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Winthorpe traduction Espagnol

60 traduction parallèle
- Good morning, Mr. Winthorpe. - Morning, Folsey.
- Buenos días, Sr. Winthorpe.
- Morning, Mr. Winthorpe.
- Buenos días, Sr. Winthorpe.
Winthorpe will sell at 76 and a quarter.
Winthorpe venderá a 76,25.
Let's see if Winthorpe's right.
Veamos si Winthorpe tiene razón.
Get me Winthorpe.
Póngame con Winthorpe.
Good. Good work, Winthorpe.
Buen trabajo, Winthorpe.
Don't worry about this, Winthorpe.
No te preocupes de esta, Winthorpe.
- Goodbye, Winthorpe.
- Adiós, Winthorpe.
Winthorpe is a very steady young man.
Winthorpe es un joven muy serio.
Well done, Winthorpe.
Bien hecho, Winthorpe.
Given the right surroundings and encouragement, I'll bet that that man could run our company as well as Winthorpe.
Con el entorno y el apoyo adecuados, estoy seguro de que podría llevar el negocio igual que Winthorpe.
I suppose you think Winthorpe...
Supongo que crees que Winthorpe...
No, I don't think that would be enough for Winthorpe.
Creo que Winthorpe necesitaría algo más.
Not an ordinary thief like the man Winthorpe had the guts to stand up to yesterday.
No un ladrón común como el hombre al que Winthorpe tuvo el valor de enfrentarse ayer.
Oh, Winthorpe.
Vaya, Winthorpe.
Yeah, Winthorpe Louis III.
Sí, Winthorpe Louis III.
Let's go, Winthorpe.
Vamos, Winthorpe.
I'm sorry, Mr. Winthorpe, but the IRS has frozen your accounts.
Lo siento, Sr. Winthorpe pero Hacienda le congeló las cuentas.
You're a heroin dealer, Mr. Winthorpe.
Es un traficante de heroína, Sr. Winthorpe.
Frankly, Winthorpe, and I think I speak for all of us, I think it shows incredibly bad taste for you to embarrass us like this.
Para ser sincero Winthorpe, y creo que hablo en nombre de todos, creo que es una muestra de mal gusto el que nos avergüences de esta forma.
Winthorpe, is that you?
Winthorpe, ¿ eres tú?
Put that gun away at once, Winthorpe.
Apártala de una vez, Winthorpe.
Winthorpe, don't leave.
Winthorpe, no te vayas.
I can't believe Winthorpe would fall to pieces like that.
No puedo creer que Winthorpe se derrumbara de esa forma.
Now, what are we going to do about taking Winthorpe back and returning Valentine to the ghetto?
¿ Qué haremos ahora para recuperar a Winthorpe y hacer que Valentine vuelva al gueto?
I don't want Winthorpe back after what he's done.
No quiero que Winthorpe vuelva después de lo que ha hecho.
I'm looking for a Louis Winthorpe. - Does he live here?
Estoy buscando a Louis Winthorpe, ¿ vive aquí?
I will but you won't Winthorpe.
Yo sí, pero tú no... Winthorpe.
Jessica and the Winthorpe girl were kidnapped.
Jessica y la hija de Winthorpe fueron secuestradas.
Jessica's friend is the daughter of Senator John Winthorpe and I think maybe that's what they were after.
La amiga de Jessica es la hija del Senador John Winthorpe y creo que quizás eso es lo qué ellos perseguían.
One of the kidnapped girls is the daughter of Senator John Winthorpe.
Una de las muchachas secuestradas es la hija del Senador John Winthorpe.
Senator Winthorpe wanted more time but the boss has made up his mind.
El Senador Winthorpe pidió más tiempo pero el jefe tomó su decisión.
Henry Winthorpe III just left The Factory.
Henry Winthorpe lll acaba de dejar The Factory.
The Winthorpe Manor LARP.
El rev de Winthorpe Manor.
Oh, I can't believe your father and I get to stay at the actual estate where they film my favorite show and we get to act like the Winthorpe characters.
Oh, no puedo creer que su padre y yo vayamos a quedarnos en la casa donde se filma mi serie favorita y que actuaremos como los Winthorpe.
Act like the Winthorpe characters.
Actuar como los personajes de la serie.
Winthorpe Manor is the American Downton Abbey.
Winthorpe Manor es la Downton Abbey Estadounidense.
Winthorpe Manor.
Winthorpe Manor.
Esteemed paying guests and contest winners, I welcome you to Winthorpe Manor.
Estimados invitados que pagaron y ganadores del concurso, sean bienvenidos a Winthorpe Manor.
Wow, Nancy, Mrs. Winthorpe.
Guau, Nancy, la Sra Winthorpe.
Iris, Mrs. Winthorpe's maid.
Iris, la doncella de la Sra Winthorpe.
Ah, I'm friggin'Mr. Winthrop.
Ah, soy el mismísimo Sr Winthorpe.
And we'll conclude this LARP with quite a bang, a decadent seven-course meal, and the dessert is Mrs. Winthorpe's favorite...
Y concluiremos este rev con una gran, y decadente cena de siete platos, y el postre favorito de la Sra Winthorpe...
And, Mr. Winthorpe, our cooks were, in fact, able to provide you with a gluten-free experience.
Y, Sr. Winthorpe, nuestros cocineros pudieron proveerlo de una experiencia libre de gluten.
Hey, when we get home, I want to watch Winthorpe Manor with you.
Oye, cuando volvamos a casa, quiero mirar Winthorpe Manor contigo.
Uh, Mrs. Winthorpe is ringing for you, Iris.
Eh, la Sra. Winthorpe te llama, Iris.
We didn't come to Winthorpe Manor to snip wicks.
No vinimos a Winthorpe Manor para recortar mechas.
( squeals ) Mrs. Winthorpe's seven-layer parfait.
El parfait flambé de siete capas de la Sra Winthorpe.
So, who wants to watch Winthorpe Manor?
Entonces, ¿ quién quiere ver Winthorpe Manor?
BOB : ♪ Winthorpe Manor ♪
Winthorpe Manor
Winthorpe's wrong.
Winthorpe se equivocó.

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