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Westcott traduction Espagnol

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The class valedictorian, Miss Ruth Westcott.
La alumna que pronunciará el discurso de despedida, señorita Ruth Westcott.
Bumped into a kid I haven't seen in 10 years, Ruth Westcott.
Me he cruzado con Ruth Westcott, una vieja conocida.
I'm sure that was right, Miss Westcott.
Estoy segura de que tiene razón, señorita Westcott.
Miss Westcott, take him over to Harlow's toy department and get him the biggest, finest yacht you can find.
Señorita Westcott, llévele a la sección de juguetes de Harlow y cómprele el mejor yate que pueda encontrar.
Ronny Westcott, one of the best undercover men in the business.
Ronny Wescott, uno de nuestros mejores agentes.
- I'd like the same as Ronny Westcott.
Me gustaría una como la de Ronny Wescott.
Ronald Westcott. He is a client of yours?
Ronny Wescott, ¿ es uno de sus clientes, no?
One thing is certain, Reed and Westcott weren't killed for a jar of honey.
En todo caso Reed and Wescott no fueron asesinados por un bote de miel.
Painter, Eugene Acker Property Master Kenny Westcott
Pintor, Eugene Acker Atrezzo, Kenny Westcott
Used to be a donnicker man with the Weston " Brothers Amusements oi the Warm.
Trabajé en el circo ambulante de los Hermanos Westcott.
We have with us Geoffrey Westcott who was attacked by the dogs, which have been terrifying Lakeland for the past four weeks.
Tenemos con nosotros a Jeff Westcoat que fue atacado por los perros que están aterrando Lakeland en esos últimas 4 semanas.
Mr. Westcott, can you tell us exactly what happened?
Sr Westcoat, ¿ puede decirnos exactamente lo que pasó?
These are the photos Mr. Westcott took.
Esas son las fotos del Sr. Westcoat.
Jimmy Westcott.
Jimmy Westcott.
I'm paying two tuitions.
Estoy pagando dos matrículas para el Colegio Westcott...
I'm surprised to hear you have both children at Westcott.
Por lo que me sorprende oirlo decir que está enviando a los dos niños a Westcott.
Did I say Westcott?
Dije Westcott?
We changed our minds about it.
No, cambiamos de idea acerca de Westcott.
- That's because I go to Wescott.
Eso es porque voy al Westcott
- Actually, I go to Westcott.
De hecho, voy a la academia Westcott
Wait a minute. You're Lena Westcott?
Un momento. ¿ Es usted Lena Westcott?
The Lena Westcott?
¿ La Lena Westcott?
Mr. Westcott and his wife, Candice.
El señor Westcott y su esposa Candice.
Simon Westcott.
Simon Westcott.
Westcott is on fire.
Westcott está que se sale.
Touchdown, and Westcott goes up a punch.
Touchdown, y Westcott lanza un puñetazo.
And again, he hits a wall of Westcott defenders.
Y de nuevo, topa con un muro de los defensas de Westcott.
Benjamin Westcott Gilroy?
Benjamin Westcott Gilroy.
David Westcott, Chuck Darling.
David Westcott, Chuck Darling
Detective Westcott, Eddie Argo.
Detective Westcott, Eddie Argo.
Thank you very much, Professor Westcott.
Muchas gracias, profesora Westcott.
We leave the mistakes up to the Westcott Warriors.
Dejamos que los errores los hagan los Westcott Warriors.
Westward with the ball.
Westcott con la pelota.
Isn't it nice of Officer Westcott to drop by so early and have breakfast with us?
¿ No es gentil del Oficial de Westcott pasar por tan temprano y desayunar con nosotros?
Nicky, you're right.
Debí haberte informado que el oficial Westcott Iba a pasar la noche. Nicky, tienes razón.
- Officer Lance Westcott, please.
- Oficial Lance Westcott, por favor.
Officer Westcott.
Oficial Westcott.
- for, um, Clark and wescott.
- en Clark and Westcott.
Georgie Westcott, I live across there.
Georgie Westcott, vivo allí en frente.
Georgie Westcott.
Georgie Westcott.
When Fidel went to interview Georgie Westcott, there was no answer, so why is she now watching us from behind her net curtains? Another question.
Otra pregunta.
Miss Westcott, have you ever heard the name Rose Duchamp?
Srta. Westcott, ¿ ha oído alguna vez el nombre de Rose Duchamp?
He didn't bark when we went to see Georgie Westcott just now, cos he'd seen us once today already.
No ha ladrado cuando hemos ido a ver a Georgie Westcott justo ahora, porque ya nos había visto una vez hoy.
In one hour, only I've to go and pick up Georgie Westcott first, so I'll see you there.
En una hora, solo tengo que ir a recoger a Georgie Westcott primero, así que les veré allí.
But can we be sure that it was Rose's criminal ex-lover that murdered her, and not the lascivious boss, or the cranky neighbour, Jacko Gardiner, or the somewhat resentful friend, Georgie Westcott?
¿ Pero podemos estar seguros de que la asesinó el ex-amante criminal de Rose, y no el jefe acosador, o el vecino malhumorado, Jacko Gardiner, o la amiga un poco resentida, Georgie Westcott?
Oh, this weather... it always reminds me of early Septembers in Westcott Beach.
Este tiempo... siempre me recuerda los primeros Septiembres en Westcott Beach.
This is our arms dealer, Agah Bayar, arriving at the Westcott Hotel
Este es nuestro traficante de armas, Agah Bayar, llegando al Hotel Westcott
Your girlfriend's staying at the Westcott.
Tu novia se aloja en el Westcott.
She was booked at the Westcott for the rest of the week, but checked out early.
Se registró en el Westcott para toda la semana, pero se marchó temprano.
Mr Westcott...
I should have informed you that Officer Westcott was gonna be spending the evening. I'm sorry.
Lo siento.

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