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We're not going to traduction Espagnol

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Well, that's not how we're going to do it.
Bueno, así no es como lo hacemos nosotros.
We're not going to kill him.
No vamos a matarlo.
Which we're certainly not going to get.
Que os aseguro que no vamos a conseguir.
Relax, we're not going to harm you.
Tranquila, no te vamos a hacer nada.
- We're still going to fight on Black Friday, just not with you.
Nosotros seguimos yendo a luchar el Viernes Negro, pero no con vosotros.
- There's another army out there who thinks they're better than us, and we are not going to be beat by the traitor whore kenny.
Ah, Dios... Ahí fuera hay otro ejército que cree que es mejor que nosotros, y no va a ganarnos la puta traidora de Kenny.
Miss Peterson... we're not going to be colleagues or teammates or whatever hope they dangled to get you to take the job.
Srta. Peterson... no vamos a ser colegas o compañeros o lo que sea que le hayan prometido para que aceptara el cargo.
We're not going to meet up with other soldiers, are we?
No vamos a encontrarnos con otros soldados, ¿ verdad?
- We're not going to allow them to derail our agenda... - Sure. You know, I'm not gonna apologize, but I have to give it to you, counselor.
, no voy a disculparme... pero tengo que reconocértelo, abogado.
We're not going to lose face.
No vamos a quedar mal.
We're not going to make it.
No lo lograremos.
We're not going to look at Hansel and Gretel's handbag or something?
¿ No iremos a ver el bolso de "Hansel y Gretel" o algo así?
We're not really going to do this, are we?
¿ En serio no vamos a hacerlo?
We're not going to.
No vamos a hacerlo.
Since we're in bed and this isn't a business dealing, I'm going to pretend we're a normal couple and not automatically suspect you and your coworkers of committing election fraud. Again.
Como estamos en la cama y no es un negocio voy a ser normal y no voy a pensar que tus amigos y tú cometieron otro fraude electoral.
Rudolph's gonna see another christmas, we're not going to kill the reindeer.
Rudolph podrá ver otras navidades, no vamos a matar a los renos.
No, we're not going to your sister's house for Christmas or doing one of those big summer things at the lake or getting a picture made with everybody while people are still alive.
No, no iremos a casa de tu hermana para Navidad, ni haremos en el verano una de esas cosas junto al lago, ni nos tomaremos una fotografía con todos mientras la gente sigue viva.
We're Not Going to Bailey's Harbor "
We're Not Going to Bailey's Harbor "
- Elaine, please. We're not going to Baileys Harbor.
Elaine, por favor... no vamos a ir a Baileys Harbor.
And we're not going to take no for an answer.
Y no vamos a aceptar un no por respuesta.
Peter, we're not going to a water park.
Peter, no vamos a un parque acuático.
We're not going to help you.
No vamos a ayudarle.
We're not going to the court prison, right?
No vamos a la cárcel de corte, ¿ verdad?
Yes, but... It's barely been two days, and not to mention we're going without any warning.
Sí, pero todavía no ha pasado ni dos días, y además estamos yendo sin ningún aviso.
We're not going to the hospital.
No iremos al hospital.
I hope you're not going to carry on with Zoe while we're all under the same roof.
Espero que no vayas a hacer cosas con Zoe, ya que estamos todos bajo el mismo techo.
We're not going to be able to get out of this one.
No vamos a poder salir de esta.
We're not going to sell this product to your friends.
No vamos a vender Enviar este artículo a tus amigos.
And you're not going to believe this, but we've heard the Washington Post is going to say you're an active part of Ricky Ross'defense... that your involvement verges on complicity and that you and Ricky Ross are telling this fairy tale together.
Y no vas a creer esto, pero hemos oído que el Washington Post va a decir que eres un activo parte de la defensa de Ricky Ross que tu participación raya en la complicidad y que tú y Ricky Ross están diciendo este cuento de hadas juntos.
Bill, we're not going to kill them, OK?
Phil, no lo vamos a matar, ¿ Bien?
We are going to play my way, with no audience you're not just going to lose.... and no distractions!
- Si no te metes en el juego... - ¡ Jugaremos a mi manera... - No solo perderás sin público ni distracciones!
We're not going to press charges, Mr. Bernstein, providing that you make other arrangements for these young men.
- Está bien. No presentaremos cargos, señor Bernstein siempre que los jóvenes se hospeden en otro lugar.
Ahhhh! We're not going to hurt you!
¡ No vamos a hacerte daño!
We're going to leave here, not as Christine and Ben but as Christine and Mike.
Vamos a vivir aquí no como Christine y Ben sino como Christine y Mke.
It may not be, and we're going to find out.
Quizá no lo sea, lo descubriremos.
Well, considering the situation, which of course we're not going to speak about, I think we ought to just help the actors get through this, like getting to the end of a long, dark tunnel, rather than try to follow some accepted directorial rules.
Bueno, tomando en cuenta la situación de la que no nos referiremos, creo que debemos ayudar a los actores a completar esto, como llegar al final de un largo y oscuro túnel, en vez de intentar segui r las guías del director.
We're not going to talk at all We're all talked out.
- No vamos a hablar de nada. Ya lo hemos dicho todo.
We're not going to jail.
No iremos a la cárcel.
No, we're not going to any perimeter.
- No iremos por ningún lado.
And we're not going to tell her, are we?
Y no le vamos a decir, ¿ verdad?
Besides, I'm not going to watch it without you, so if you don't either, we'll have a six-week break while you're in California.
Además, no voy a verlo sin ti, y tú tampoco. Ya descansaremos seis semanas mientras estés en California.
We're not going to hurt you.
¡ No te haremos daño!
So it's not as much about backwoods as we're going to have to go to the backwoods to find the password.
No es que me interese "backwoods"... sino que tenemos que ir para encontrar la contraseña.
Well, he's going to figure out that we're not back eventually.
Bueno, él va a averiguar que no estamos de vuelta con el tiempo.
We're not going to Boston.
No iremos a Boston.
We're not going to get caught.
No nos atraparán.
Darling, I promised Roya that we're going to have grandchildren before too long, and you're not going to disappoint us, are you?
Cariño, me prometió Roya que vamos a tener nietos antes de mucho tiempo, y usted no va a decepcionarnos, ¿ verdad?
We're not going to talk about Emily
No vamos a hablar de Emily
I guess we're not going to that club tomorrow night, huh?
Supongo que mañana por la noche no volveremos a ese club, ¿ no?
We're not going to police headquarters, are we?
¿ No vamos a la jefatura de policía, verdad?
- We're not going to see Lenore.
- No iremos a ver a Lenore.

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