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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ W ] / We want to talk to you

We want to talk to you traduction Espagnol

1,063 traduction parallèle
We want to talk to you.
- Tenemos que hablar.
We want to talk to you.
Queremos hablar con usted.
- No, we want to talk to you.
- No, queremos hablar con usted.
- We want to talk to you.
- Queremos hablar contigo.
- Sheriff, we want to talk to you.
- Queremos hablar con usted.
We want to talk to you, Charlie.
Queremos hablar contigo, Charlie.
We want to talk to you.
- Queremos hablar contigo.
We want to talk to you about Barney Benesch.
Queremos hablar contigo de Barney Benesch.
- We want to talk to you.
- Porque queremos hablar con usted.
We want to talk to you, the three of us, quietly.
Pare. Queremos hablarle los tres, tranquilamente.
- We want to talk to you.
- queremos hablar contigo.
We want to talk to you about Henry Gondorff.
Queremos hablarte de Henry Gondorff.
Yes, I know, and that's what we want to talk to you about.
Lo sé, de eso queremos hablar.
We want to talk to you about joining your order.
Queremos hablar con vosotros para hacernos miembros de vuestra orden.
- We want to talk to you. - Are you interested in my one-cent sale?
- ¿ Quieren comprar algo de un centavo?
- We want to talk to you.
- Queremos hablarte.
We want to talk to you.
Queremos hablar con ustedes.
We want to talk to you.
Queremos hablar contigo.
- We want to talk to you alone.
- Queremos hablar contigo a solas
You want to go and there's no time and I need you to sit down so we can talk a bit :
De que iba a servir. Quieres irte y no hay tiempo. y necesito que te sientes para que podamos hablar un rato.
I want you to talk to him, make sure that Kent hasn't got some hold over him that... we don't know about.
Quiero hablar con él, asegúrese de que Kent no tiene algún poder sobre él... que no conozcamos.
Ah, well. We only want to talk to him, you see.
Oh, vamos, Doctor, son sólo un par de circuitos electrónicos.
We don't want to talk to you but to our comrades!
Bien, escuchemos las imágenes...
Then we agree because I want to talk to you about love.
Pues hemos coincidido porque es precisamente del amor que quiero hablarle.
Francesca. you don't know us but we know everything about you, and want to talk...
Francesca, no nos conoces. Pero sabemos todo sobre ti y queremos hablar contigo. - ¡ Entra!
I always want to talk to you, but we never have the time.
Yo siempre he querido hablarte, pero nunca tuvimos oportunidad.
Why don't I talk with these people here... and then I'll get back with you... and then if we have to sign anything up... and if you need any insurance, which I'm sure you will want,
Hablaré con ellos y luego te llamo. Si tenemos que firmar algo... y seguramente él querrá garantías...
" Besides, we only want to talk to you about a prisoner and captive.
" Además, sólo queremos hablar con usted acerca de un prisionero y cautivo...
Here in Stockholm, we are extremely excited... ( HENCH ) We don't want to talk to you at the moment, Doctor Luns – if we could talk to you later.
Aquí en Estocolmo, estamos extremadamente excitados... No queremos hablar de momento con usted, Doctor Luns – si pudieramos hablar con usted más tarde.
We don't consider you a suspect. You don't have to talk to us if you don't want.
No es usted sospechoso, no tiene porqué hablarnos si no quiere.
We don't want to talk about my problems but free you of your cast instead, my dear man.
No vamos a hablar ahora de mi problemas prefiero quitarle esa escayola, amigo mío.
No. Well, we don't have to talk about it if you don't want to.
No tenemos que hablar del tema si te incomoda.
Tonight, I want to talk about... We interrupt this program to annoy you
Interrumpimos este programa para molestarles y que se irriten.
You know what we women are like. We have to talk, because we're so fickle. The more you deny it, the more we want it.
Ya sabes lo que hacemos las mujeres... debemos hacernos rogar... porque somos caprichosas y siempre negamos lo que deseamos que nos hagan.
when we have a minute you tell what is to train dogs and I do not take a minute coach we want talk to you
cuando tengamos un minuto te dire lo que se de entrenar perros y no creo que tome un minuto entrenador vamos que quiero hablar contigo
And you're sick and tired of it. I've been trying to tell you that if you want to talk about what we do together, what works and what doesn't, you have to say more.
Y además estás harto y yo desde ayer no paro de decir que si quieres hablar de lo que hacemos juntos de lo que va o no va tienes que decir más cosas...
Omega, we want to talk with you.
Omega, queremos hablar contigo.
We just want to talk to you.
Queremos hablarte.
- We need to talk to you. I don't want to hear the name of that pig anymore.
- Tengo que hablar con usted.
Dick, we just want to talk to you a moment.
Dick, sólo hablaremos contigo unos minutos.
Father, can we talk to you? What do you want here?
- Padre, ¿ podemos hablar contigo?
In other words, " We don't want to talk about what you do, Mike.
Quería decirme : " No queremos hablar de tu trabajo, Mike.
No, I mean I really want to talk to you, And maybe even we can sit grandfather down
Realmente, quiero hablar contigo... e, incluso, convencer al abuelo para que le hables.
- We can talk later. If you want, we can all go to my place later.
Luego podemos ir los tres a mi casa.
We have other matters to talk about than supper and I want you to tell me what has become of the money which has been stolen from me.
Hablamos de otra cosa que cenar, y quiero que me des noticias del dinero que me han robado.
We want you to talk to them.
Queremos que hable con ellos.
We'll talk all day if you want to.
Si quieren hablaremos todo el día.
I don't want you to give us anything. We just want to go to England and talk to Lady Holiday - the woman who was robbed?
Sólo queremos ir a Inglaterra y hablar con la víctima del robo, lady Holiday.
If you want to talk, we'll talk.
Si querés hablar, hablaremos.
Do you want us to... meet later on, we could talk more calmly, do you...
¿ Quieres que nos veamos más tarde y hablamos tranquilamente?
You won't have to touch it... Whenever we'll want to talk, it'll light up, that's all!
¡ No tendrá que tocarlo... cada vez que nosotros queramos hablar, se iluminará, eso es todo!

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