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Who you really are traduction Espagnol

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Then someone will show up - a spouse, a friend- - to tell you who you really are and what you should be feeling.
Entonces aparecerá alguien, un marido, un amigo... Para decirte quien eres realmente Y lo que deberías estar sintiendo.
I love you for who you really are...
Te quiero por lo que realmente eres...
It's all about accepting who you really are.
Todo es acerca de aceptar quien eres realmente.
You're afraid to go all in with Mom, because if you ever let your guard down and show her who you really are, she might not like what she sees.
Tienes miedo de ir más allá con mamá, porque si alguna vez bajas la guardia y le muestras cómo eres realmente, quizá a ella no le guste lo que ve.
Do you have the guts to tell the world who you really are?
¿ Tienes tú valor para decirle al mundo quien eres en realidad?
If this guy doesn't know who you really are or where we live surely you can just lay low for a while?
Si el tipo no sabe quién eres realmente o dónde vivimos seguramente puedes esconderte durante una temporada.
Tell me who you really are.
Dime quién eres realmente.
Who you really are.
Quien en realidad eres.
Perhaps one of my Sisters and I should stay behind, watch over him, help him to accept the truth of who you really are.
Tal vez una de las hermanas y yo deberíamos quedarnos atrás, Vigílenlo, ayúdenlo a aceptar la verdad de quien realmente eres.
You know, I really... hope that your guy knows who you really are.
Sabes, en el fondo espero que tu chico sepa lo que eres de verdad.
You have to spend some time figuring out who you really are before you know what you want in someone else.
Tienes que pasar un tiempo descubriendo quién eres realmente antes de que sepas lo que quieres en alguien más.
I can't believe you're willing to destroy my relationship with my father because you're too scared that yours won't love you for who you really are.
No puedo creer que estés dispuesta a destruir mi relación con mi padre porque tienes miedo de que el tuyo no acepte quien eres.
Yeah, we know who you really are.
Si, nosotros sabemos quien eres de verdad
Now let's find out who you really are.
Ahora averiguemos quién eres realmente.
You are so fucked up. You're so afraid of finding out who you really are, you'd rather be married to someone you know is gay than risk being rejected by someone who could actually love you!
¡ Estás tan jodida, tienes tanto miedo de darte cuenta de quién eres realmente, que prefieres casarte con alguien que sabes que es gay a arriesgarte a ser rechazada por alguien que realmente podría amarte!
Is there any way for me to talk to you as who you really are?
¿ Hay alguna manera de hablar contigo como realmente eres?
He's trying to destroy you before you figure out who you really are.
Él está tratando de vencerte antes de que sepas quién tú en realidad eres.
And some token of your past, a reminder of who you really are.
Y algunas cosas de tu pasado, te recuerdan quién eres realmente.
This is what you need to remind yourself of who you really are.
Es lo que tú necesitas para recordarte quién eres en realidad.
They revealed who you really are.
Revelaron quien eres realmente.
If you don't want to know who you really are, it's your business... I still need to know,... I need to have a mission, I need a purpose in life again, you hear me?
Si usted no quiere saber quién es, allá usted, pero yo sí necesito saberlo, necesito tener una misión, necesito agarrarme a algo para sentirme vivo, me oye?
Don't forget I know who you really are.
No olvides que yo sé, quién eres en realidad
Just because you can't deal with who you really are, don't take it out on me.
Mira, sólo porque tú no puedas tratar con quien realmente eres, no lo pagues conmigo.
Just because you can't deal with who you really are, Don't take it out on me.
Sólo porque no puedes afrontar lo que realmente eres, no la tomes conmigo.
It's one thing to hide who you really are.
Una cosa es esconder quién eres realmente.
I don't know what you told that girl, but you can't turn your back on who you really are.
No sé qué le dijiste a esa chica pero no puedes darle la espalda a tu verdadera identidad.
We've just started to talk about who you really are, where you come from, where you're headed.
Estábamos empezando a hablar de quién eres realmente, de dónde vienes, hacia dónde te dirijes.
You're not Special Agent Gordon. Ugh! You want to tell us who you really are?
Tú no eres el Agente especial Gordon. ¿ Quieres decirnos quién eres en realidad?
But I went and dug him out of a Dumpster, wrung out the garbage juice and rubbed him down with a Bounce sheet because I want you to be who you really are.
Pero fui y cavé y lo saqué de un basurero, lo escurrí del jugo de basurero y lo froté con un hoja porque quería mostrarte quién eres realmente.
You're going to give that baby to a family who really wants it, who's going to love it, and then you are going to go on to do amazing things, Quinn.
Le vas a dar tu bebé a una familia que realmente lo quiere, y lo van a amar, y entonces vas a continuar para hacer cosas increibles, Quinn.
Who are you really?
¿ Quién es realmente?
- Oh, really? - Who are you playing with?
- ¿ Con quién jugarán?
But if that's who you date, I mean, are you really going to find happiness with the kind of person who's a number on a list?
Pero si sales con ella... ¿ Puedes alcanzar la felicidad junto a una persona que es un número en una lista?
Those were the characters who came out of thinking there are actually people out there who would really want to see you fucked up.
Esos eran los personajes que surgieron de pensar que hay realmente gente ahí afuera que en verdad querría verte jodido.
No, really, who are you?
- ¡ Mira el cielo!
So who are you really?
¿ Así que quién es usted realmente?
Because when you really know who you are... And what you like about yourself,
Porque cuando realmente sabes quien eres... y que te gusta de ti mismo.
They don't really know who you are.
Ellos no saben quién eres tú.
It's just... so hard to believe you can work with someone for 15 years and yet have no idea who they really are or what they're capable of.
Es que... es tan difícil de creer que puedas trabajar con alguien por quince años y aún no tener ni idea de quién es o de saber de qué es capaz.
A lot of people are gonna be wondering who the hell you really are.
Mucha gente va a preguntarse quién demonios eres de verdad
Now, I really don't expect you to appreciate the difficulty of what I'm doing here, but there are not that many doctors who could single-handedly... how'd you get around the double-blind system to direct this heart to Mary Witten?
Bueno, la verdad es que no esperaba que apreciara la dificultad de lo que estoy haciendo aquí, pero no hay tantos médicos que podrían manejar ellos solos... ¿ Cómo evitó el sistema doble ciego para llevar este corazón hasta Mary Witten?
Who are you really angry with?
¿ Con quién estás enojado realmente?
but those who are, you know, wonderful literary figures, critics et cetera, intellectuals, will feel that cinema is a popular form, therefore it's not really art.
para aquellos que son maravillosas figuras literarias, como críticos, intelectuales, sienten que el cine es una forma popular, por lo tanto, no es realmente arte.
Who are you really mad at, larry?
¿ Con quién estás realmente enfadado, Larry?
Nothing like a hypothetical prison term to let you know who your friends really are.
Nada como una hipotética condena a prisión para saber quiénes son tus amigos de verdad.
Because someday you are gonna come to your senses, Will... and you're gonna get over that little miss crazy pants... and you're gonna come back to the one woman who really knows how to love you.
Porque un día entrarás en razón, Will... olvidarás a doña chiflada... y volverás con la única mujer que realmente sabe amarte.
♪ Are you gonna be somebody who really loves me?
¿ Vas a ser alguien que realmente me ame?
Who are you really and what were you before?
Quien eres y que has hecho antes?
And it's not really fair to be with someone and not really let them know who you are.
Y no es justo estar con alguien sin que sepan quién eres realmente.
So, the bad guys we're hunting took a break from global destruction to come to Miami to steal this book... And it turns out what they're really after are the secrets of a psycho who's obsessed with you.
Así que, los chicos malos que estamos cazando se tomaron un descanso de la destrucción global para venir a Miami para robar ese libro... y resulta que depués realmente son secretos de un psicópata que está obsesionado contigo
You are one of those doctors Who really likes patients.
Tú eres uno de esos médicos que realmente le gustan los pacientes.

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