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Who does she think she is traduction Espagnol

224 traduction parallèle
Who does she think she is?
¿ Quién se cree que es?
- Who does she think she is? - Idiot!
- Jálese con mucho cuidado conmigo.
Who does she think she is?
¿ Quién se habrá creído que es?
Say, who does she think she is?
¿ Quién se cree que es?
- Who does she think she is?
- ¿ Quién se cree que es?
Who does she think she is, glaring at us like that?
¿ No habéis visto esa mirada? ¿ Qué le hemos hecho nosotras?
Well, I am. Who does she think she is, treating'me like I was dirt?
Bueno, a mí sí. ¿ Quién se cree que es, tratándome como si yo estuviera sucio?
WOMAN : Who does she think she is?
¿ Quién se cree que es?
- Who does she think she is?
- ¿ Quién se cree que es vuestra amiga?
Who does she think she is? There's so many exciting and wonderful places
Vámonos a esos lugares fabulosos a los que deseamos ir.
- Who does she think she is?
- Quien se cree que es?
Who does she think she is?
¿ Quién se ha creído ella?
La-di-da. Who does she think she is, giving us orders like that?
Mira nada más. ¿ Quién se cree que es dándonos órdenes así?
who does she think she is?
¿ Quién se cree que es?
Why, the princess, who does she think she is?
Por qué, la princesa, quién se cree que es?
Who does she think she is?
¿ Quién se ha creído que es?
Who does she think she is?
¿ Quién se cree que es con esa cara?
The nurse? Who does she think she is?
¿ Pero quién se cree que es esta?
So don't let the door hit your furry butt on the way out. Who does she think she is?
Cuando salgas, que la puerta no golpee tu peludo trasero.
- Who does she think she is?
- ¿ Quién se ha creído que es?
Who does she think she is, my mama?
Quién se cree que es, mi mama?
Who does she think she is?
Quien se piensa que es?
I mean, who does she think she is criticizing my kids?
¿ Quién se cree ella al criticar a mis niños?
Who does she think she is anyway? Telling me to stop what I'm doing and come home and play nursemaid?
¿ Quién se cree que es... diciéndome que deje lo que esté haciendo para ir a casa y hacer de niñera?
Who does she think she is, some goddess?
¿ Qué cree que es, una diosa?
Who does she think she is, a Laker Girl?
¿ Quién se cree que es? ¿ La chica Laker?
I just, I know that sometimes certain types of people, jealous people, might think, who does she think she is?
Es que sé que a veces cierto tipo de personas, personas celosas podrían pensar ¿ quién se cree que es?
Get away! " I mean, who does she think she is?
¿ Qué se habrá creído?
Who does she think she is?
¿ Quién se cree ella que es?
Who does she think is running this theater?
¿ Quién cree que maneja este teatro?
Who does Johanna think she is?
¿ quién se cree Johanna?
Who does that geisha think she is?
¿ Qué se cree esa geisha? Con tanta apariencia.
Who the hell does she think she is treating my family to a funeral?
¿ Quién demonios cree que es, pagarle el entierro a mi familia?
Who does that fool think she is!
¿ Pero qué se habrá creído la muy imbécil?
Who the hell does she think she is? She starts yellin'at me.
¿ Quien demonios se cree que es?
Who does she think she is?
¿ Y ella qué?
Who the hell does she think she is! Bitch.
¿ Qué se ha creído esa zorra?
'Who does this bitch think she is?
'Quién se cree esta desgraciada que es?
Who does that nurse think she is?
¿ Quién se cree que es esa enfermera?
Who the hell does she think she is?
Quién carajo se cree que es ella?
Who the hell does she think she is?
¿ Quién se piensa que es?
Who does the hygienist think she is?
¿ Ahora ella se hace a la fina?
No matter how close we are in the dark... she is still a stranger to me... a stranger who does not think or feel as I do.
No importa qué tan cerca estamos en la oscuridad... ella sigue siendo un extraño para mí... un extraño que no piensan o sienten como yo.
Who the hell does she think she is?
¿ Quién rayos se cree que es?
And they still had him down for an MRI today. Who does she think she is, Ivana Trump?
¿ Y quién se cree que es?
I think she is the only one who does.
Creo que es la única que lo hace.
Who the hell does that rich cunt think she is?
¿ Quién carajo se cree que es esa cabrona rica?
Who the fuck does she think she is?
¿ Quién mierda se cree que es?
How's it going? Who the hell does she think she is?
Quien mierda se cree que es?
Who the fuck does she think she is?
¿ Quién coño se cree?
Who the fuck does she think she is?
¿ quien carajo se cree que es?

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