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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ W ] / What do you think that is

What do you think that is traduction Espagnol

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What do you think that is about you?
¿ Qué crees que se trata de ti?
What do you think that is, stupid?
¿ Quién te crees que es ése, estúpido?
What do you think that is?
¿ Qué te parece que es?
All right, what do you think that is, huh?
Muy bien, ¿ qué crees que es eso?
What do you think that is?
¿ Qué crees que sea?
- What... what do you think that is?
- ¿ Qué crees que es eso?
Now what do you think that is?
Qué crees que es?
All we have to do is throw the old underwear in the trunk 24 hours earlier, that's all. What is it, Mother? - Do you know what I think?
Todo lo que tenemos que hacer es meter la ropa interior vieja en el armario... 24 horas antes, eso es todo.
Do you think what I'm doing is that bad?
¿ Crees que lo que hago es malo?
Now, all Speed has got to do is to give him one good punch... and we collect a cool fortune... minus a few dollars for the Tiger's hospital bills. We ought to pay that. What do you think?
Speed Ie dará un puñetazo y ganaremos una fortuna, menos algunos dólares para Ia factura de hospital de Tigre.
What do you think that luggage is for?
¿ Para qué piensas que son las maletas?
What do you think is up on that hill?
¿ Qué habrá en esa colina?
All they have is dogs, anybody could have dogs, but a tame squirrel, what do you think of that?
Ese sólo tiene perros, cualquiera puede tenerlos... pero una ardilla domesticada, ¿ qué te parece?
Oh! do you really think that is what Mrs. Cheveley meant?
¿ Cree usted que la señora Cheveley se refería a eso?
He said that you were to relax, stay quiet, Take orders and do what people think is best for you.
Dijo que debe relajarse, descansar, seguir las órdenes y hacer lo que sea mejor para usted.
Hmm. What would you do if you discovered that your wife had, uh... this is purely hypothetical, of course... had, uh... I wish I could think of a softer word... uh, been untrue to you?
¿ Qué haría si descubriera que su mujer esto es pura teoría a ver cómo lo digo le ha sido infiel?
- ¿ Crees que es un motín, Joe?
And suppose I told them... that what they're doing is stupid to the point of imbecility! - Who do you think would listen?
Y si les dijera que lo que están haciendo es estúpido, ¿ quién me escucharía?
I think to help progress printing, it is better if there is a machine that can do what YOU do. Faster... very much faster begging your pardon.
Creo que el progreso de la imprenta sería mayor si una máquina hiciese lo que usted hace, pero mucho más rápido, y no quiero ofender.
Now what I want to know, Cernik, is how much of your show do you really think that you can take with you?
Lo que quiero saber, Cernik, es qué tanto de tu circo crees que realmente puedas llevar contigo.
He doesn't want them, you do. So all that matters is what you think.
Usted los quiere y sólo me importa su opinión.
Do you think that was a whim? Is that what you think?
Usted pensó que era un capricho?
Jo, when you and I are home alone and that door is closed do not think about what happens outside.
Jo, cuando estemos tú y yo solos en la casa, y esa puerta esté cerrada, no pensemos en lo que ocurre fuera.
What kind of a life do you think you will lead among them in a prison camp, when they know that your glory is largely fictitious?
Qué clase de vida cree que tendrá entre ellos en un campo de prisioneros, cuando sepan que su gloria es del todo ficticia?
Is that what you think he's trying to do?
- ¿ Eso cree usted que intenta?
What do you think that air show is?
¿ Qué crees que es esa exhibición?
Mr. Bolton, tell us something of what it is that you're trying to do... that is, if you think that we're capable of understanding.
Sr. Bolton, explíqueme algo sobre sus propósitos... Si cree que seré capaz de comprenderlo, claro.
What is it, do you think he was only talking about that moment?
¿ Qué pasa? ¿ Crees que solo se refería a aquel momento?
Is that what you think I should do?
Eso cree usted que deba hacer yo?
What i mean is... whatever you think of me - that i'm losing my mind, anything - all i'm asking you to do is to tell the pilots what i've said.
Lo que quize decir es que lo que quieras pensar de mi, que estoy perdiendo el juicio.. Cualquier cosa.. Todo lo que te pido es que le digas al piloto lo que dije
Is that what you think I'm trying to do, dominate you?
¿ Eso es lo que crees que intento hacer? ¿ Dominarte?
Is that what it is? What do you think you're playing at? Crusades?
¿ A qué te parece que estás jugando, las cruzadas?
What do you think you're doing? Is that what's on your mind?
Que no vas a volver a cabalgar sola.
Morio, what kind of egg do you think that is?
Goro, ¿ qué clase de huevo crees que es?
I think that's what it is. What do you think of that plan, then?
Entonces tendrá que ser asi. ¿ Qué piensas de esa idea?
You see what Mother is saying, at least what I'm saying, I think what your mother is saying is that we hope, Eileen, that you don't set your standards by the so-called everybody else, but you set your own standards by what you know is the thing to do.
Tu madre y yo estamos diciendo que esperamos... que no tomes a las otras como ejemplo, sino que te comportes en base a lo que sabes que es correcto.
What do you think, is that for real?
¿ Crees que sea real?
Do you stil think that what you're doing is right?
¡ ¿ Aún crees que estás haciendo lo correcto?
- I think you do. - What is that?
- Registros telefónicos de Justin Price.
Do you think they want their stockholders and the public... thinking their management isn't imbued with fair play and justice... the very values that make this country what it is today?
¿ Acaso querrían que sus accionistas y el resto de la gente piensen que su administración no respeta ni la libre competencia ni la justicia que son los valores que forjaron este país?
Is it likely, do you think, that if Mr. Robinson couldn't get what he wanted from your agency, he would go to others?
¿ Cree usted que al no obtener resultados con su agencia... -... iría a otras?
Do you think it's true what they say about those horrible white eyes? Oh, that part is true enough.
¿ Cree cierto lo que dicen de esos horribles ojos blancos?
Well, what kind of credit rating do you think that is?
Bueno, pues eso no me inspira mucha confianza
- What do you think of this reform, the one that Bruno is suggesting?
De esta reforma que... Bruno quería proponer?
Hey, Michael, cut that screwing'around. What do you think this is? Some whorehouse?
Déjate de joder. ¿ Qué crees que es esto, un prostíbulo?
What do you think is the most successful animal that's ever lived on this earth.
¿ Cuál crees que es el animal que más ha resistido en este planeta?
What do you think? Trecase, that is near Côma?
- Trecase está cerca de allí, ¿ no?
What the bloody hell do you think that is, Scotch mist?
¿ Qué coño te crees que es esto? ¿ Un juego?
Don't just stop in the middle like that What do you think this is, a toy shop?
¡ No se detenga!
All right, look, I think what we should do is get down to the lab, do a couple of tests on you, try to figure out what did happen. And what you might have done that would cause someone to wanna shoot at you.
Mira, creo que deberíamos ir al laboratorio hacerte algunas pruebas, y averiguar lo que pasó y lo que hayas hecho para que te dispararan.
What do you think, ladies and gentlemen, is there any hope that we'd be given something to eat today?
¿ Qué opinan los señores de un truco así : que nos den algo de comer ahora?

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