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We're not dating traduction Espagnol

221 traduction parallèle
We're not dating, we're rightfully married, but we just didn't have a religious ceremony as yet.
No somos novios, somos esposos, pero todavía no nos casamos.
Technically not dead, but we're not dating.
Técnicamente no Muerta, pero no estamos juntos.
You've seen me naked. We're not even dating.
Me has visto desnuda sin ser novios.
We're not running a dating service.
Esto no es una agencia matrimonial.
Shawn, we're not even dating.
Shawn, ni siquiera estamos saliendo.
We're not dating, it's a fuck thing.
No estamos saliendo. Es sólo cama.
- Mom, we're not dating.
Mamá, no estamos saliendo.
We're not... dating.
No salimos juntos.
Prue, just because we're not dating anymore, I want you to know I still care about you.
Prue, aunque ya no estemos saliendo quiero que sepas que aún me importas.
It's, it's not like we're dating or anything.
No es que salgamos ni nada así.
I mean, we're not even dating.
Ni siquiera estamos saliendo.
We're putting a team together, not a dating pool.
Estamos reuniendo un equipo, no estableciendo posibles romances.
It's not'cause we're not dating.
No es porque dejamos de vernos.
- We're not dating.
- No es una cita.
That we're not even dating officially yet, and the cycle has begun anew.
En que nunca hemos tenido una cita oficial todavía, y el ciclo se ha vuelto repetitivo.
- No, we're not dating.
- ¡ No! ¡ No estamos saliendo!
- We're not dating.
- No somos novios.
It gets harder as we get older... because we're not dating wildly inappropriate people anymore.
Se hace más duro con la edad... porque ya no sales con gente tan inapropiada.
No, no, no. We're not dating.
No, no, no \ ~ No estamos saliendo.
So we're not dating?
¿ Na da de citas?
I can't ask for more time We're not supposed to be dating
No puedo. Acordamos no salir con nadie.
Grandma Kong we're not dating
Abuela Kong, no estamos en una cita.
we're not here to scout for dating prospects.
no estamos aquí para explorar las perspectivas de citas.
- Well, we're not dating.
- No, no estamos saliendo.
We're not dating.
No estamos saliendo juntos.
Well, I'd like to know if she'd be okay about it... because if she is not, a couple of months of hot dating is all we're ever going to be.
Pues me gustaría saber si está de acuerdo... porque si no, sólo serán un par de meses de citas ardientes.
We're not exclusive, right? We're just, like, dating or whatever.
Nuestra relación es como si estuviéramos saliendo, pero...
No, we're not dating!
No, no estamos saliendo!
We're not dating.
No estamos saliendo.
Besides, we're not exactly going to be dating in the mean time, you know?
Como hablamos. Además, no vamos a estar quedando hasta entonces, ya sabes.
But you're his father, and if you're not comfortable with Owen dating me and tutoring Matthew then we can find another therapist for him
Pero tú eres el padre, y si te pone incómodo que Owen salga conmigo y que atienda a Matthew podemos buscarle otro terapeuta.
Now that we're not together anymore... it's inevitable we're gonna start dating other people.
Ahora que ya no estamos juntos es inevitable que salgamos con otros.
It's just now that we're not together anymore... it's inevitable we'll start dating other people.
Ahora que ya no estamos juntos es inevitable que salgamos con otros.
Besides, we're not dating.
Además, no estamos saliendo.
- We're not dating.
- No estamos saliendo.
We're not dating exactly.
No nos estamos viendo, exactamente.
We're not dating. So how about it?
¿ Qué te parece?
He gets that we're young and just started dating, and he's not interested in our being serious.
Sabe que somos jóvenes y acabamos de empezar a salir... Y no le interesa si vamos en serio.
So we're kissing, but we're not dating?
Entonces nos besamos, pero no salimos?
Sadly, we're the police, not the dating police.
Somos la policía, no inspectores del amor.
We're not dating we're engaged.
No estamos saliendo, estamos prometidos.
No, I do not have time right now. And just because we're dating does not mean that you get a sexual season pass.
No, no es en un buen momento ahora, y sólo porque nosotros estemos saliendo no significa que tengas un "abono de temporada sexual"
We're not really married, we're not friends, we're not dating, there's nothing sure between us.
No estamos realmente casados, no somos amigos, no estamos saliendo, no hay nada seguro entre nosotros.
So we're kissing, but we're not dating?
¿ Así que, nos besamos pero no estamos saliendo?
So I'm asking you to consider the slim possibility - before we turn our neighbors in to the police based on theories that are difficult, if not impossible to prove ; before we embarrass our daughter in front of her friends, before we label respected members of the community as future child murderers - that perhaps you've taken a dream you had about a case from a year ago and mixed it up with the anxiety you're having about your oldest daughter wanting to begin dating boys, and projected that onto the boy's father.
Entonces te pido que consideres hasta la mínima posibilidad antes de que denunciemos a nuestros vecinos a la policía basados en teorías que son difíciles, si no imposibles de probar antes de avergonzar a nuestra hija frente a sus amigos antes de etiquetar a miembros respetables de la comunidad eso porque has tenido un sueño que tuviste sobre un caso de hace un año y lo mezclaste con la ansiedad que estás teniendo sobre nuestra hija mayor esperando empezar a salir con chicos y proyectaste eso en el padre del chico.
And he's not gonna care that we're dating or Whatever.
Y no le importará que estemos saliendo o algo.
No, Ryan, it's just that... there's this guy that I work with, and we're not really dating or anything, but we've become close.
No, Ryan, es sólo que... hay un chico que trabaja conmigo y no estamos saliendo realmente, pero estamos conociéndonos.
- We're not even dating anymore.
- Ya ni siquiera salimos juntos.
- Anchorage is a long way to come for a date. - Oh, we're not dating.
- Anchorage está lejos para venir por una cita.
Uh, we're not dating.
Ah... No estamos saliendo.
We're not dating.
- No estamos saliendo.

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