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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ W ] / We're going to the hospital

We're going to the hospital traduction Espagnol

170 traduction parallèle
We're going to visit one of your patients. Miss Anderson, in the hospital.
Vamos a visitar a una de tus pacientes, la Srta. Anderson, en el hospital.
We're all going for a nice drive but not to the hospital...
Vamos a dar un bonito paseo, pero no al hospital...
- We're not going to the hospital.
- No iremos al hospital.
We're going to visit you in the hospital.
te visitaremos en el hospital.
And we're giving a concert in two weeks at the children's hospital, and Herr Heller says I'm going to sing a solo.
Haremos una presentación en dos semanas en el hospital del niño y el señor Heller dice que cantaré un solo.
We're going to the hospital.
- Jos, vamos al hospital.
We're going to remove this patient from the hospital.
Vamos a sacar al paciente del hospital.
We're going to the General Hospital.
Vamos al hospital general.
We're going to tear down that old hospital on the east side... and put in a nice golf course.
Vamos a derribar ese viejo hospital de la zona este y poner un bonito campo de golf.
- We're going to the hospital.
- Vamos al hospital.
We're going to evac them out to Chu Lai hospital, and we're going to take the suspect with us.
Vamos a evacuarlos al hospital de Chu Lai. Entonces llevaremos a este sospechoso con nosotros.
We're going to the hospital.
Vamos al hospital.
( Police radio ) We're going out to the hospital.
Vamos al hospital.
We're going to take you to the hospital.
Vamos a llevarte al hospital.
Thattaboy. We " re going to the hospital.
Al hospital, chico.
All right, we're going back to your room at the hospital now.
Bien, ahora regresamos a su habitación del hospital.
Jennifer Lerner said that her mother said that with Dad in the hospital, and the way we spend money, that we're going to be out on the street in six months.
Jennifer Lerner dijo que su madre dijo que con papá en el hospital, y de la forma en que gastamos el dinero, vamos a quedar en la calle en seis meses.
Jonesy, we ´ re going to the hospital, so you can contact us there.
Jonesy, vamos hacia el hospital, así que encuéntranos allí. Sí.
We're going to take all of these baby books to the children's hospital.
Vamos a llevar todos estos libros infantiles al hospital de niños.
Te llevaremos al hospital. Ozzie, Alex!
Scott, we're going to the hospital now!
Scott, debemos ir al hospital ya mismo!
Since we're both going to the hospital, I want to ride with you.
Ya que ambos vamos al hospital, iré contigo.
O'Brian! We're going to the hospital.
Tenemos que ir al hospital.
We're going out to the hospital.
Estamos saliendo hacia el hospital.
We're at the hospital Everything's going to be OK.
Estamos en el hospital. Todo saldrá bien.
Now, we're going to the next hospital, with or without you.
Iremos al hospital más cercano, contigo o sin ti.
- We're going to the hospital.
- Vamos a ir al hospital.
We're going to the hospital.
Iremos al hospital.
We're going down to Mount Sinai Hospital. See, they hire actors to help the students practise diagnosing.
En el hospital Mount Sinai contratan actores para que los estudiantes practiquen.
Mary, we're going to get you to the hospital straightaway.
Vámonos corriendo al hospital.
We gotta get Eric's dad out of there and keep him someplace safe. We're going to the hospital.
Vamos al hospital.
- We're going to the hospital.
- Iremos al hospital.
- We're going to the emergency room.
- Vamos al hospital.
We're going to the hospital now.
Vamos ahora para el hospital.
We're going to get you to the closest hospital where we can make sure this kid is born safe.
Al hospital más cercano para que el niño nazca sin problemas.
We ´ re going to Alex in the hospital.
Vamos a ver a Alex al hospital.
We're going to renew construction on the hospital.
Vamos a reanudar la construcción del hospital.
We're going to have to get her to the hospital.
Hay que llevarla al hospital.
As I was saying, all the proceeds from the auction go to the children's hospital, and we're going to be offering some lovely pieces which I think would like very nice in that inn of yours.
Como te decía, lo que se obtenga de la subasta ira al hospital de niños, y yo voy a donar algunas cosas y creo que quedaría muy bonito en tu hotel.
We're going to the hospital, wanna come?
- Iremos al hospital, ¿ quieres venir?
- Okay, dude, we're going to the hospita I right now.
- Bueno, amigo. ¡ Iremos al hospital ya mismo!
- We're going to the hospita I dude!
¡ Iremos al hospital!
We're going to get you to the hospital.
¡ Tengan cuidado!
We're going to raise money for the hospital, to buy a sofa in John's name.
Recaudaremos dinero para comprarle al hospital un sillón en nombre de John.
We're not going to hear from the hospital for a while.
No vamos a tener noticias del hospital en un buen rato.
We're going to the hospital.
Nos vamos al hospital.
I'm afraid, men we're going to have to take all these little cars to the toy hospital.
Me temo, caballeros que vamos a tener que llevar todos estos autitos al hospital de juguetes.
We're here to help. I'm going to get you to the hospital, okay?
Vamos a llevarla al hospital ¿ bien?
Come on, Jake. We're going back to the hospital right now.
Venga Jake, volvemos al hospital.
- We're going to the hospital.
- Lo llevaremos al hospital. - Despierta.
We're going to the hospital!
¡ Vamos al hospital!

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