pa we're going to do whatever we can, but it's up to him whether he gives up or not.
Vuelve y dile a tu padre que haremos lo que podamos, pero que él decide si se da por vencido o no.
We don't know yet and we don't know how they're going to do it.
- Aún no lo sabemos. Ni el cómo.

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