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We're not going home traduction Espagnol

127 traduction parallèle
We're going to stay out all night and we're not going home until they come to us and apologise.
- Pasaremos la noche fuera de casa. No regresaremos hasta que vengan a pedirnos perdón.
- We're not going home yet.
- No vamos a casa.
We're not going home.
No nos vamos a casa.
We're not going home just yet.
Aún no nos vamos a casa, lléveme...
No. We're not going home.
No, nos vamos a casa.
Now we've still got a three-hour drive back. We're not going to be home until after midnight.
Todavía nos quedan 3 horas de viaje llegaremos a casa después de medianoche.
You trying to tell me we're not going home?
¿ Estás por decirme que no regresemos a casa?
We're not going back home, we're going somewhere else.
No vamos de vuelta a casa, vamos a otra parte.
We're not just going home.
No nos quedaremos de brazos cruzados.
Don't say we're not going to take the car home.
No digas que no devolveremos el auto.
Please don't say we're not going to take the car home.
Por favor, no digas que no devolveremos el auto.
- We're not going home now.
- ¡ No nos iremos ahora!
In half a chromon we're not going to have a sorceress to go home to.
En medio chromon no vamos a tener una hechicera para ir a casa.
We're not going to the beach, we're going home.
No vamos a ir a la playa, nos vamos a casa.
We're not going back home... sir.
No volveremos a casa. Señor.
All right, now, pretend we're not going home together.
Aw, vuelve Al. En realidad puedo hacer muchas cosas.
No, Michel. No iremos a casa.
No, we're not going home.
No, no volvemos a casa.
Yes, we're not going home.
No vayamos a casa. Esperemos aquí.
So we're not going home, right?
Entonces no vamos a casa, ¿ verdad?
- We're not. - We're going to get you home first.
- Vamos a acompañarte primero.
We're not going home.
No vamos a casa.
We're going home, Loki... and no one, not you, not even the Almighty Himself... is gonna make that otherwise.
Iremos a casa, Loki... y nadie, ni tú, ni el Todopoderoso mismo... hará que sea diferente.
It means they're going home and we're not.
Eso significa que ellos iran a casa y nosotros no.
I'm telling you guys we're not going to want to go home.
Se los digo, no vamos a querer irnos a casa.
You're not going. You're going home, where you'll wait for me to call and tell you what, if anything, we found.
Vas a irte a casa donde esperarás mi llamada... diciéndote qué encontramos, si es que encontremos algo.
- No, we're not going home.
- No, no nos vamos.
We're not going home.
No volvemos a casa.
If we lose, you know, one of us, one of the four, are going home, and you're not going anywhere.
Si perdemos, bueno, uno de nosotros, uno de los cuatro se va a casa. Y tú no irás a ninguna parte.
- We're not going home...
- No iremos a casa.
Either way, we're not going home.
De otro modo no nos iremos de aquí
Yep, right, we're probably not going home tonight.
Sí. Bueno, probablemente no iremos a casa esta noche.
You know, actually, if we're not going to take Cohen home, we could stay here.
¿ Sabes? , en realidad si no llevamos a Cohen a casa, nos podemos quedar aquí.
Guys, we're not talking about... going to some nursing home and singing for people who have no teeth left.
Exacto. Pero no se trata de ir a un asilo a cantarle a gente sin dientes.
Then she said we're not going home until we reach a verdict.
Después dijo que no podemos ir a casa hasta que no tengamos un veredicto.
We're not going anywhere but home.
No vamos a cualquier lugar pero a casa.
We're not going to be able to go home for a while.
No vamos a poder volver a casa por un tiempo.
We're not going home!
¡ No iremos a casa!
One moment please... we're not going home yet not for a long time
Un momento por favor... todavía no vamos a casa no por un largo tiempo
J.D., we're talking about kids, not going home to a house full of old folks.
J.D., hablamos de niños, no de llegar a una casa llena de viejos.
Except we're not going to our home. We're gonna go stay with grandma.
Excepto que no vamos a volver a nuestra casa nos iremos a quedar con la abuela.
You're such a good friend. I got her a present, but since we're not close I'm just going home to get ready for my date.
Le compré un regalo, pero como no tenemos mucha relación iré a casa a prepararme para mi cita.
Now we're not gonna bother going home and writing any cos hey... what are the fucking odds now?
Y ni vamos a escribir algo pues cuáles son las putas oportunidades que aparezca otro igual?
Look, we're not going home, are we?
Mira, no volveremos a casa, ¿ verdad?
We're not going home.
No volveremos a casa.
No! We're not going home.
No, no nos vamos a ir.
If we're not going to work any better we may as well go home.
Si no vas a trabajar nada mejor que puede también ir a casa.
We're not going home till somebody hears us.
No volveremos a casa hasta alguien Nos escuche.
We're not going home.
No iremos a casa.
If we're not home, they're going to call the police.
Si no regresamos a casa llamarán a la policía.
- We're not - no, we're not going home.
Quiero ver a estos bailarines.

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