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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ W ] / Whether he likes it or not

Whether he likes it or not traduction Espagnol

54 traduction parallèle
Much as I love you, nevertheless, I am determined... to look after my brother's interests, whether he likes it or not.
Aunque te quiero de verdad... Estoy decidido a cuidar de los intereses de mi hermano. ¡ Arréstenlo!
It's forced upon him, whether he likes it or not.
Tiene que serlo. Está forzado a ello le guste o no.
He'll go along whether he likes it or not.
Lo necesitamos, y nos acompañará le guste, o no.
Tell Mr. Brady I'm taking two weeks off, whether he likes it or not.
Diga que me he tomado dos semanas de permiso, Ies guste o no.
I don't mind whether he likes it or not. Tell him it's an order.
Le guste o no, es una orden.
Whether he likes it or not, he is an ambassador.
Le guste o no, es un embajador.
Whenever Cary Grant's picture's in the paper he gets a waxed mustache whether he likes it or not.
Siempre que la foto de Cary Grant está en el diario él tiene un bigote depilado con cera, aunque no le guste.
We cannot go, so he has to go whether he likes it or not.
No nos podemos ir, así que tiene que irse él, le guste o no.
I'll give him the chance every year whether he likes it or not.
Le daré esa oportunidad todos los años... le guste o no.
Whether he likes it or not, we're going to Montreal.
Mili, quizás no le guste pero nos vamos a Montreal..
The doctor is to decide about that baby's life whether he likes it or not He's aware of that
De manera que el doctor tiene en sus manos la vida de ese niño Le guste o no, está en sus manos, y él lo sabe
And whether he likes it or not, he's her responsibility.
Y aunque a él no le guste, ella es responsable por él.
Whether he likes it or not.
Le guste o no.
And I'm beginning to realize that a person like me has a place in history, whether he likes it or not.
Y me doy cuenta de que alguien como yo tiene un lugar en la historia, me guste o no.
Anyway, I mean to keep the door of happiness open and give him a chance every year to slip in whether he likes it or not.
En fin, planeo mantener abierta la puerta de la felicidad y darle una oportunidad de entrar cada año le guste o no.
He is a mainstream celebrity, whether he likes it or not.
Él es una celebridad establecida, le guste o no. "Skateboarder Profesional" Está en televisión.
He's stuck with me until the day he dies, whether he likes it or not.
Estará atrapado conmigo hasta el día de su muerte. Le guste o no.
I said aaron is our leader, whether he likes it or not.
Dije que Aaron es el líder, aunque no le guste.
- -In a sense, David, we are married because I intend to spend the rest of my life with Larry whether he likes it or not, but, uh...
... en cierto sentido, David, estamos casados porque es mi intención pasar el resto de mi vida con Larry, ya sea que le guste o no, pero...
There is no point in wasting our time on Aladin.. .. whether he likes it or not, he'll have to come stop me.. .. and I love it when someone stops me from doing something.
No hay ningún punto en perder nuestro tiempo en Aladino le gusta o no, él tendrá que venir a detenerme y yo amo cuando alguien me trata de detener.
I'm gonna tell hastings I'm gonna try a combo shot, whether he likes it or not.
Voy a decirle a Hastings que voy a probarlo. Aunque no le guste.
We're gonna make Carlos a rich man whether he likes it or not.
Haremos a Carlos un hombre rico le guste o no.
I'm fighting for him, whether he likes it or not.
Estoy luchando por el, le agrade o no.
Whether he likes it or not.
Ya sea que le guste o no.
I mean, whether he likes it or not, I pay his wages.
Si le gusta como si no. Yo pago su sueldo.
We need to get Arthur out of here whether he likes it or not.
Necesitamos sacar a Arturo de aquí, le guste o no.
Order him protection whether he likes it or not.
Ordénele protección ya sea si le gusta o no.
He's gonna bawl whether he likes it or not.
Va a llorar, lo quiera o no.
Now one of us... whether he likes it or not. Which, I have to admit, he didn't.
Ahora uno de nosotros le guste o no, lo cual tengo que admitir que mucho no le gustó.
And now he's in it... whether he likes it or not.
Y ahora, está dentro... tanto si le gusta como si no.
My aunt takes care of him, whether he likes it or not.
Mi tía cuida de él, le guste o no.
I won't allow Lleó to leave, whether he likes it or not.
No dejaré que Lleó se vaya, quiera o no.
Whether he likes it or not.
Le guste a él o no.
Whether he likes it or not, too.
Le guste o no, también.
He shall have to wear this whether he likes it or not.
Tendrá que usar esto, le guste o no.
I mean, whether he likes it or not, I know more about Parsa than anyone.
Le guste o no, sé más de Parsa que nadie.
Look, if it's JT, tell him, whether he likes it or not, the detail stays, all right?
Mira, si es JT, dile, le guste o no, el detalle se mantiene, ¿ de acuerdo?
And, suddenly, he's an organ donor, whether he likes it or not.
Y, de repente, él es un donante de órganos, le guste o no.
He's ready to be saved, whether he likes it or not.
Está listo para ser salvado, le guste o no.
Tell him that you're within him, you're within everything, whether he likes it or not.
Dile que estás dentro de él que estás dentro de todo, le guste o no.
Well, I've thought about that... and I just can't do it... whether my uncle likes it or not.
He pensado sobre ello y no puedo hacerlo, le guste o no a mi tío.
- We're getting into that fat ass'park, whether he likes it or not! - Where are we going?
¿ A dónde vamos?
And he likes me whether you see it or not
Y yo le gusto. lo entiendas o no.
- He likes me, whether you see it or not.
lo entiendas o no.
He needs to be somewhere with me... whether his dad likes it or not.
Tiene que estar en un lugar, le guste a su padre o no, porque no parece que a su padre le importe.
Once we broadcast images of the government bureau falling to us... whether he likes it or not! then all the cards will fall into my hands! 850 ) } THE COLLAPSING STAGE
¡ Sí, Su Alteza!
Whether he likes it or not, it's Benjamin.
- Le guste a él o no, es Benjamín.
And I've got to figure it out. ♪ From above ♪ Whether he likes what I've prepared or not,
Y lo tengo que descifrar.
How will it know whether the music he likes it or rather not.
¿ cómo va a saber si la música le guste o bien no.
Well, whether the learner likes it or not, he must go on until he's learned all the pairs correctly.
Bueno, si el alumno quiera o no, él debe continuar hasta que ha aprendido todas las parejas correctamente.
He kind of likes me, so maybe you should be the one worrying about whether or not you make it through the night.
Le gusto un poco, así que tal vez deberías ser el que se preocupe por si lo hace o no a través de la noche

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