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You'll know what to do traduction Espagnol

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Sara : ddon't d dbe ashamed to cry d doh d diet me see you through d d'cause I've seen the dark side, too d Xenia : dand when the night falls on you d dyou don't know what to do d dnothing you confess d dcould make me love you less d dI'll stand by you d dI'll stand by you d dI won't let nobody hurt you d
Eso es hermoso.
Because you won't know what to do or where to turn. And they'll pick you up in minutes.
No sabrás qué hacer y te atraparán.
I'll let you know what to do later.
Te diré qué hacer después.
It will just be that "something". And I'll know that you've done, what.. What I've tried to do and..
Será justo eso lo que me probará que lo has conseguido, aquello en lo que yo fracasé, tratando de ayudarte.
You'll find out what they intend to do before they know it themselves.
Averiguará lo que intentan hacer antes de que ellos mismos lo sepan.
But I'd like to know what we're up to. - I'll tell you what you're to do.
Pero me gustaría saber lo que sigue
Hmm. Why, you'll be making so much money, you won't know what to do with it.
Ganarás tanto dinero que no sabrás qué hacer con él.
I can't go tell the boys. You know what they'll do to me.
Si se enteran, ya sabes lo que me espera.
You'll never know what she going to do?
¿ A que no sabe lo que ella piensa hacer?
If we get the chance to do 5 more shifts of overtime, do you know what I'll do?
Si conseguimos otros 5 turnos extra este mes, ¿ sabes lo que voy a hacer?
You never know what a jury will do but even if they go against us, we'll make an appeal and go to a higher court.
Nunca se sabe lo que hará un jurado, pero aunque vayan contra nosotros, apelaremos al tribunal supremo.
It'll happen. John, do you know what first attracted me to you?
¿ Sabes qué fue lo que me atrajo de ti?
Of course, as I know more about what they're going to do... than you do at the present, I hope you'll excuse my back.
Como estoy más al tanto de lo que van a hacer... que ustedes, espero que disculpen que les de la espalda.
Si he de hacer esto, debo saber quién es Micka.
Why don't you get smart? You know what they'll do to you.
- Ya sabes lo que te harán.
You'll die with us if we do. I thought they were trying to take something away from me, but they werert, were they? We know that's not what you wanted.
Tú también, sabemos que no era tu intención.
You don't know what you'll do when those guns start to roar.
No sabes qué harás cuando las armas empiecen a sonar.
And you know what he'll do to you.
Y sabe qué le hará.
That'll add up to something bigger than your privilege then I don't know what you'll do.
Eso se sumará a algo mayor que su privilegio entonces ignoro lo que hará.
Now, if anything should happen to me... ... read this letter, and you'll know what to do.
Si algo me sucediera lee esta carta y sabrás qué hacer.
You know what they'll do to you?
Te condenarán.
About them two cows you wanted to sell. I know you ain't got money enough to pay for an ad, but tell you what I'll do.
Es sobre las dos vacas que querías vender, sé que no dispones del dinero para el anuncio, pero te diré lo que haré.
Well, of course, you'll know what you want to do.
Como veas. Tú sabrás lo que quieres hacer.
But he'll never be able to go back and do the kind of work... you know, darling I don't think I understand what kind of work he was doing.
Pero el nunca podra volver a hacer la clase de trabajo... Sabes querida creo que no entiendo la clase de trabajo que hacia.
I don't know what you'll do about it, but I'm going to throw her right out on her ear.
No sé lo que va a hacer usted, pero yo voy a ponerla de patitas en la calle.
for a long time... long and dangerously... you'll know how it feels when you believe... that in a little while... in a little while, you'll finish what you have to do.
durante mucho tiempo... incansablementey arriesgándose... sabrá lo que se siente al pensar que en poco tiempo- - Que en poco tiempo terminará lo que tiene que hacer.
You have to know exactly what to do or else... it'll set off the alarm.
Tienes que saber exactamente lo que haces porque si no... saltaría la alarma.
- You know what that'll do to him?
- ¿ Sabe lo que está haciendo?
How do I know what devilment you'll be up to when me back is turned?
- ¿ Sobre mí? - ¿ Cómo puedo saber qué asunto demoniaco llevará usted a cabo en cuanto me dé la vuelta?
Ha-ha! Before you know it, I'll have more money than you'll know what to do with.
Tendremos tanto dinero, que no sabremos lo que hacer con él.
I know what you're trying to do, and I'll stop you.
Sé lo que piensa Ud. hacer, y estoy dispuesto a impedirlo.
- I know what they'll do to you.
- Sé lo que te harán.
I just thought I'd tell you everything... so you'd know what to do, so I'll tell you.
El problema es suyo. Sólo pensé en decírselo todo... para que supiera lo que hacer. Así que se lo voy a decir.
You know what'll happen to all of us unless you do exactly as you're told?
¿ Sabes qué nos pasará si no haces todo lo que te decimos?
Oh, Stephen! Do you know what'll happen to me if I drink that?
Stephen, ¿ sabe qué me pasará si bebo esto?
We want to know what you'll do.
Pero queremos saber qué harás.
No, let me do this for once how do you want Max to know what kind of wife I'll be if you do all the work
Por una vez, déjame a mí. ¿ Qué pensará Max de mí si dejo que tú lo hagas todo?
I don't know how you'll solve this or what good is going to come of it but whatever you do, Vic, I wish you all the happiness in the book.
No sé cómo lo resolverás, ni qué sacarás de todo esto pero hagas lo que hagas, Vic, te deseo toda la felicidad posible.
If Rudy asks for your wireless code, you know what you'll have to do.
Si Rudy recurre a tu número de T.S.F., ya sabes lo que esperamos de ti.
And if you have to go back here, you'll already know what to do.
Has aprendido a ser un prisionero!
For if you fails to silence me, you'll know what I'll do.
Porque si no consigues silenciarme, ¿ sabes lo que haré?
You know what they'll do to him?
¿ Sabes qué van a hacerle?
- Anything. What do you want to dream about? I'll know what to give you.
Dime lo que quieres sonar y sabre que darte.
One of these days, you know what we'll do? We'll go to Venice.
Uno de estos días sabes lo que haremos, iremos a Venecia.
Do you know what i'll do to this Kerekes fellow?
¿ Sabes qué le voy a hacer a ese Kerekes?
And I'll have you know that 23,50 Marks too much was incorrectly charged in storage fees. - Well, what do you say to that?
Y le comunico, que por error se cobraron 23,50 marcos demás de derechos de almacenaje.
I'll tell you now, I just rightly don't know what to do.
Le aseguro que no sé muy bien qué hacer.
And now all you got to do is tell us what we want to know, and we'll let you out and you can go home.
Y ahora lo que tienes que hacer es decirnos lo que queremos saber, y te dejaremos marchar para que puedas irte a casa.
Oh, my darling. I know you'll do what has to be done unflinchingly.
Cariño, estoy segura de que harás todo lo que sea necesario.
If you ask me, I think we ought to hang him, Just wait until dad comes back, he'll know what to do.
Si me pregunta a mi creo que deberíamos colgarle, no toleramos estas cosas, sabemos lo que hay que hacer.
It's better you also know it, so you'll know what to do with that boy.
Será mejor que te enteres, así sabrás qué hacer con ese chico.

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