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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ W ] / We don't have to do that

We don't have to do that traduction Espagnol

419 traduction parallèle
Don't you realize that we have a lot of catching up to do?
¿ No te das cuenta de que tenemos mucho tiempo que recuperar?
No pretendo quejarme, pero parece que nunca tenemos la oportunidad de hacer nada juntos.
cause you don't have to know me when we get there. - what do you say to that son?
Y cuando nos encontremos harás cómo que no me conoces.
If we don't have to pay you for that, we can let you do it.
Si no tenemos que pagarte, podemos dejarte hacerlo.
I am, but sometimes we have to do things for friends... that we don't particularly like to do.
Lo soy, pero a veces se hacen cosas por los amigos que a uno no le gustaría hacer.
I would have taken you into my confidence long ago, but I haven't felt inclined to do so do you mean that we don't deserve your confidence?
Yo os hubiera tenido confianza hace mucho tiempo, pero no me siento inclinado a hacerlo. ¿ Qué quieres decir, que no merecemos tu confianza?
All we're going to do is take a walk. I don't have to take a bath for that, do I?
No necesito bañarme para dar un paseo, ¿ verdad?
- That's why we're here. I don't see why you have to do it in front of my mother.
Lo sé, pero no veo por qué deben hacerlo frente a mi madre.
Look, honey, we don't have to decide that right now, do we?
Querida, no estamos obligados a decidir esto ahora.
I don't know how we're going to do it, but if that's the way you want it, lads, we'll have a try at it.
No sé cómo lo vamos a hacer, pero si es lo que queréis, lo intentaremos.
We don't have to find that boat the only thing we have to do is to get married after we see this Randall character
No tenemos que encontrar ese bote. Lo único que tenemos que hacer es casarnos después de ver a Randall.
We have a job ahead of us... that has nothing to do with you or me, so don't let your personal feelings... get in the way of those stripes.
Tenemos un trabajo que hacer... que no tiene nada que ver contigo o conmigo, no dejes... que tus sentimientos personales interfieran.
- We don't have to do it that way.
- No hace falta hacerlo así.
We don't have to do that today.
Hoy no tenemos que hacer eso.
'Cause we all tied to a race of people that don't know how to do nothing but moan, and pray and have babies.
Porque estamos atados a una raza de personas que no saben otra cosa que quejarse y orar y tener bebés.
- Look, we don't have to do that now.
- No tenemos por qué hacerlo ahora.
We don't have enough men to do that.
Sí, pero necesitaremos refuerzos, ¡ Jefe! No.
We don't have to be treated like that, do we? I mean...
No tiene que tratarnos así, ¿ no es cierto?
If Carter's bombs don't do it, we may have to poison that bridge.
si las bombas de carter no lo hacen, vamos a tener que envenenar ese puente.
No, but if we don't find him ourselves, we'll have to tell the police, and they'll do all that.
No, pero si no le encontramos, llamamos a la policía, y que se ocupen.
We don't have to read that, do we?
No hace falta leerla?
I don't think we have to go into all that again. Do we?
No empezará con eso otra vez, ¿ verdad?
I don't know what we'll be able to make stick against you, Green, but I do know that, whatever the outcome, you'll never have authority again.
No sé qué evidencia podremos tener contra ti, Green pero sé que cualquiera sea el resultado nunca tendrás autoridad de nuevo.
What do we have to do all that for? 'Cause I don't want you ruined.
Yo salto al agua, tú saltas para salvarme y nadamos hasta la costa.
We all have to do that, don't we?
A todos nos alcanza la burocracia.
We don't have to do that.
No tenemos que hacer eso.
We don't have to do that again.
No hace falta que lo hagas otra vez.
I guess we really don't have that much to lose, do we?
Supongo que no tenemos mucho que perder, ¿ no?
I don't have to point out to you that... If we can prove it had nothing to do with Israel we could be averting one mother of a major flare-up.
No necesito decirte que... si podemos probar que Israel no tuvo nada que ver con eso podríamos evitar algo de mayor implicación.
We don't have to do that, right?
No tenemos que hacer eso, ¿ de acuerdo?
We got them. And I hope I don't have to do that again.
Y espero no tener que volver a hacerlo nunca.
You know, I hope we don't have to do that.
- Espero no tener que hacer eso.
And I see nowadays there are not many people in this world who would dare to really do something for this need that we have namely we don't have enough adequate images.
Hoy hay poquísimas personas en este mundo que luchan por la necesidad de imágenes adecuadas.
We can hire him to do that, but we don't have to pay him.
Podremos emplearlo para eso, pero no tendríamos que pagarle.
Don't you think we would have learned... that you can't import a controlled subclass of people to do your dirty work? You'll eventually pay. And we're paying right now.
Deberíamos aprender de la historia que no se puede importar una subclase de gente para hacer el trabajo sucio.
I might one day go as high as five... but I really don't know what that would do to you... so let's just start with what we have.
Quizás algún día te quite hasta cinco, pero realmente no sé qué te haría eso, así que, empecemos con lo que tenemos.
Because of our'social origins'you and I won't have any chance of going to Paris, despite the fact that we should be first offenders. I don't suppose you have suitable'origins', do you? What the hell!
Dado el "estrato social" al cual pertenece, no habría ningún atenuante para nosotros... aunque sea la primera vez que nos hallemos ante un tribunal.
I don't think we have to worry about that, do we?
No pienso que deberíamos preocuparnos de eso, ¿ no?
I don't know what you guys do in Philly, but in LA, we men have to take that risk.
No sé lo que ustedes hagan en Filadelfia, pero aquí corremos ese riesgo.
We don't have to do that.
No tenemos por qué hacer eso.
Well, I guess we don't have to do that.
No estamos obligados.
So we have to do this in such a way that they think we don't have the boat.
Tenemos que hacerles creer que no nos quedamos la nave.
Well, we don't have to do it that way.
Bueno, no necesariamente asi.
Don't do that. - We have to do it this way.
- Tenemos que hacerlo así.
I don't know, Grandma, but when Mr. Kramer comes, we have to give him the impression that I do live here.
No sé, pero cuando venga el señor Kramer tenemos que darle la impresión de que vivo aquí.
But we do have a scene to do, and if you don't mind, I would like to run some lines if that's okay with you?
Pero debemos actuar y, si no te molesta quisiera repasar algunas líneas, ¿ sí?
- We don't have to do that.
- No hay que hacer eso.
But I don't have to do that with you, Kane, because we're pals, aren't we?
Pero no tengo que hacer eso contigo, porque somos amigos, ¿ verdad?
You know... I always do what I'm told, and I newer complain, but I don't understand why do we have to do the same things that we did this morning.
Sabes que yo siempre hago lo que me mandan y no me quejo nunca, pero lo que no entiendo es por qué tenemos que hacer lo mismo que hemos hecho esta mañana.
We have to force these companies to operate safely and responsibly with all our best interests in mind, so that when they don't we can take back our resources and our hearts and our minds, and do what's right.
Debemos obligar a esas empresas a trabajar con seguridad y responsabilidad... por nuestros mejores intereses, para que cuando no lo hagan, podamos recuperar nuestros recursos, corazones y mentes, y hacer lo correcto.
I speak enough where we don't have to do that.
Le entiendo lo suficiente, no tiene que usar eso.

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