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We're going to win traduction Espagnol

288 traduction parallèle
Well, we're going to win.
¿ Vamos a ganar?
Tomorrow, we're going to win for sure.
Total, mañana vamos a ganar seguro...
We're going to win, darling.
Ganaremos, querida.
It means we're going to win.
Significa que ganaremos.
If LewisChase don't win this one we're hocking our law books and going to the beach.
Si Lewis y Chase no ganan este empeñaremos nuestros manuales de derecho y nos iremos a la playa.
We're going to win the Gold Cup at Longchamps.
Ganaremos la Copa de Oro en Longchamp.
We're going to win, Max. We're going to win!
Vamos a ganar, Max. ¡ Vamos a ganar!
We're going to win, Max.
Cualquier imbécil sabe que una mujer no compite con...
We're going to win!
Sé lo que le pasa a Ud.
We're going to win!
¡ Vamos a ganar!
We're going to win?
Vamos a ganar, ¿ verdad?
And they're certainly going to ask us The reason why we didn't win The Croix de Guerre
Y nos van a preguntar la razón por la que no ganamos la Cruz de Guerra
Times have changed, we're not going to win this time.
Los tiempos han cambiado ; no vamos a ganar esta vez.
If we do win, we're going to wreck this fucking establishment and this fucking game.
Si ganamos, acabaremos con el Sistema y destruiremos este jodido juego.
We want to know who you're voting for and who you believe is going to win
Queríamos saber cuáles son sus preferencias y quién cree Ud. que va a ganar.
Well... and I think that it was wonderful and that we're going to win
Bueno... y encuentro que estuvo estupendo y que vamos a ganar.
A referendum and we're going on to win the elections.
Plebiscito y vamos a ganar las elecciones.
I think we're finally going to win a game.
Creo que por fin vamos a ganar un partido.
And we're not just going out there to win, we're going out there for glory.
No saldremos solamente a ganar. Saldremos a conquistar la gloria.
We're going to the Super Bowl to win.
Vamos a ganar la Super Copa.
We're going to the Super Bowl to win. - Sure.
Vamos a ganar la Super Copa.
We're going to win this one.
Podemos ganar esta.
As a matter of fact, we're going to win, and I'm so sure of it... we should make this fight winner take all!
De hecho, vamos a ganar. Estoy segura... ¡ Acordemos que el que gane, se lleve todo!
We're going to win!
¡ Ganaremos!
Come on... oh, we're going to win.
¡ Vamos! ... oh, vamos a ganar.
We're going to win, you know.
va a ganar, ya sabes.
Well, we can count on all our Italian friends. They're not going to let Kappler win out.
Contamos con nuestros amigos italianos, ellos no permitirán que gane Kappler.
We're not going to win the election by ourselves.
No vamos a ganar la elección nosotros solos.
I think that I can guarantee you that we're going to win.
Creo que puedo garantizarte que vamos a ganar.
We're going to have to win it ourselves.
Debemos ganarla nosotros mismos.
Look, Johnson, you think we're going to win this war if we're ahead another 50 yards, huh?
Mira Johnson, ¿ crees que vamos a ganar esta guerra si avanzamos otros 46 metros?
Do you think we're going to win this by turning the other cheek?
¿ Crees que vamos a ganar poniendo la otra mejilla?
Then if I win, we ´ re going straight back to the juujinkai!
Si yo gano, volveremos los dos al reino de los demonios.
Now, um, until you win, we're going to be scarce on funds, so, we'd really appreciate it if you could move in with us to save us on food and housing expenses.
Ahora bien, hasta que gane, tendremos muy pocos fondos así que le agradeceríamos que se mudara con nosotras para ahorrarnos su comida y alquiler.
That's why we're going to win in Vietnam.
¡ Por eso ganaremos en Vietnam!
Like he said, we're going to win that war.
¡ Y como él dijo, ganaremos la guerra!
We're going to win that fight.
Ganaremos ésta pelea.
But if the driver doesn't trust you, we're never going to win a race.
Pero si el piloto no confía en ti, nunca vamos a ganar una carrera.
We're going to win if you do as he says.
Vamos a ganar si haces como él dice.
We're going to win.
We're not going to win that talent contest with lazy legs.
No vamos a ganar el consurso de talentos con piernas flojas.
We're going to win this one.
Vamos a ganar este partido.
We're going to win now!
Vamos a ganar el partido ahora mismo.
We're going to win.
¡ Estamos ganando! LOCAL 030 VISITANTE 002
We're not going to win this battle with torpedoes.
No ganaremos esta batalla con torpedos.
Not only do we get to openly run around in our true forms if we win, then whatever we want, we will be free to take! We're the ones who are going to win!
Entonces la barrera del castillo de Hades fue la razón Por la que pudiste derrotar a Milo y Aioria sin problemas.
Before we're done we're going to win lots of these things.
Antes de que acabemos vamos a ganar muchos premios.
This war, which we're going to win, will lead to a sordid world...
Ya que esta guerra que ganaremos, nos llevará a un mundo sórdido.
Okay. But I do know we're not going to win this war with a bunch of amateurs.
Pero no vamos a ganar con unos aficionados.
But this one we're going to win.
Pero esta batalla la ganaremos.
We're going to win a bunch of potatoes!
Vamos a ganar unas patatas.

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