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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ W ] / We're not moving

We're not moving traduction Espagnol

335 traduction parallèle
We're not moving! No one's running us out.
Nadie nos echará de aquí.
- We're not moving either.
- Nosotros tampoco nos movemos.
We're not moving to New York.
No nos mudamos a Nueva York.
We're not moving.
No nos movemos del campo.
- We're not moving in with your father.
- ¡ Y no nos mudaremos con tu padre!
We're not moving anything up to the mole until we get definite orders.
No iremos hacia la topera hasta que tengamos las órdenes definitivas.
- Really... we're not even moving.
- Tranquilícese ni siquiera nos movemos.
- We're not moving.
- No nos moveremos.
We're not here moving couches!
¡ No estamos moviendo sofás!
We're not moving.
No estamos en movimiento,
We're not moving.
No nos moveremos de aquí.
- We should be moving, but we're not.
- Deberíamos movernos, pero no.
All systems are go, but we're not moving.
Sistemas encendidos pero no nos movemos.
Bougnat, we're not moving, but everything else is.
Bougnat, no nos movemos nosotros, sino lo demás.
- We're not moving.
- ¡ No nos movemos!
When the tail is not moving, it means the shark is sleeping... and we're quiet, but during the day... it moves at lot.
Cuando la cola no se mueve más, El tiburón duerme y estamos tranquilos, porque de día se mueve.
We're not moving.
No estamos avanzando.
We can`t risk it, not while they`re moving.
No nos arriesgaremos mientras están en movimiento.
- We're not moving after all.
- Al final no vamos a mudarnos.
- Honk all you want. We're not moving this hospital.
Aunque toque, no moveremos el hospital.
So what we got here is, you're moving a bunch of stuff you can't prove is yours... from a place that may or may not be your legal residence... in a vehicle that he can't prove is his.
Entonces están trasportando cosas que no pueden probar que sean suyas... de un lugar que quizá no sea su domicilio... en un vehículo que no pueden probar que es suyo.
We're not moving.
Está detenido.
We're not moving that much.
No nos hemos movido mucho.
What are you doing, we're not moving.
Qué estás haciendo, no nos movemos.
- We're not moving.
No nos estamos moviendo.
We're not moving.
No nos estamos moviendo.
- We're not even moving.
- Todavía no empezamos a andar.
We're not moving.
No nos mudaremos.
We're not moving. Why aren't we moving?
No nos movemos. ¿ Por qué no?
We're not moving.
No nos moveremos.
When we're not moving towards the water the wave pattern stays low... right here between five and 15 megahertz.
Cuando estamos lejos del agua, la onda pierde intensidad. Permanece entre 5 y 15 megahercios.
We're not moving.
No nos movemos.
No. Because we're moving and we're not gonna tell you where.
No, porque nos estamos moviendo y nosotros no vamos a decirte dónde.
We're not moving.
No nos vamos a mudar.
- Then how come we're not moving?
- ¿ Y por qué no nos movemos?
Goddamn it. we're not moving the ball.
Maldición, no estamos moviendo el balón.
I guess not. Since we're moving to France, what do you care?
Puesto que nos mudamos a Francia, ¿ de qué te preocupas?
We're not moving to Austin.
No nos vamos a ir a Austin.
We're not moving.
No nos vamos.
We're hydrating like crazy and his blood pressure's not moving.
Estamos hidratando y la presión no se mueve.
We're hydrating like crazy and his blood pressure's not moving.
Lo estamos hidratando y la presión no sube.
We're not moving.
Nosotros no nos movemos.
We're not moving out of the house.
No nos mudamos de la casa.
But we're not moving from your path.
Pero no nos moveremos de vuestra ruta.
I said we're not moving from your path.
No nos moveremos de vuestra ruta.
We're not moving!
¡ No nos moveremos!
We're not moving.
No avanzamos.
It's not like we need her, since I guess we're all moving on.
Ahora todos vamos a lo nuestro.
We're not moving until we've finished the song.
No nos moveremos hasta que hayamos terminado la canción.
What I believe is, we have to get moving, or we're not gonna reach our rendezvous point.
Creo que debemos irnos o no llegaremos al punto de reunión.
It would appear to me that we're not moving, Mr. Paris.
No nos movemos.

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