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What did you say to me traduction Espagnol

666 traduction parallèle
What did you say to me?
¿ Qué fue lo que me dijiste?
What did you say to me?
¿ Qué es lo que me dijo?
Then what did you say to me?
¿ Entonces qué me respondiste?
What did you say to me before?
¿ Qué es lo que me habías dicho una vez?
What did you say to me?
¿ Qué me dijiste?
What did you say to me?
¡ ¿ Qué me dijiste? !
- What did you say to me?
- ¿ Qué me dijiste?
What did you say to me?
Oiga. ¿ Qué es lo que me has dicho?
What are you looking for, individually, from me To win, to say, " all right, you did it, man,
¿ Ganar, decir "Hey, lo hiciste eso era lo que quería"?
What else did Lord Tyce asked you to say.
¿ Qué más le ha encargado Lord Tyce que me diga?
I haven't done a sweating cure before, just to be able to stay near my adored girl its a martyrium what did you say?
¡ Nunca me ha pasado, hacer una cura de sudor, sólo para estar cerca de mi adorada! ¡ Es un martirio! ¿ Qué dijo?
What did he say? Bonsoir, monsieur. You made me walk for hours to get to a place where no-one speaks English!
Y me ha hecho arrastrar esto por la montaña durante horas... para llegar a un sitio donde nadie habla inglés.
What would you say, Sandy, if I were to tell ya that you look as good to me without money as you did with it?
¿ Que dirías, Sandy, si te dijera que estás bien con o sin dinero?
Now, then, what did you wanna say to me?
A ver, ¿ qué me querías decir?
To say to me what he did! He wasn't talking to you...
Hablaba de gente como Lena.
What else did she say that Clarence told her to tell you to tell me?
¿ Qué más te dijo que Clarence le dijo que me dijeras?
What did he say to you?
- ¿ Y qué le dijo? - Me dijo...
Well, keep it to yourself, you old hag. WHAT did you say?
- Pues no me lo digas, vieja bruja. - ¿ Qué has dicho?
What did you want to say to me?
Por qué no puedes hablar?
Did you hear what...? What my daughter say to me?
¿ Has oído lo que me ha dicho mi hija?
They look more like Greek to me. What names did you say?
Capitanes y Oficiales.
Say, do you think it's nice what you just did to me?
¿ Te parece bonito?
Well, what did you want me to say?
- ¿ Qué querías que dijera?
What did you want me to say?
¿ Qué querías que dijera?
What I'm trying to say is... you did feel something, there with me.
Lo que intento decir es... que sí sentiste algo, allí conmigo.
¿ Qué más quieres que diga?
Say, you never did tell me what happened to me after I was knocked out.
No me has dicho qué me pasó después de que me golpearan.
What did Breuer say if he knew you'd put me to sleep?
Breuer. ¿ Qué diría si supiera que me ha dormido?
What did you want to say to me?
¿ que quieres decirme?
And what did you say when I came running home to tell you I'd won it?
¿ Y qué me dijiste cuando vine corriendo a contártelo?
- What did you say to him?
- ¿ No me habrás hecho alguna?
What did you just say to me?
¿ Qué acabas de decirme?
What did you want to say?
¿ Qué me quiere decir?
You've probably heard this so often that it's boring but I had to say how much I enjoyed what you did.
Esto ya le aburrirá, pero debo decirle cuánto me divirtió.
What did I understand you to say to me in there?
- ¿ Qué me dijiste adentro? , ¿ eh? !
Now tell me again, what did he say to you?
Cuéntamelo otra vez, ¿ qué te dijo?
I was a little shy as to what to say, and I shook hands with her and she said, "Oh, you can say Mrs Hitler to me now," and I did.
l era un poco tímido en cuanto a qué decir, y yo le estrechó la mano y ella dijo : "Oh, se puede decir Sra. Hitler para mí ahora", y lo hice.
Well, what did you expect me to say to him?
¿ Qué esperabas que le dijera?
But I think it's more appropriate that you say it to yourself, for trying to blame me for what you did.
Pero creo que es más correcto que te lo digas a ti misma. por tratar de echarme la culpa de algo que has hecho tú.
The worse is you'd send me to the Heaven. - You... What did you want to say?
¿ Me mandará al cielo?
What will happen to Fosca if I leave? What did you say?
- ¿ Qué será de Fosca si me voy?
Dorothy I just want to say I loved what you did in our scene. Welcome aboard!
Dorothy me ha impresionado tu interpretación en nuestra escena.
What did she say to me? I waited for you, you could've come back, I kept track.
Ella dijo : "podías haber regresado".
Do you call yourself a mother? What did you come to say?
¿ Ahora me vienes con los versitos que cantas en tus canciones?
I don't mean to seem ungrateful, but what exactly did you say about me in group therapy?
No me refiero a parecer ingrata, Pero, ¿ qué es exactamente lo que usted dice de mí en la terapia de grupo?
I know I shouldn't say that about anyone who's dead, but... Anyone who did what they did to you...
Sé que no debería decirlo porque está muerto, pero si a mí me hicieran lo que le hizo...
What did you say to me?
¿ Qué?
Well, what did you expect me to say?
- ¿ Qué esperaba que le dijese?
I know I did, but if you could just let me say what I have to say.
Lo sé, pero déjame decirte lo que tengo que decir.
Pismo, what did you say you had to ask me,'cause I really gotta get going.
- ¿ Qué quieres? Tengo que irme.
Now then, tell me. What did Miggs say to you?
Ahora, dígame. ¿ Qué le ha dicho Miggs?

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