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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ W ] / We've got to find him

We've got to find him traduction Espagnol

154 traduction parallèle
Oh, I don't know, but we've got to find him.
No lo sé. Pero tenemos que encontrarlo.
We've got to find him.
Tenemos que encontrarlo.
We've got to find him.
- Hay que encontrarlo.
Whoever it was, we've got to find him before this night is over.
Quien sea, debemos encontrarlo antes del anochecer.
- We've got to find him a name.
- Debemos buscarle un nombre.
We've got to find some way to help him.
Tenemos que encontrar la forma de ayudarle.
I'm scared. we've got to find him.
Tengo miedo. Debemos hallarlo.
Even if we find him, we've got to be good to sell a butcher a steak.
Y aunque lo encontremos, hay que ser bueno para robarle a un ladrón.
We'll have to find a doctor who's willing to risk it, we'll have to get Frankie to him within an hour after the execution, and we've got to make sure there's no autopsy performed.
Tenemos que encontrar un doctor que esté dispuesto a arriesgarse, Tenemos que dárselo a Frankie una hora después de la ejecución, y tenemos que asegurarnos de que no se realiza la autopsia.
We've got to find a way to help him.
Debemos encontrar un modo de ayudarlo.
We've got to find him.
- Tenemos que encontrarlo.
We'd like to find him, but you've got to help us.
Nos gustaría encontrarle, pero tiene que ayudarnos.
We've got to find him.
Le estamos buscando.
We've got to find him and stop him ourselves!
¡ Tenemos que encontrarle y detenerle nosotros mismos!
- Tessie, we've got to find him.
- Tenemos que encontrarlo.
- We've got to find him.
- Tenemos que encontrarle.
- We've got to find him, Rick.
Hay que encontrarlo, Rick.
So all we've got to do now is to find where he's hiding, and give him to the police.
Sólo tenemos que encontrar dónde se oculta y entregarlo a la policía.
What else did they tell you about him? Oh, hurry, will you? We've got to find Ms. Cornelia!
Rápido, debemos encontrar a la Srta. Cornelia.
We've got to find him.
Tenemos que atraparle.
We've got to find him by dark.
Tenemos que encontrarle antes de que anochezca.
We've got to find him.
Tenemos que hallarlo, Gil.
Now we've got to get an agent inside the museum, find out who Bronzefinger is, and stop him.
Debemos poner un agente dentro del museo averiguar quién es Bronzefinger y detenerlo.
We've got to find him before he...
Tenemos que encontrarlo antes de que él...
Well, we've got to find him.
Tenemos que encontrarlo.
And unfortunately we've got to find him.
Y desafortunadamente, tenemos que encontrarlo.
I don't know, but we've got to find him.
- No lo sé, pero debemos encontrarlo. - Vaya suerte.
We've got to find out who kidnapped your prime minister and we've gotta get him back.
Tenemos que averiguar quién secuestró al primer ministro y rescatarlo.
We- - We've got to find him.
Tenemos que encontrarlo.
Well, even if he does know, that's all the more reason not to kill him. We've got to find out who he's contacted and what he's told them. Adam...
Adam puedo asegurarme de que coopere.
We've got to find him and stop him.
- Hay que encontrarlo y detenerlo.
We've got to find out what he took with him?
Tenemos que averiguar qué se llevo.
He's lying low somewhere and we've got to find him.
Se oculta en alguna parte y tenemos que encontrarlo.
We've got to find him before his... Appetite is whetted again.
Tenemos que encontrarle antes de que se le abra el apetito de nuevo.
We've got to find him right away.
Tenemos que encontrarlo, y rápido.
We've got to find him, do you understand?
¡ Tenemos que encontrarlo! ¿ Entiende?
We've got to find him before he kills someone.
¡ Tenemos que encontrarlo antes de que mate a alguien!
Then we've got to find him before General Finch does.
Entonces tenemos que encontrarlo antes que el General Finch lo haga.
We've got to find this Marlo, interrogate him.
Tenemos que echar mano a Marle, e interrogarle.
We've got to find him before that hearing tomorrow.
Tenemos que encontrarlo antes de la audiencia de mañana.
Look, we've got to find him.
Tenemos que encontrarle.
We've got to find him.
- Escúcheme.
- We've just got to find him.
No me suena.
We've got to find a way to move him out.
Hay que deshacerse de él.
We've got to get somebody to go out and find Anthony and bring him back.
Contratar a alguien que encuentre a Anthony y nos lo entregue.
- We've got to find him.
- Tenemos que encontrarlo.
Now we've got to find him before it's too late.
Ahora tenemos que encontrarlo antes de que sea demasiado tarde.
We've got to find him.
Tenemos que encontrarle.
- But we've got to find a way to keep him back off the e... - [Car Horn Honks]
Pero tenemos que encontrar el modo de apartarlo de...
We've got to find a way to get up there and get it from him.
Tenemos que encontrar la forma de subir y quitárselo.
The point is, we've got to go out there and find him if we can and bring him back.
El asunto es que debemos salir y encontrarlo, y traerlo de vuelta.

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