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We had sex traduction Espagnol

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And then we had sex-
Y luego tuvimos sexo. !
We had sex.
¡ Tuvimos sexo!
Probably because we had sex on a couple of occasions.
Probablemente porque tuvimos sexo en un par de ocasiones.
We had sex twice.
Hemos tenido sexo dos veces.
We had sex.
Tuvimos sexo.
I was at university with him, er, we had sex.
- Yo estaba en la universidad con él, er, tuvimos sexo.
! I can't have people finding out we had sex the other night and thinking I'm favoring you.
No puedo arriesgarme a que alguien se entere de que nos acostamos la otra noche, y crea que te estoy favoreciendo.
Then we came back here and we had sex.
Después regresamos aquí y tuvimos sexo.
You're not gonna mention the fact that we had sex?
¿ No vas a mencionar el hecho de que tuvimos sexo?
We had sex, Hannah.
Tuvimos sexo, Hannah.
Tina, I was thinking about the last time we had sex.
Tina, estaba pensando en la última vez que tuvimos sexo.
Since we had sex, in other words... We're back to the kind of shallow small talk you'd hear on the bus. Ada, look.
Pero después de que hiciéramos el amor parece que la conversación se ha vuelto superficial.
We had sex.
Hemos tenido sexo
Tu cabello era liso, y tuvimos sexo oyendo George Michael.
Oh, it's like sharing. It's almost as if we had sex together in a way.
Es como compartir, como si de algún modo... hubiéramos tenido sexo juntos.
En 1992 Jim vino a mi casa, se quedó a pasar la noche y tuvimos relaciones.
we're not gonna lose the kids because we had sex.
No vamos a perder a los chicos por tener sexo.
Then we had sex for about an hour.
Luego tuvimos sexo como por una hora.
We had sex yesterday.
Tuvimos sexo ayer
Puedo... sentirte.
We had amazing phone sex.
Tuvimos increible sexo telefónico...
- We had sex.
Bonnie, dile.
- We had sex!
- Tuvimos sexo.
We had what Joe calls sex.
- Tuvimos sexo! - Tuvimos lo que Joe llama "sexo".
We had sex.
¡ cuando iba a casa luego de que la violaste!
The sex we had was consensual.
El sexo que tuvimos fue consensual.
And We Just Had Hot Sex,
Y Sólo Tenemos Sexo Caliente
We had great sex this morning.
Tuvimos sexo estupendo esta mañana.
Or maybe it'd be better if we just had sex.
Tal vez podríamos tener sexo directamente.
We last had sex a year ago.
La última vez que tuvimos sexo fue hace un año.
We had great sex for years!
¡ Tuvimos grandes años de sexo!
That's how we had the girls - great sex.
Así es como tuvimos a las chicas, sexo grandioso.
NICK : We've barely had sex.
Casi no hemos tenido sexo.
I think in 77 we already had Never Mind the Bollocks... The Sex Pistols.
Creo que en 77 ya teníamos el Never Mind the Bollocks... de Sex Pistols.
We also had discos in our neighbourhood... Sunday dances and the punks could not leave the neighbourhood... they had no cash, and came with their tapes... so they could be played amisdt all the funk... so they would put on The Pistols and the punks would start to pull on their jackets.
También nuestro barrio tenía aquellas discotecas... bailes de domingo y los punks no podían dejar el barrio... no tenían dinero, e iban con sus cintas... para que las pusieran en medio del funk... y ponían un Sex Pistols y los punks agitaban la chaqueta.
I had the same struggle when I first fell in love with Maria and we began to have dirty, aching sex.
Tuve la misma lucha cuando me enamoré por primera vez de María, y comenzamos a tener sexo sucio, doloroso.
I feel like we've had sex already.
Siento que ya tuvimos sexo.
No. Like, this whole last week, every time we've had sex, he's been making these, like, strange faces, and then he just rushes off right afterwards.
La semana pasada, cada vez que nos acostamos hizo caras extrañas y luego se fue corriendo.
We just had sex in a church and we're not even married and now we're gonna dig up a grave.
Acabamos de tener sexo en una iglesia y ni siquiera estamos casados ¡ y ahora vamos a abrir una tumba!
And then we had mad, passionate, animal sex.
- Y tuvimos sexo desaforado.
Honey, I - I know that we haven't had sex since-You know.
Cariño, sé que no hemos tenido sexo desde... ya sabes.
We haven't had sex for six months, so that's not really.
No habíamos tenido sexo por seis meses, as que no es repentino.
Oh'we jυst had sex.
Acabamos de tener sexo.
I had sex with passengers, When we were on the plane to Rome!
Dímelo. Tuve sexo con un pasajero en un viaje nocturno a Roma.
And the sex we had! Every day.
Tuvimos mucho sexo.
- We had terrible sex.
Tuvimos un sexo terrible.
Hey, do you realize that we've already been dating for a week, but we still haven't had sex?
¿ Te das cuenta de que hace una semana que salimos, pero aún no hemos tenido sexo?
Sólo tuvimos sexo.
Now that we've had sex, do you think we could stop with the whole first name ping-pong?
Ahora que hemos tenido sexo, crees que podriamos parar con el sonido de todo el primer nombre?
We haven't had sex since we've been here.
No hemos tenido sexo desde que llegamos aquí
Mom, Dad's right, why don't we just be upfront here... come out with it, just ask him if he had sex with this woman.
Mamá, Papá tiene razón, ¿ por qué no te adelantas y le preguntas si tuvo sexo con ella?

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