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Who doesn't traduction Espagnol

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Fully one quarter of the American population doesn't believe it's happening, and those who do, don't believe that it's man-made, which goes against scientific consensus and political consensus globally.
Un cuarto de la población cree que no existe... y la que sí, no cree que sea obra del hombre... lo que, globalmente... va en contra del consenso político y científico.
She doesn't care. And who doesn't like to dance?
¿ Y a quién no le gusta bailar?
I just have to ask, why do you care so much who Ryan does or doesn't date?
Sólo tengo que preguntar, ¿ por qué te preocupas tanto porque Ryan sale o no?
Sam, doesn't he have a say in who he lives with
Sam, ¿ no tiene él que decidir con quién vive
Yeah, he loved to drink - who doesn't?
Sí, le gustaba beber... ¿ a quién no?
L-look, y-you're never gonna meet a guy who doesn't like that lispy thing.
Mira, nunca vas a conocer un chico a quien no le gusta el balbuceo
Being supernatural doesn't change who you are.
Ser sobrenatural no cambia quien eres.
Can't be a traitor to someone who doesn't care about you.
No puedes traicionar a alguien que no se preocupa por ti.
I have to prioritize, which doesn't always sit well with the people who think they're getting the short end of the stick.
Tengo que priorizar... lo que no siempre le cae bien a quienes se creen menos privilegiados.
The man who doesn't let his dark past define the man he wants to be!
¡ El hombre que no deja que su pasado oscuro defina el hombre que quiere ser!
I'm not someone who believes in fate or anything like that, but it kind of makes you wonder, doesn't it?
No soy de las que cree en el destino ni nada de eso, pero te hace preguntártelo un poco, ¿ no?
The problem is, he doesn't know who it is.
El problema es que él no sabe quién es.
Sure, it starts with a threesome, and then, next thing you know, she's a heroin addict who doesn't know she's pregnant until she's giving birth in a dumpster.
Claro, empieza con un trío, y después, lo siguiente que te enteras, es una adicta a la heroína que no sabe que está embarazada hasta que está dando a luz en un basurero.
He loves being with somebody who doesn't have expectations on him.
Le encanta estar con alguien que no tiene expectativas sobre él.
He means well, but if he's not having sex, he doesn't know who he is.
Tiene buen fondo, pero si no está teniendo sexo, no sabe ni quién es.
I want to be with the man who doesn't have the heart to go through with it.
Quiero estar con el hombre que no tiene el corazón para llevarlo a cabo.
doesn't matter who it was.
Da igual quién fuera. - Es decir...
doesn't matter who it was. i mean, i would like to know.
- Bueno, me gustaría saberlo.
A history of abuse doesn't mean she was some fucking loser who brought it on herself.
Una historia de abuso no significa que fuera una perdedora que se lo buscó.
Doesn't say who made the 911 call.
No dice que hizo la llamada al 911.
Yeah, and I fall in love with a sexy egyptologist who tames wild horses and he reads me poetry, and he doesn't have to take forced naps because he eats too many hot dogs.
Y me enamoro... de un egiptólogo sexy que doma caballos. Y me lee poesía... y no debe hacer siestas forzadas... porque comió muchos "Hot-Dogs".
Doesn't know who I am.
No sabe quién soy.
I... I need somebody who doesn't care.
Yo... necesito a alguien a quien no le importe.
I explained that Jane doesn't have any memory of who she is.
Le expliqué que Jane no tiene ningún recuerdo de quién es.
He doesn't say who he thinks, ah, is going to kill him maybe, or, ah...
Él no dice quien piensa, ah, que va a matarlo, tal vez, o, ah...
I'm sure you're aware the DA doesn't give out immunity to anybody who tells a good story.
Estoy seguro de que sabe que el abogado del Estado no da inmunidad a cualquiera que cuenta una buena historia.
There's no way that Adam doesn't know who he really is.
Es imposible que Adam no sepa quién es en realidad.
Who doesn't want to be compared to a puppy?
¿ Quién no quiere ser comparada con un cachorro?
The only one who doesn't is you.
El único que no cree eres tú.
The Dragon King doesn't appreciate that his sacred bow and arrow was aimed at a petrol tycoon who's threatened an oil embargo, among other things.
El Rey Dragón no aprecia que su sagrado arco y flecha apuntara a un magnate del petróleo que ha amenazado con un embargo de petróleo, entre otras cosas.
Well, who doesn't like surprises?
¿ A quién no le gustan las sorpresas?
Guess who doesn't.
Adivina quién no.
He's got a dog over there and a pool and a stepmom who doesn't work two jobs.
Tendrá un perro por allá, una piscina y una madrastra que no tiene dos trabajos.
We still have no idea who bashed her over the head and Lesli doesn't know any of it.
Todavía no sabemos quien la golpeó en la cabeza y Lesli no sabe nada de ello.
'Look, just because we know who you are it doesn't mean the game is over.
Aunque sepamos quién eres, no significa que el juego haya acabado.
Ever stop to think that it's me who doesn't trust you?
¿ No han pensado que soy yo que no confía en ustedes?
Who doesn't deserve a tasty treat...
¿ Quién no merece un sabroso manjar...
'Cause, boys, if what she said doesn't count because it was a "she" who said it, it has no place in police work.
Porque, chicos, si lo que ella dice no fuera válido porque fue "ella" quien lo dijo, no habría lugar para el trabajo policial.
You're the only one who doesn't get mad at him for asking.
Eres el único que no se enfada con él por preguntar.
We know that there's a connection, but I can't roll the dice in case we get some judge who doesn't think we have probable cause.
Sabemos que hay una conexión, pero no puedo lanzar los dados en caso de que tengamos alguna juez que no creo que tengamos una causa probable.
Who doesn't put their son's drawings on the fridge?
¿ Quién no pone los dibujos de sus hijos en el refrigerador?
Barry, there's someone here who doesn't know who he is, leg.
Barry, hay alguien aquí que no sabe quién es.
And that doesn't even count people who have given up hope and stopped looking for work.
Y eso sin contar a las personas que han perdido la esperanza y han dejado de buscar trabajo.
She doesn't know who to wear a sari.
Ella no sabe como ponerse un sari.
He who brings upon himself what he doesn't need is patient.
El que hace lo que no necesita es paciente.
I mean, it kind of depends on who she fell in with, doesn't it?
Es decir, es como que depende de con quién se quedó, ¿ no?
But he doesn't think that's who we should be focusing our attention on.
Ni tampoco Sherlock. Pero él no cree que es en quien deberíamos concentrar nuestra atención.
Who doesn't even love you.
¿ Quién no tiene ni siquiera te aman.
From someone who doesn't know you very well.
De alguien que no te conoce muy bien.
Darren doesn't care who wins or loses.
A Darren no le importa quién gana o pierde.
It doesn't take a genius to figure out who's been nicking it, hey.
No hay que ser un puto genio para saber quién se la ha bebido.

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