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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ W ] / We have to stop them

We have to stop them traduction Espagnol

225 traduction parallèle
We have to stop them whatever it takes.
Tenemos que cortarles el paso a toda costa.
We have to stop them.
Debemos detenerlos.
We have to stop them at the Moncalieri pass!
¡ Hay que detenerlos en el apartadero de Moncalieri!
We have to stop them, with the soldiers, that guard the palace.
Para esa chusma, debería bastarnos.
We have to stop them in the village!
¡ Tenemos que detenerlos en el puente!
Right now. We have to stop them.
Hay que pararlo.
Yes, I'll wait. We have to stop them.
ustedes son mi mejor hombre y su división es mi mejor unidad.
We have to stop them, Daedalus.
Tenemos que detenerlos, Dédalo.
We have to stop them before it's too late.
Tenemos que detenerlos o será demasiado tarde.
We have to stop them from spreading
Tenemos que impedir que se propaguen.
Quick! We have to stop them!
¡ Rápido, debemos detenerlos!
- We have to stop them, Charlie.
- Tenemos que retrasarlo, Charlie.
Now, if you want a future, we have to stop them now.
Ahora, si quieren un futuro, tenemos que detenerlos ya.
- We have to stop them.
- Tenemos que detenerlos.
We have to stop them, or they could destroy everything. Time is short.
Hay que detenerlos o destruirán todo.
- We have to stop them.
- Debemos detenerlos.
Listen, we have to stop them before it's too late.
Hay que detenerlos antes de que sea tarde.
We have to stop them from destroying the core.
Tenemos que detenerlos o destruirán el núcleo.
We have to stop them before my wife gets tennis elbow.
Hay que detenerlos.
That is why we have to stop them.
Por eso tenemos que detenerlos.
We have to stop them!
¡ Debemos detener esto!
Somehow we have to stop them.
Tenemos que detenerlas.
Then we have to stop them here.
Tendremos que detenerlos aquí.
We'll just have to post a notice with those Indians and tell them to get together and stop being Indians.
Tendremos que poner un aviso para todos los indios y decirles que se reúnan y que dejen de ser indios.
Yes, they dare, and we have got to dare to stop them!
¡ Sí! ¡ Se atreverán! ¿ Y debemos atrevernos a pararlos?
We'll have to stop them with infantry.
Tenemos que pararlos con la infantería.
Tendremos que seguirlas hasta que se detengan.
We have no tanks, no artillery and almost no air force to stop them.
No tenemos tanques, ni artillería, y apenas fuerza aérea para detenerlos.
Then we'll have to stop them before they get that far.
Tendremos que pararlos antes de que lleguen.
Then we shall have to do something to stop them worrying.
Entonces tendremos que hacer algo para evitar que preocupante.
Now, we have chance to stop them but we need your help.
Si lo hiciera, lo matarían. Tenemos una oportunidad...
We're going to have to stop them. Cold.
Tendremos que detenerlos, de plano.
And it is true that we have not agreed to assure them... that we will stop the bombing on a permanent and unconditional basis.
Y es verdad que no hemos llegado a un acuerdo que les asegure que vamos a detener el bomberdeo sobre una base permanente e incondicional.
Well we'll just... have to stop them then.
Bueno, entonces sólo... tenemos que pararles.
Who have to link sketches together. We try to stop them saying
Aquí tratamos a la gente que debe enlazar sketchs.
We should stop pussyfooting about the Russians! We'll have to fight them anyway. Why not do it now, when the army's here?
Si vamos a luchar contra los rusos, hagámoslo ahora, con el ejército aquí.
Well, looks as though we'll have to stop them right here, doesn't it?
Bien... Parece que tendremos que detenerlos aquí.
We have to do something to stop them.
Tenemos que hacer algo para detenerlos.
If we don't stop them, we're gonna have to go back and live on that rock.
Si no los detenemos, tendremos que volver y vivir en esa roca.
- Ted, we have got to stop them.
- Ted, tenemos que detenerlos.
If we have security tape the lab through their surveillance cameras, we could get the proof we need to stop them.
Las grabaciones del circuito cerrado de TV son la prueba que necesitamos.
If the people we love are stolen from us... the way to have them live on is to never stop loving them.
Si nos arrebatan a quienes amamos el modo de que sigan vivos es no dejar de quererles nunca.
But before we stop them, we have to find them.
Pero antes de pararles los pies, debemos encontrarlos.
We've got to stop them otherwise it's not, it's going to be too late, Kit. We'll have no future here.
Hay que frenarlos o será tarde, y no tendremos futuro aquí.
We will have only one chance to stop them, and if we fail... billions will die.
Tendremos una sola oportunidad de detenerlos, y si fallamos... miles de millones morirán.
We just have to stop them overgrowing. We are that close.
Tenemos que controlar el crecimiento y ya está.
I just want to stop them. Chakotay, do we have enough auxiliary power to magnetize the hull? It might cushion the impact of the bursts.
¿ Tenemos bastante energía auxiliar para imantar el casco?
Do you have any idea how we can stop them? I'm not sure, but I think it has something to do with remoduIating the targeting scanners.
Quizá si volvemos a modular los escáneres de identificación.
We have to... stop them before they stop us. Crush them and sweep them up.
Hay que pararlos, aplastarlos y barrerlos.
We just have to stop them.
Tenemos que detenerla.
Which means they're trying to divide us so that we don't have the power of three to stop them.
Lo que significa que intentan separarnos para que no sumemos los tres poderes para detenerles.

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