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Whether we like it or not traduction Espagnol

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# We are the audience, the great audience # we demand gaudium for our money # we'll only turn round, here sits the audience # it's a matter of whether we like it or not.
# Somos el público, somos el público, # exigimos diversión por nuestro dinero. # Todo gira en torno nuestro, somos el público, # sólo se trata de que nos guste.
Whether we like it or not, we're together.
Nos guste o no, estamos juntos.
We'd hoped for trained men, but we've got civilians whether we like it or not.
Queríamos hombres entrenados. Recibimos civiles, queramos o no.
Be just like that darn convention to nominate him for president now, whether we like it or not.
- Hasta podría ocurrir que esa convención de locos Ilegase a proponerlo para Presidente...,... nos guste o no.
Whether we like it or not, it's the age we're living in.
Tanto si nos gusta como si no, es la época que nos ha tocado vivir.
Whether we like it or not, the fact is they're the ones who know what they want. And they always get it.
Nos guste o no, son ellos quienes saben lo que quieren y siempre lo consiguen.
That's one career all females have in common, whether we like it or not.
Ésa es la carrera que todas las mujeres tenemos en común, nos guste o no.
Whether we like it or not, we've got to go on living.
Incluso contra nuestra propia voluntad,... tenemos que seguir viviendo.
We're fellow travellers whether we like it or not.
So - mos compañeros de viajes nos guste o no.
The rest of us have to take orders whether we like it or not.
El resto debemos obedecer, aunque no nos guste.
We are both caught between two mill-stones, and they are grinding together whether we like it or not.
Estamos atrapados entre dos ruedas de molino que giran nos guste o no.
All of us are deeply involved with politics, whether we know it or not and whether we like it or not.
Número uno : a todos nos concierne la política, lo sepamos o no, y nos guste o no.
That's the way it is, whether we like it or not.
Así son las cosas, te guste o no te guste.
I don't want to bother you with a lot of meteorological mumbo jumbo, but the fact is, you see, whether we like it or not, fog, it moves.
No quiero fastidiarle con toda la terminología meteorológica, pero el hecho es que, queramos o no, la niebla se mueve.
Whether we like it or not, there is a certain order of things :
Nos guste o no, hay cierto orden en las cosas :
Whether we like it or not we're public figures.
Nos guste o no, somos personajes públicos.
He wants us with him and whether we like it or not we're going.
Nos quiere con él, queramos o no ir.
Well, they're the future, whether we like it or not.
Ellos representan el futuro... nos guste o no.
Ultimately, whether we like it or not we're all part of one inseparable web of relationships.
De hecho, ya sea que nos guste o no... somos parte de una inseparable red de relaciones.
It always has, whether we like it or not.
Siempre ha sido así, estemos de acuerdo o no.
Whether we like it or not, the dope business is where it's at, Magic.
Aunque nos guste o no, el negocio está en la droga, Magic.
- Bueno, el punto no es si nos gusta o no.
They say they're gonna destroy the Liberté whether we like it or not.
Dicen que destruirán la Liberté, nos guste o no.
Well, we're going in with Dan whether you like it or not. This is business.
Haremos equipo con Dan, te guste o no.
We'll make a clean breast of things, whether you like it or not!
Aclararemos las cosas, te guste o no.
If we quarreled, it wouldn't have been over suitcases and handbags but over something like whether your aunt or grandmother should live with us or not.
Y de haber peleado, no habría sido por maletas y carteras sino por si su tía o su abuela debería vivir con nosotros o no.
We're going to save this cargo for you, boys... whether you like it or not.
Salvaremos este cargamento para Uds., muchachos... les guste o no.
- Would you rather we stopped? - Bill, you invited me to dance, and you're going to see it through whether you like it or not.
- Bill, me invitaste a bailar y bailaremos te guste o no.
Whether you like it or not, we're givin''em their full share.
Les guste o no, les daremos su parte.
We've got ways of getting the information out whether they like it or not.
Tenemos formas de saber esa información tanto si les gusta como si no.
Whether you like it or not, we're in this thing together.
Te guste o no, estamos juntos en esto.
We're outlaws together, whether you like it or not.
Te guste o no, todos somos proscritos.
We will play tonight whether they like it or not.
Vamos a tocarla esta noche, les guste o no.
We pick up the girl and her father whether they like it or not?
¿ Recogeremos a la chica y a su padre quieran o no?
Well, whether they like it or not, we've got to stop this epidemic.
Les guste o no, debemos acabar con la epidemia.
You're going to be defended, whether you like it or not, because we've got a standard of justice we'll follow in spite of you.
Sepa que se le va a defender quiera usted o no. Porque tenemos unas normas de justicia que hemos de seguir a pesar suyo.
We have to get that feed to town whether you like it or not.
les guste o no.
Now, Miss Durant, whether you like it or not, we have to pack up and leave.
Ahora, Srta. Durant, le guste o no, tenemos que hacer el equipaje e irnos.
We're gonna stay married whether you like it or not. Is that clear?
Vamos a seguir casados le guste o no. ¿ Está claro?
And I told you this is where we're going to live, whether you like it or not.
Y yo te dije que es aquí donde viviremos, te guste o no.
Well, whether we like it or not, he's gotten himself involved.
Nos guste o no, se ha metido en problemas.
Whether you like it or not, we're in a democratic country where there's a parliament that legislates in harmony with a constitution that sanctions equality for all its citizens.
¿ por qué no hablamos sobre la ocupación a la universidad y sobre el autoritarismo académico? - ¡ Salgan, váyanse! - ¡ No!
After all, it's a part of France's history, whether we like it or not.
El sectarismo no puede continuar por siempre.
Chief, I don't know whether this is important to you or not, but we don't like it- - too much sand.
Jefe, no sé si esto es importante para usted pero no nos gustó. Demasiada arena.
We're gonna take him whether you like it or not.
le guste o no.
No, we're gonna sit right here, and you... you people are going to get your money's worth whether you like it or not.
No, nos quedaremos aquí. Ustedes recibirán el servicio que pagaron, les guste o no.
How is that? It is apparent. It isn't from our meeting that your presumptory regime not only extends to confining the household like animals in reservations but directing us as to whether or not we should wear a coat carry a walking-stick or whistle.
Resulta, a juzgar por nuestro encuentro de esta tarde, que vuestra arrogancia no sólo confina a la servidumbre como animales en una reserva, sino que nos impone llevar o no una vestimenta, un bastón, o silbar.
We must, whether you like it or not, prepare for a new life there.
Hay que hacerlo, quiéralo uno o no. Hay que seguir viviendo allá.
Whether you like it or not, we're after the same thing, so why don't we pool our resources?
Te guste o no, vamos tras la misma cosa. así que ¿ por qué no unimos recursos?
And whether you like it or not, we're after the same thing so why don't we pool our resources?
Y te guste o no, queremos lo mismo... - ¿ por qué no trabajamos juntos?
And we are your friends, whether you like it or not.
Somos tus amigas, quieras o no.

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