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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ W ] / We don't have a minute

We don't have a minute traduction Espagnol

80 traduction parallèle
We'll have'em here in a minute, if he don't have me down there.
Lo subiremos en un momento, si no me tira él.
Just a minute. Don't you think we ought to have
¿ Qué pasa ahora?
Now wait a minute. Look, why don't you go up and get out of that uniform, and we'll go out and have a drink some place.
Un momento, ¿ por qué no subes a cambiarte el uniforme y nos vamos a tomar una copa?
We don't have a minute to lose.
No tenemos ni un minuto que perder.
Now, just a minute, amigo. We don't have a deal yet.
Espera un minuto, amigo Aún no hemos cerrado trato
We don't have a minute to lose, Roger.
No podemos perder más tiempo.
We have a lot to do. I'm certain we'll find this madman, but we don't have a minute to lose.
- Estoy seguro de que encontraremos a este loco, pero no debemos perder tiempo.
We don't have a minute!
¡ No tenemos un minuto!
Wait a minute, we don't have to pay for this, do we?
- No tenemos que pagar, ¿ verdad?
- Hi. Fellas, have you got a minute? - No, we don't.
- Hola, muchachos, ¿ tienen un minuto?
Why don't we just have a seat over there for a minute?
¿ Por qué no nos sentamos ahí un rato?
Wait a minute, what do you mean, "We don't have much chance of winning"?
Espere un momento, ¿ Qué quiere decir con... "con que no tenemos muchas oportunidades de ganar"?
No tenemos un minuto. Ya vienen.
Wait a minute. We don't have to leave your father out here.
No tenemos que dejar a tu padre aquí afuera.
We don't have a minute to lose.
No tenemos tiempo que perder.
Now, come on. We don't have a minute to lose.
No tenemos un minuto que perder.
Harry... I don't doubt for a minute that you believe you're telling the truth, but we have to consider all the possibilities.
Harry, no me cabe la menor duda de que crees decir la verdad,
We don't have a minute!
- ¡ No lo tenemos!
But with the constant windstorms and flash floods oppressive heat and home schooling we don't have a minute free.
Pero con las constantes tormentas de viento las inundaciones el calor afixiante y los quehaceres domesticos no tenemos un minuto libre.
We don't have a minute!
¡ No hay tiempo!
- We don't have a minute.
No hay tiempo.
We don't have a minute.
No tenemos un minuto.
We don't have to make a decision right this minute.
No tenemos que tomar una decisión ahora mismo.
Wait a minute! If you don't always get what you want, then I guess we have one.
Si no consigues siempre lo que quieres entonces supongo que tenemos uno.
- We don't have a minute!
- ¡ No tenemos un minuto!
- We don't have a minute.
- No tenemos un minuto.
- We don't have a minute.
- No lo tenemos.
Why don't we let Priscilla have a minute to breathe.
- No puedo! No lo desgarres!
Wait a minute! We don't have time for this!
No tenemos tanto tiempo, tenemos que llegar a Nagasaki.
And every minute we spend trying is a minute we don't have, okay?
Cada minuto que dediquemos a tratar de hacerlo es un minuto que no tenemos, ¿ bien?
We don't have a minute, Earl!
¡ No tenemos un minuto, Earl!
Hold on a minute ; you ditch us, And we don't have the right to know if you got laid?
Te deshaces de nosotros, ¿ y no tenemos derecho a saber si te la cogiste?
Yeah, you know what? I have a client out there being chased by a killer zombie, so maybe we could just focus on that for, I don't know, a minute!
Tengo una cliente ahí afuera perseguida por un zombi asesino, así que quizás podríamos concentrarnos en eso por, no sé, un minuto.
I'm sorry, sir, we don't have a minute.
Lo siento, no podemos.
I hate to pressure you, Rodney, but I don't think we have a minute.
Odio presionarte, Rodney, pero no creo que tengamos un minuto.
[GASPS] That's a minute we don't have, Mr. Keller.
Es un minuto que no tenemos señor Keller.
In reality, we don't have to travel near the speed of light... to experience the distortions... caused by motion through time and space. They are with us every minute of the day.
En la practica, no hay necesidad de moverse a la velocidad de la luz, para sentir las distorsiones causado por el movimiento en el tiempo y el espacio estan con nosotros cada minuto del dia.
We don't have a minute, and you know this.
- No tenemos un minuto, y lo sabes.
Do you have any change? We'll sort the change out in a minute, don't worry.
Buscaremos cambio en un minuto, no te preocupes.
♪ And if you have a minute why don't we go ♪ ♪ Talk about it somewhere only we know? ♪
* Y si tienes un minuto, ¿ por qué no vamos * * a hablar de eso a algún lugar que solo nosotros conozcamos?
- Well hurry up, we don't have a minute to lose!
- Bueno, date prisea, no tenemos un minuto que perder.
I've instated a 10-minute minimum so we don't have to waste time with those two-pump Johnnys anymore.
Fijé un mínimo de diez minutos para no perder tiempo con los eyaculadores precoces.
We don't have a minute.
¡ No tenemos un minuto!
A minute we don't have.
Un minuto que no tenemos.
Now, look, you'll not be alone for a minute if you don't want to be, but we have to get it seen to.
Ahora, mire, no estará sola ni un minuto a no ser que quiera. pero tenemos que ir a que se lo vean.
Minute? I don't think we have a minute, man.
No creo que tengamos un minuto, hombre.
I don't think we have a minute, Dr. Hart.
No creo que tengo un minuto, Dra. Hart.
Don't worry, we'll have you out of here in a minute, so just...
No te preocupes, te sacaremos de aquí en un minuto, así que sólo...
I don't think we have enough footage, not for a 22-minute show.
No creo que tengamos suficiente material, no para un programa de 22 minutos.
We don't have a fucking minute!
¡ No tenemos un maldito minuto!
We don't have a minute!
¡ No tenemos un minuto! ¡ Hazlo ahora!

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