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Windrush traduction Espagnol

73 traduction parallèle
I say. Mr Windrush.
¡ Buenos días, Sr. Windrush!
I'm terribly sorry, Mr Windrush, but one of our balls is just near the table. could we have it, please?
Lamento molestarlo Sr. Windrush, pero una de las pelotas cayó cerca de su mesa.
Yoo-hoo, Mr Windrush.
¡ Sr. Windrush!
We've quite worn the major out, Mr Windrush.
¡ Por fin le ganamos al Mayor, Sr Windrush!
Windrush! Don't forget...
Oh, Sr. Windrush...
Windrush, sir.
- Windrush.
well, Mr Windrush, with your approach I see not only no future for you, but no future for us.
Con su enfoque, no sólo no veo ningún futuro para usted. ni para nosotros...
You'd better go, Mr Windrush.
Es mejor que se vaya Sr.Windrush.
This is Mr Windrush, Hooper.
Este es el Sr. Windrush.
It's that fellow Windrush again.
Se quejan del Sr. Windrush, otra vez.
Dear Windrush, your appointment yesterday with Mr BartIett,
Querido Windrush, su encuentro de ayer con el Sr. Bartlett...
- Have another cup of tea, Mr Windrush. - Er... no, I won't, thank you very much.
¿ Quiere otra taza de té Sr. Windrush.
Cynthia, this is Mr Windrush.
Absolutamente. Oh, Cynthia, te presento al Sr. Windrush.
If you want cooperation, get hold of that new man, Windrush.
Si quiere cooperación diríjase a ese obrero nuevo,
He's on the trucks.
Windrush. el está en elevadores.
- New man, sir. Name's Windrush.
Un tipo nuevo, se llama Windrush.
In point of fact, Windrush's rate of work is much higher.
De hecho, el ritmo de trabajo de Windrush es aún superior.
My information is that one of our members did, in fact, cooperate with the management.
Mi información es, que uno de nuestros miembros ha estado cooperando con la dirección. Compañero Windrush...
Brother Windrush, perhaps you'd care to make a statement about that.
Windrush, ¿ tal vez usted quiera hacer una declaración acerca de esto?
Windrush, your case will come up tonight before the branch for consideration.
Windrush, esta noche trataremos tu caso en el comité ad-hoc.
- Has that fellow Windrush gone yet?
¿ Sabes si Windrush se fue?
Don't come the innocent with me, Windrush.
No te hagas el idiota conmigo, Windrush.
We understand you have a Mr Windrush lodging with you. That is so, yes.
¿ Tiene usted a un Sr. Windrush alojado en su casa?
This strike at missiles, Mr Windrush.
La huelga en "Missile", Sr. Windrush...
would it be fair to say, Mr Windrush, that your whole object is to help get this big export order completed
Podría decirse Sr. Windrush, Que su objetivo es ayudar a que ese pedido...
- Do forgive me, Mr Windrush, but I'm most anxious to get the human angle on this sort of problem.
Discúlpeme, Sr. Windrush, pero estoy ansioso por descubrir el lado humano de este lamentable asunto.
- Before we go, Mr Windrush, could we have a picture of you with Mrs Kite and her daughter?
- Gracias... Antes de partir, ¿ podemos tener unas fotos suyas, de la Sra. Kite y su hija?
Now, Miss Kite, if you'II just look up at Mr Windrush and... smile. Thank you.
Miss Kite, mire al Sr. Windrush y sonría.
- Mr Windrush.
El Sr. Windrush.
You filthy traitor, Windrush.
- ¡ Eres un sucio traidor, Windrush!
Look, all you've got to do is to go back to the old schedules and sack this berk Windrush.
Todo lo que tienes que hacer es volver al antiguo horario... y despedir al imbécil de Windrush.
You appreciate of course that Windrush would have to go.
Y que quede claro de que, Windrush debería irse.
Now, you agree to get the men back to work, and I guarantee to sack Windrush the moment all this blows over.
Si usted consigue, que los hombres vuelvan al trabajo Yo le garantizo el despido de Windrush en ese instante.
Windrush is the real problem.
Windrush es el verdadero problema...
Three cheers for Mr ChurchiII and stanley Windrush.
Tres hurras por Churchill y Stanley Windrush...
No, not her, Windrush.
No, ella no, Windrush.
So you will hear a spokesman for the management, for the shop stewards, and of course Mr stanley Windrush who was the cause of the strike.
Así pues, tendremos a un portavoz de la patronal uno de los sindicatos Y por supuesto al Sr. Stanley Windrush, quien provocó la huelga.
Ask the girl to go and see what's happened to Mr Windrush.
Ve a buscar al Sr. Windrush.
Make-up's waiting for you, Mr Windrush.
Lo esperan en maquillaje Sr. Windrush.
Mr Windrush!
¡ Sr.Windrush!
And next to him, Mr Windrush.
Y a su lado el Sr. Windrush.
Now I'm going to call on Mr Windrush, who, as a worker at missiles, might perhaps be described as the odd man in.
Y ahora hablaremos con el Sr. Windrush, como trabajador de "Missile" Podría describírselo como el detonante del conflicto.
- Windrush.
- Windrush.
In front of Mr Windrush.
Delante del Sr. Windrush.
¿ Windrush?
Do you mind if we ask you some questions, Mr Windrush?
Nuestro mov...
No, not at all.
¿ Le importa que le hagamos algunas preguntas Sr. Windrush?
Just over here, Mr Windrush. Next to Mrs Kite!
Ahí, Sr. Windrush.
Put your arms round them, Mr Windrush.
Rodéelas con sus brazos Sr. Windrush.
- salute stanley Windrush. - Why?
Felicitaciones Stanley Windrush, ¿ por qué?

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