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We're going to war traduction Espagnol

197 traduction parallèle
We're going to war!
Iremos a la guerra.
We're going to war.
Iremos a la guerra.
I think they think we're going to war.
Creo, que ellos creen, que iremos a la guerra.
She keeps telling me we're going to get into this war.
Dice que acabaremos entrando en esta guerra.
And in the meantime, we're going to hold up the war.
Mientras tanto, vamos a detener la guerra.
What do you mean? - We're going to teach him total war.
Vamos a enseñarle lo que es la guerra total.
Marjorie, we're all going to be in this war before long :
Marjorie, pronto estaremos todos en esta guerra.
I tell you, Fred, my missus is getting proper fed up. We're going to have a war.
Fred : mi patrona anda alterada y apuesto que va a haber guerra.
Say your president said that you're fighting this war so there won't have to be any more wars, and that when we get through with it, we're going to sit down with other people who feel as we do
Díganle que su Presidente ha dicho que están luchando en esta guerra para que no haya más guerras. Y que cuando acabemos...,... nos sentaremos con gentes de otros países que piensen como nosotros y elaboraremos algún plan que haga innecesario que jóvenes...
We're not going to war, Kim, we're on maneuvers.
No vamos a la guerra, Kim, estamos haciendo maniobras.
And we're not going to get any more while the Civil War is on.
Y no vamos a conseguir más mientras la Guerra Civil siga.
Well, that means we're going to be in the war, sooner or later.
Eso significa que entraremos en guerra tarde o temprano.
You're going to tell me that somewhere around that bend, we're going to run into a war party of sioux!
¡ Vas a decirme que en algún lugar por aqui vamos a ser parte de una guerra contra los sioux!
We're going to war, aren't we?
Iremos a la guerra, ¿ no es así?
If you don't do as I ask, we're going to have a war.
Si no haces lo que digo, tendremos una guerra.
We're not going to start another one hundred years war, are we?
No vamos a empezar otra guerra de los cien años.
We're going to establish what the war cost us, write it down neatly, then ask for peace. Period.
Hacemos un balance de las pérdidas, perfilamos el plan y pedimos la paz.
You just see you run a taut ship, Commander, because in this little war, we're going to need one.
Sólo vea de manejar un barco que tire, comandante, porque en esta pequeña guerra vamos a necesitarlo.
Let's go! You try that again, friend, and we're going to war.
Vuelve a hacer eso, amigo, y habrá guerra.
They're going to work with our Philadelphia Corps. And if war comes, by George, we're going to be ready.
Trabajarán con la Fuerza de F ¡ ladelf ¡ a y s ¡ vamos a la guerra, estarán I ¡ stos.
We're going to take over the war room.
Vamos a tomar la Sala de Guerra.
Damn it, Richthofen, we're going to lose this war!
Maldita sea, Richthofen, ¡ vamos a perder la guerra!
We're not going to start a war!
No vamos a empezar una guerra!
And until the war is over we're all going to be neuter.
Y hasta que no termine, todos seremos de género neutro.
A fortnight later they were allowed to open again. ( ♪ band plays "We're Going to Hang Out the Washing on the Siegfried Line" ) In spite of total war, there were nearly a million and a half unemployed.
En la siguiente quincena se permitió que los abrieran nuevamente. A pesar de que la guerra ya se había declarado, habia cerca de un millón y medio de desempleados.
We're going to tell you about some events of the last spring of the war.
Le contaremos sobre algunos acontecimientos de la primavera de la guerra.
Farewell, our dears, We're going to war.
Adiós, queridas mías, nos vamos a combatir.
We're going to war, we may not return, let me kiss you at least once.
Vamos a combatir, en la guerra, quizás no regresemos, permítenos besarte una vez.
He struck my lawyer! You try that with me, and we're going to war!
- ¡ Pegó a mi abogado!
We're going back to war.
Regresamos a la guerra.
We're going to war.
Vamos a hacer la guerra.
We're going to war.
Vamos a la guerra.
We're going to war, men.
Vamos a la guerra, tíos.
Look, Johnson, you think we're going to win this war if we're ahead another 50 yards, huh?
Mira Johnson, ¿ crees que vamos a ganar esta guerra si avanzamos otros 46 metros?
If we're going to have a war, I wish they'd start.
SI vamos a entrar en guerra que empiece.
Like he said, we're going to win that war.
¡ Y como él dijo, ganaremos la guerra!
Spit in the face? We're never going to let the people forget that war!
¡ No dejaremos que los americanos se olviden de esta guerra!
We're not going to war.
- No vamos a la guerra.
Call mommies together, we're going to war.
Junten a toda la familia.
- We're going to war.
- Vanos a la guerra..
The size and re-enacting Çivil War battles and going back to this time period but we were shooting in the places it all happened.
Reconstruimos batallas de la Guerra Çivil y volvimos a aquel período aunque rodamos donde ocurrió todo.
We always say, you're going to war, would you want him behind you covering your flank?
Siempre decimos, estás por ir a la guerra, ¿ lo quieres a esé detrás de ti para cubrir tu flanco?
This war, which we're going to win, will lead to a sordid world...
Ya que esta guerra que ganaremos, nos llevará a un mundo sórdido.
We've not used nukes in this war yet and we're not going to use them now.
No se han usado nucleares en esta guerra y no lo haremos ahora.
Okay. But I do know we're not going to win this war with a bunch of amateurs.
Pero no vamos a ganar con unos aficionados.
We're talking about two nations going to war.
Estamos hablando de dos naciones que irán a la guerra.
We're going to war!
¡ A la guerra!
The only way we're going to survive this war is to organize the League... the Narns and as many other races as possible into a cohesive, offensive force.
La única forma de sobrevivir a esta guerra es organizando a la Liga... los narn y todas las razas que podamos en una fuerza conjunta de ataque.
If we're going to put an end to this war we've got to break resistance in his heart.
Si vamos a poner fin a esta guerra, hay que vencer la resistencia en su corazón.
We're going to war.
Vamos a ir a la guerra.
We didn't start this war, but we're damn sure going to end it.
Nosotrosnola empezamos, pero la vamosaacabar.

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