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Which is a good thing traduction Espagnol

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You'll save yourself a little money, which is a good thing... because the'90s are going to be all about restraint.
Ahorrarán algo de dinero, lo cual está bien... pues los'90 seguramente van a ser de sacrificio.
It's the best reference library ever, which is a good thing to have.
Es la mejor biblioteca del mundo, y eso es muy bueno.
Which is a good thing, because I'm not a patient man.
Algo que es bueno porque no soy un hombre paciente.
Which is a good thing.
Qué es una buena cosa.
I guess fate didn't want us to get those coins, which is a good thing.
Supongo que el destino no nos quería con esas monedas, y eso es bueno.
Which is a good thing because you're a vampire slayer.
Lo que es bueno, porque tú eres una Cazavampiros.
Which is a good thing.
Lo que ya es bueno.
I gotthem from myGrandma Vega, which is a good thing,'cause myGranny Barzel, she had hands like a circus midget.
Las recibí de mi abuela Vega, Lo que es una buena cosa, Porque mi abuela Barzel, tenía las manos como una enana de circo.
The actual uniform will be flame retardant, which is a good thing, don't you think?
El uniforme actual será antiflamas, lo que es bueno, ¿ no creen?
You probably haven't seen Misery, which is a good thing.
Claro que no has visto Misery. Es mejor de esa manera.
He's got a really unique voice, and he's very passionate about the script which is a good thing, you know?
Pero tiene una visión muy original y el guión lo apasiona mucho. Yo debería ser así.
Which is a good thing, right?
Que es algo bueno, ok?
Which is a good thing, because my wife just got laid off.
Lo que es bueno, porque a mi mujer la echaron.
These ideas about the origins of Christianity, suppression of the feminine, the idea that the church seemed to have been engaged in coverup of information that they've always known to be true, it's brought those ideas to a whole new audience. Which is a good thing.
Estas ideas sobre... el origen de la cristiandad, la supresiуn de lo femenino... las ideas de que la Iglesia se involucrу... de ocultar la informaciуn que era verdadera... ha llevado esas ideas a una nueva audiencia... lo cual es algo bueno.
Which is a good thing.
- Lo que es bueno.
Which is a good thing.
Lo cual es bueno.
You know, this company, Tazarr, went out of business, which is a good thing.
Sabe, esta compañía Tazarr, quebró, lo que es bueno.
Which is a good thing because you look like a fucking tramp!
Y eso te viene muy bien, ¡ porque pareces una puta!
Which is a good thing.
Lo cual es una cosa buena.
When I'm with you, I'm not myself, which is a good thing.
Cuando estoy contigo, no soy yo misma lo cual es algo bueno.
So if I lose this ship, management won't be happy, which is not a good thing.
Si pierdo este barco la gerencia no va a estar contenta, y eso no es bueno.
Relations often aren't which is sometimes a good thing.
Los familiares no son a menudo lo que se dice una buena cosa.
It's a thing which is good for the brain, helps intelligence.
¿ Sabes? es algo que es bueno para el cerebro y le da inteligencia.
The important thing is you want the A-Team alive and well, which means if they're dead, they're no good.
Lo importante es que quiere al A - Team sano y salvo,... lo que significa que no le sirve, si están muertos.
This sort of thing happens everywhere... which I suppose is good, in that it gives all races something in common... and bad for much the same reason.
Estas cosas pasan en todas partes... lo que supongo que es bueno porque le da algo en común a todas las razas... y malo por la misma razón.
No reports for the last six hours, which is probably a good thing.
- Nada desde hace seis horas... lo que probablemente es bueno.
Listen, I don't care which one of you is writing this thing, all I'm saying is that there is room in every good story for a little bit of passion.
- No me importa quién la escriba. En las buenas historias, hay lugar para la pasión.
It totally fell apart... which is actually, you know, a good thing... because the guy was talking to me about signing over all the rights and I never would have done that.
Pero fue bueno. Porque el tipo me hablaba de entregarle los derechos y nunca habría hecho eso.
In fact, there's an official list of reasons for which crying is... a good thing.
De hecho, hay una lista oficial de razones por las que llorar es... bueno.
The good news is, you guys got into a rhythm apart from that vomiting thing, which was on Sports Center.
Lo bueno es que empezabais a entrar en juego. Aparte de esa historia del vómito que, por cierto, salió en televisión.
"... which is probably a good thing.
"... lo cual seguramente es bueno.
Which is not always a good thing.
Aunque eso no siempre es bueno.
Which I guess is a good thing.
Lo que supongo que es bueno.
Perfect for sneaking up on people, which is a very good thing.
Es perfecto para sorprender a la gente, lo que es algo muy bueno.
This defiantly does not look like the latrine, which I suppose, is a good thing.
Esto definitivamente no se parece a la letrina, Supongo que es una buena cosa.
But then, the male ego is a very fragile and delicate thing. If he's asking, it's because he's harbouring deep insecurities in which case the answer would do more harm than good.
Aunque el ego de los hombres es muy frágil y delicado y si te lo pregunta es porque está inseguro y la Verdad puede hacerle daño.
Anyway, so you called, I left, and I obviously didn't go back which is probably a good thing, because....
En fin, tú me llamaste, yo me fui y no regresé. Mejor así.
Bright here's the thing. Your grandmother's gonna give you a shot. Then Dr. Brown will do something showy with your back so you won't feel anything which is good because then Dr. Hoffman will remove your appendix.
Bright, tu abuela te pondrá una inyección y el Dr. Brown te hará algo para que no sientas nada y el Dr. Hoffman sacará tu apéndice.
And I also have to say that you had to recognize it right at the beginning from Harriet's point of view as a very true love, an immense love... and that it would be a lifelong love, which I think it has been. And you can't judge that, because that kind of love is on the side of life and is a good thing.
que duraría una vida y que creo que lo ha sido y no puedes juzgar eso porque ese tipo de amor está en el lado de la vida y es algo bueno
But another good thing is that it will be a hungry audience, so there's a good chance they are going to eat those hamburgers, which we weren't sure was actually gonna happen with the accountants in Australia.
Pero otra cosa buena es que será una audiencia hambrienta, así que hay muchas posibilidades de que se coman las hamburguesas, algo de lo que no estábamos seguros que fuera a pasar con los contadores en Australia.
Well, I just finished school for the day, you know, which is always a good thing.
¿ Cómo te va? Bueno, he acabado las clases por hoy y eso es realmente bueno.
The only good thing is, there's a rumor going around that he's gay, which is nice.
Lo único bueno es que hay un rumor de que él es gay. Lo que es bueno
Which, by the way, is a good thing to remember when the Germans invade us.
Lo que, por cierto, no hay que olvidar cuando los alemanes nos invadan.
Which is actually a good thing.
Lo cual, de hecho, es bueno.
Which is probably a good thing.
Lo que es bueno
Which is probably a good thing to be if you're gonna throw yourself out of car moving'60 miles per.
Lo que probablemente sea algo bueno cuando te suicidarás en un auto a 60 millas por hora
She told me earlier she is going to die, which is not a good thing.
Antes me dijo que se iba a morir, lo que no es bueno.
Which is why it's a good thing we're like the Marines.
Por eso es por lo que es bueno que seamos como los Marines.
Which, considering what we're about to do with it, is a good thing.
Lo cual, considerando lo que estamos a punto de hacer con él, es algo bueno.
And third, I wasn't packing, which is probably a really good thing because I probably would've just burned a clip in him off the principle alone.
Y tercero, no la llevaba conmigo, lo que probablemente haya sido bueno. Porque sino, probablemente le hubiera vaciado un cargador, sólo para empezar.
In fact, I did not, which is probably a good thing.
Lo que probablemente sea algo bueno.

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