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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ W ] / We're not going to hurt you

We're not going to hurt you traduction Espagnol

80 traduction parallèle
- We're not going to hurt you.
- No vamos a lastimarte.
We don't want to hurt you, but you're not going to tell Rainey.
No queremos lastimarla, pero no hablará con Rainey.
Don't be afraid, we're not going to hurt you.
¡ No tengas miedo! No vamos a hacerte daño.
I'm telling you, we're not going to get hurt unless we find the real secret of this place.
Yo te digo que no va a pasarnos nada a no ser que encontremos el secreto de este lugar.
We're not going to hurt you.
No vamos a lastimarlos.
We're not going to hurt you!
¡ No vamos a lastimarlos!
It's all right. We're not going to hurt you.
Tranquilo, no le haremos daño.
We're not going to hurt you.
No te vamos a lastimar.
Lady, we're not going to hurt you!
¡ Señora, no vamos a hacerle daño!
We're not going to hurt you.
- No te haremos daño.
We're not going to hurt you.
No le haremos daño.
We're not going to hurt you.
No vamos a lastimarlas.
We're not going to hurt you.
No lo vamos a lastimar.
We're not going to hurt you.
No te vamos a hacer daño.
Avik, we're not going to hurt you.
Avik, no te lastimaremos.
We're not going to hurt you and I will explain everything.
No te haremos daño y te lo explicaré todo.
We're not going to hurt you. We just want to know why you...
No vamos a lastimarlo sólo queremos saber porque ud...
We're not going to hurt you.
¡ Por favor!
We're not going to hurt you.
No vamos a hacerte daño.
It's all right. It's okay. We're not going to hurt you.
Todo está bien, no te haremos daño.
Look... as you can see it's not likely we're going to hurt you so just take anything you want, but if these two paddles touch...
Mira, como puedes ver, no es probable que vayamos a lastimarte, así que toma cualquier cosa que desees. Pero, si estos dos paneles se tocan...
We're not going to hurt you.
No queremos haceros ningún daño.
No vamos a hacerle daño.
We're not going to hurt you.
No vamos a lastimarte.
We're not going to hurt you.
No lo lastimaremos.
We're not going to hurt you! Hey! You two!
¡ No te vamos a hacer daño!
We're not going to hurt you, guys.
No vamos a lastimarlos, chicos.
We're not going to hurt you.
Nosotros no vamos a lastimarlo.
We're not going to hurt you.
No vamos a hacerte nada.
We're not going to hurt you ; we're the police.
No le haremos daño ; Somos la Policía.
- We're not going to hurt you!
- ¡ No vamos a lastimarte!
We're not going to hurt you.
No te lastimaremos.
We're not going to hurt you.
- No vamos a lastimarla.
The truth is, we're not going to hurt you.
La verdad es que no vamos a lastimarte.
We're not going to hurt you.
No te vamos a hacer nada.
All right, right, we're not going to hurt you.
No vamos a lastimarte.
Sasha, we're not going to hurt you.
Sasha, no estamos aquí para lastimarte.
Lilly, we're not going to hurt you, I'm promise you on my life.
Lilly, no te vamos a lastimar, te lo prometo por mi vida.
We're not going to hurt you, all right?
No las lastimaremos.
We're not going to hurt you.
No vamos a hacerle daño.
We're not going to hurt you.
No vamos a hacerte daño
Don't worry, we're not going to hurt you.
No te preocupes, no vamos a hacerte daño.
Because that's who he is : our dad, and we're not going to let you hurt him.
Porque es nuestro padre, y no vamos a permitirte que le hagas daño.
We're not going to hurt you.
No te van a lastimar.
We're not going to hurt you, I promise.
No vamos a hacerte daño, prometo.
Molly, we're not going to hurt you.
Molly, no vamos a lastimarte.
We're not going to hurt you.
No los lastimaremos.
We're not going to hurt you, you little freak!
¡ No te vamos a lastimar, niña rara!
Now, you don't have to worry, we're not going to hurt you.
Ahora, usted no tiene que preocuparse, que no vamos a hacerte daño.
We're not going to hurt you unless you try something stupid first, all right?
No vamos a lastimarte salvo que intentes algo estúpido, ¿ de acuerdo?
Relax. We're not going to hurt you.
No te haremos daño.

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