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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ W ] / We're not going to make it

We're not going to make it traduction Espagnol

142 traduction parallèle
We're not going to ruin that town. We're going to make it.
Haremos próspera a esta ciudad.
We're not going to make it.
... a ese follon sin nombre. Ni siquiera llegaremos alli.
We're not going to land and we'll never make it.
No aterrizaremos. No lo lograremos.
If we're not going to make love, why do you need to give me it?
Si no hacemos el amor, ¿ por qué tienes que dármelo?
We're not going to make it, Max.
No sobreviviremos, Max.
We're not going to make it for dinner at the San Fermín Embassy.
Que barbaridad. A ese paso no vamos... llegar a tiempo a la cena en la Embajada... de San Fermín.
Listen, we're not going to make it together see.
Está visto que a los dos juntos no nos llevan.
Well, I'm afraid we're not going to make it... to Valley Stream before the banks close.
Jamás llegaremos a Valley Stream antes de que cierre el banco.
- we're not going to make it!
- No lo vamos a lograr.
We're not going to make it, are we?
No lo vamos a conseguir, ¿ verdad?
! We're just not going to make it, are we?
No vamos a sobrevivir, ¿ verdad?
- We're not going to make it.
- No llegaremos a tiempo.
We're not going to make it!
No lo logrará.
Oh my God, we're not going to make it.
¡ Dios mío! No nos expongamos
Two... - We're not going to make it!
- ¡ No lo vamos a conseguir!
We got a job. Now. goddamn it. we're not going out there to make a good show or just put up a good fight.
No vamos a salir ahí a dar un espectáculo o a presumir de técnica.
- We're not going to make it.
- No lo lograremos.
We're not going to make it like this.
No lo conseguiremos así.
We're not going to make it.
No lo vamos a conseguir.
We're not going to make it!
- ¡ No lo conseguiremos!
We're not going to make it!
No vamos a lograrlo.
We're not going to make it!
¡ No vamos a salir de esta!
Now that the Kazon have stepped up their attacks, a lot of people think that we're not going to make it out of here alive.
Muchos pensamos que no saldremos vivos de aquí.
We're not going to make it.
No vamos a llegar.
"We're not going to make it."
"No lo lograremos".
We're not going to sell it... to your Korean friend for 5 million... when we can make £ 30 million at auction.
No la venderé por $ 5 millones de ganar $ 30 millones en una subasta.
We're not going to make it.
No vamos a hacerlo.
- We're not going to make it!
pero no lo conseguiremos, señor!
We're not going to make it!
¡ No saldremos a tiempo!
Oh, and, hey, if it's all right we're going to have Thanksgiving at Noel and Elena's just to make things more confusing. Speaking of making things more confusing my mother, who usually travels over Thanksgiving... has decided not to this year. Ah.
Y oye, si te parece bien, vamos a hacer el Día de Gracias en casa de Noel y Elena... sólo para confundir más las cosas.
- Then we're just going to make contact. We're not going to think. We're just going to let it fly, Scully, okay?
No hay que pensar, sólo hay que dejarla volar.
We're not going to make it to the Class-Y planet in one piece, which means that ship is our only hope.
No vamos a llegar al planeta clase Y enteros, lo cual significa que esa nave es nuestra única esperanza.
We're not going to make it!
¡ No lo lograremos!
We're not going to make it... are we?
¿ No vamos a lograrlo... ¿ verdad?
Miep... we're not going to make it.
Tendra un mal final. Estoy segura de ello ahora.
No servirá, no llegará a fondo!
Esta tormenta será verdaderamente perra!
We're not going to make it out of here, are we?
No saldremos de aquí con vida, ¿ cierto?
- We're not going to make it!
- ¡ No vamos a lograrlo!
We're not going to make it.
No lo vamos a lograr.
If you're not going to join us we'll make it so you can't join anybody
Si no te unes a nosotras lo haremos para que no te puedas unir a nadie.
We're not going to make it to the riverbed.
No estamos yendo hacia el cauce del rio.
According to my calculations, we're not going to make it in time.
Según mis cálculos, no vamos a llegar a tiempo.
- We're not going to make it.
No vamos a conseguirlo.
We're not going to make it out before the quake. We're going to die in this parking lot.
Si no nos vamos rápido, vamos a morir.
We're not going to make it out of here.
No vamos a salir de aquí.
All right, we're not going to make it.
De acuerdo, no vamos a conseguirlo.
I'm no happier doing this than you are but we're not going to make a habit of it.
No estoy más feliz por hacer esto que tú pero no vamos a convertirlo en un hábito.
It means we're not going to make it as a couple, Sean.
Significa que no duraremos como pareja, Sean.
We're not going to make it.
No lo vamos a conseguir
At the rate we`re going, we might not make it long enough to see the sun rise.
A este paso, dudo que sobrevivamos para ver el amanecer.

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