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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ W ] / We were talking about you

We were talking about you traduction Espagnol

843 traduction parallèle
We were talking about you.
Hablábamos de ti.
Isn't that funny. we were talking about you just a year ago, you and your quaint little nightclubs.
Sí. Es gracioso, estuvimos hablando de ti hace sólo un año. Tú y tus brillantes clubes.
We were talking about you when that kid spilled that drink on her.
Hablábamos de ti cuando ese chico le echó el trago encima.
We were talking about you.
... hablábamos de ti.
We were talking about you.
Estábamos hablando de ti.
- We were talking about you.
- Hablábamos de ti.
We were talking about you!
¡ Estábamos hablando de ti!
- We were talking about you.
hablar con usted!
We were talking about the chances of running into you here.
Hablábamos de la casualidad de volver a encontrarnos.
Smitty, we were just talking about you.
¡ Smitty! Smitty, estábamos hablando de ti.
We were just talking about you.
Estábamos hablando de ti.
- We were just talking about you, captain.
- Estábamos hablando de Ud., capitán.
We were talking about the jungle while you were away, Mr. Bone.
Estuvimos hablando de la selva, mientras Ud. estuvo fuera, Sr. Bota.
- Oh, Lynn, we were just talking about you -
Estábamos hablando de ti.
We were just talking about you.
Estábamos hablando de usted.
If they wanna know what we were talking about, say I was asking you if you were going to identify that shiv.
Si quieren saber de qué hablábamos dile que te pregunté si ibas a identificar el filo.
- We were just talking about you.
- Estábamos hablando de ti.
Why, we were just talking about you.
Justo hablábamos de ti.
We were just talking about you.
Precisamente hablábamos de usted.
You remember we were talking about the water test, Doctor?
Hablamos de una prueba acuática, doctor.
We were just talking about you.
Hablábamos de usted.
- You know, what we were talking about...
- Lo que estuvimos hablando.
Well, we were talking about what you saw.
Hablábamos sobre lo que usted vio.
Me estaba diciendo a mi mismo de ti, y nos preguntabamos que habia sido de ti.
- He hasn't been in to lunch yet. - Hello, Chief. We were just talking about you.
- Jefe, estábamos hablando de Ud.
We were just talking about you.
Precisamente hablábamos de ti.
We were just talking about you.
Justo hablábamos de usted.
We were just talking about you...
Precisamente estábamos hablando de usted...
We were just talking about you, Carpenter.
Estábamos hablando de usted, Carpenter.
Andreas, did you hear what we were talking about?
Andreas, ¿ escuchaste nuestra conversación?
I hope you're not worried over what we were talking about.
Espero que no se preocupe por lo que estábamos hablando.
All that talk about little gardens or whatever we were talking about. You're wrong.
Todo eso de los jardines o lo que quiera que haya dicho.
We were just wondering, all of us here, and talking about how you'd get out.
Nos estábamos preguntando y hablábamos sobre cómo saldrías.
Del sentimiento que hablábamos antes.
We were talking about Susie, not about you.
resulta que es un... no de ti.
Do you remember what we were talking about?
¿ Recuerdas de qué hablábamos?
We were just talking about you, rails.
- Justamente hablábamos de Ud. - ¿ Sí?
- We were just talking about you.
- Hablábamos de ti.
We were just talking about you, weren't we?
Hablábamos de ti, ¿ verdad?
We were just talking about you. Yeah?
No te pago para eso.
But we thought you were talking about Miss Bishop and Major Templeton
Pensamos que se refería a la Srta. Bishop y Templeton.
That garden you were talking about... We could plant it over there.
Ese jardín del que hablabas, podemos plantarlo ahí.
We were just talking about you!
¡ Estábamos hablando de ti!
Good morning, Father, we were just talking about you.
Buenos días, Padre, sólo estábamos hablando de usted.
We were talking specifically about you.
Hablábamos concretamente sobre ti.
We were just talking about you. Good to see you again.
- Hablábamos de usted.
- We were just talking about you.
- Justo hablábamos de tí.
I was talking about you the other day with John Prilly. - We were arguing about the- -
El otro día hablaba de ti con Sean Pryor.
Like everyone in Paris, we were just talking about you.
Igual que todo París, hablábamos de ti.
Oh, we were just talking about you last night before you called.
Justamente estábamos hablando de ti anoche, antes de que llamaras.
Well, remember what we were talking about the day you came aboard?
así, recordar lo que estábamos hablando sobre el día que vinieron a bordo?

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