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Weyman traduction Espagnol

32 traduction parallèle
This is Weyman Fordyce, our District Director.
Él es Weyman Fordyce, el Director Distrital...
This is Michael Weyman, architect and critic.
Ese es Michael Weyman, arquitecto y critico.
It Weyman.
Es weyman.
Is Weyman.
Es Weyman.
Michael Weyman is an architect and work here.
Michael Weyman es arquitecto y trabaja aquí.
Not interested to hear Michael Weyman?
¿ No le interesa oír a Michael Weyman?
And Michael Weyman says that's not possible.
Y Michael weyman dice que eso no es posible.
- Nor Michael Weyman.
- Tampoco Michael Weyman.
Mocks him, and of the Michael Weyman.
Se burla de el, de el y de Michael Weyman.
Mr. Weyman would be wrong if it had another rabbit roasting.
El Sr. Weyman estaría muy mal si no tuviese otro conejo asando.
Weyman knew Chelsea when she aspired to be an artist.
Weyman se conocían de Chelsea cuando ella aspiraba a ser artista.
Mr. Weyman?
¿ Sr. Weyman?
As you see, I put in the group Legge Michael Weyman.
Como vera, puse a los Legge en grupo con Michael Weyman.
I do not like Michael Weyman.
No me gusta Michael Weyman.
Hi, this is Rebecca Weyman.
Soy Rebecca Wayman.
Mr. Weyman committed suicide.
Se suicidó el señor Weyman.
Mr. Weyman at Lusher?
¿ El señor Weyman de Lusher?
And the nature of Mr. Weyman's passing is, I know, disturbing to all of us, particularly with what many of us have been dealing with since hurricane Katrina.
Y la naturaleza del fallecimiento del Sr. Weyman es, lo sé, perturbadora para todos nosotros, particularmente con todo lo que muchos de nosotros hemos estado pasando, desde el huracán Katrina.
That's Michael Bogeyman.
Es Michael Weyman.
Is Michael Weyman after my wife?
¿ Va Michael Weyman detrás de mi mujer?
Every time I look at her, there's Michael bloody Weyman hovering nearby.
Cada vez que la miro, el maldito Michael Weyman está merodeando por allí.
Michael Weyman the Warburtons... oh, and er... Mrs Folliat.
Michael Weyman... los Warburton... y a la Sra. Folliat.
She's already made a fool of Michael Weyman.
Ya dejó como un tonto a Michael Weyman.
But Monsieur Weyman, he designs her tennis court.
Pero Monsieur Weyman diseña la cancha de tenis.
Weyman tried it on. She gave him the heave-ho because she's found some one else, so he has too.
Weyman lo intentó y ella lo largó porque encontró a otro, y eso hizo él también.
If Monsieur Weyman no longer pursues Lady Stubbs, what is it about her that makes you so suspicious of her?
Si M. Weyman ya no perseguía a Lady Stubbs, ¿ por qué desconfía usted tanto de ella?
With that bastard Weyman.
Con ese bastardo de Weyman.
You are a man who is very lonely, very desperate, and if you had told your wife, Madame Sally, just how you are so lonely and how you are so desperate, she would never have left you for Michael Weyman.
Usted es un hombre que se siente muy solo, muy desesperado, y de haberle contado a su mujer, Mme. Sally, cuán solo y cuan desesperado está, ella nunca lo hubiera dejado por Michael Weyman.
And I'll go to the bloody Chelsea Arts Club and I'll get hold of Michael Weyman and I'll throttle the ponce with his ridiculous tie.
E iré a ese Club de Arte en Chelsea, agarraré a Weyman y lo ahorcaré con su ridícula corbata. Bon.
She slips into the tent of the fortune teller while Sally Legge is out. And she has a secret rendezvous with Michael Weyman.
Entra sigilosa a la carpa de la adivinadora mientras Sally Legge está fuera, teniendo una cita secreta con Michael Weyman.
Ms. Legge had just guess my fortune and to leave a secret appointment with Michael Weyman in folly.
a su cita secreta con Michael Weyman en el folly.
No, I asked this question to Monsieur Weyman.
No, se lo pregunté a Monsieur Weyman.

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