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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ W ] / What were you talking about

What were you talking about traduction Espagnol

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Say, what were you talking about to that Russian number?
Bueno, Eh... Ella nació en Rusia. Eso dice ella.
What were you talking about?
¿ De qué habéis hablado?
What were you talking about?
¿ De qué hablaron?
What were you talking about out there?
¿ De qué estabais hablando?
What were you talking about for such a long time?
¿ De qué estuvisteis hablando tanto tiempo?
Oh? What were you talking about? Did he call about the party?
- ¿ Llamó para hablar de la fiesta?
What were you talking about?
¿ De qué hablabas con esos tres?
What were you talking About with the old man?
¿ De qué estuviste habando con el viejo?
Well, then, what were you talking about last night?
Entonces ¿ de qué estuvimos hablando anoche?
What were you talking about out there?
¿ A qué demonios se refiere?
Ah, fine. What were you talking about inside?
- Si. ¿ De qué parloteábais?
What were you talking about?
¿ De qué estabais hablando?
What were you talking about?
- ¿ De qué hablaban?
What were you talking about?
¿ De qué hablabais?
I'll come again at a more suitable hour, your majesty you just stay here, Chevalier what you were talking about with my wife regards me too the Chevalier has brought us good news from England really?
Vendré a una hora más apropiada, Majestad. ¡ Quédese aquí, Chevalier! Lo que tenga que hablar con mi esposa, seguramente me atañe a mí también.
Say, Chip, what's the name of this player you were talking about?
Chip, ¿ cómo se llama ese jugador del que hablabas?
You couldn't have failed to overhear what Prince John and I were talking about.
No habéis podido dejar de oír lo que el Príncipe Juan y yo hablábamos.
I mean, I'm hearing For the first time What you were talking About that night.
Quiero decir, estoy escuchando por primera vez lo que dijiste esa noche.
If they wanna know what we were talking about, say I was asking you if you were going to identify that shiv.
Si quieren saber de qué hablábamos dile que te pregunté si ibas a identificar el filo.
What about the light you were always talking about?
¿ Qué hay de esa luz de la que siempre estabas hablando?
La mitad de las veces ni sabía de lo que hablabas.
You knew what you were talking about, didn't you?
¡ Usted sabía de lo que estaba hablando!
- You know, what we were talking about...
- Lo que estuvimos hablando.
Well, we were talking about what you saw.
Hablábamos sobre lo que usted vio.
What was that boat you were talking about?
¿ De qué hablaban?
Me estaba diciendo a mi mismo de ti, y nos preguntabamos que habia sido de ti.
Joe, what were you both talking about when I came in? Something about a miracle?
Joe, ¿ de qué estabais hablando, de un milagro?
Andreas, did you hear what we were talking about?
Andreas, ¿ escuchaste nuestra conversación?
I hope you're not worried over what we were talking about.
Espero que no se preocupe por lo que estábamos hablando.
What you were just talking about.
En lo que usted dijo.
- What are you talking about? - You were seen going into Lister's cell... and you were seen coming out.
Se le vio entrar en su celda.
Do you remember what we were talking about?
¿ Recuerdas de qué hablábamos?
All the other women in your life were only substitutes for her. What are you talking about?
Todas las demás mujeres en su vida solo fueron sustitutas para ella.
What is that river you were talking about?
¿ Cuál es el río del que hablabas?
You didn't say you were gonna still try to collect. What are you talking about?
No dijiste que aún pretendiéras recoger pasta.
What were those men talking about, as though you were in some kind of plot together.
¿ De qué hablaban esos? ¿ Estáis planeando algo?
What was the name of that place you were talking about?
¿ Cómo se llama aquel lugar del que hablabas?
Hey, what was that camp you were talking to me about this morning?
¿ Qué fue de ese campamento que mencionaste esta mañana?
You for example, who were so quick to declare yourself, to be so kind.. to run to the church and let the priest know.. - What are you talking about?
Usted, por ejemplo, que ha sido... tan rápido en manifestarse, sea tan amable... de correr a la iglesia y prevenir al sacerdote... - ¿ Qué dice?
What about that courthouse, school, and church you were talking about?
¿ Qué pasa con el juzgado, la escuela y la iglesia de los que hablaban?
Fredrik, it means... she knows what you were talking about in your sleep.
Fredrik, eso significa... ella sabe de lo que hablabas en tus sueños.
Or were you going to tell him what Ames and me were talking about?
¿ O ibas a contarle sobre qué estábamos hablando Ames y yo?
What letter were you talking about?
¿ De qué carta hablas?
So you do remember what were talking about.
Así que ya te acuerdas de lo que estabais hablando.
What were you talking to Morgan about?
¿ De qué le hablabas a Morgan?
Al, what if I were to start talking about you tomorrow?
¿ qué te parecería si yo hiciera comentarios sobre ti?
What was this Dunleavy bit you were talking about?
¿ Qué era eso que decías de Dunleavy?
- What were you two talking about?
- ¿ De qué hablabais? - De usted.
But I never did know what you were talking about...
Pero nunca supe de qué estaba usted hablando.
What were you two talking about?
¿ Sobre qué hablabais vosotros dos?
What were you two talking about down there?
¿ De qué hablabais ahí abajo vosotros dos?

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