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You're going out traduction Espagnol

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And one day, you're going to move out, and you're going to have your own family.
Y un día, te mudarás, y tendrás tu propia familia.
You're going to get out of here.
Vas a salir de aquí.
You're going to get out of here.
Lo logré. Vas a salir de aquí.
You're going out there again, Oliver?
Vas a salir allí de nuevo, Oliver?
They're all going to go out and commit GBH safe in the knowledge you'll get them off.
Todos van a ir a cometer delitos sabiendo que tú los librarás.
What I'm concerned about is that you're going out with a woman who's only able to have good sex when she's angry.
Lo que me preocupa es que vayas a salir con una mujer que solo es capaz de tener buen sexo cuando está con ira.
Fans, you have an extra person. You're sitting somebody out of this challenge. Who is it going to be?
Fans, tienen una persona extra tienen que sentar a alguien para este reto, ¿ quién será?
You're going down and you're pulling out bamboo sticks trying to release rings.
Buceen y retiren los palos de bambú para soltar los aros.
But one thing's for sure is you're never going to find out if you don't give it a try.
Pero una cosa es segura es nunca vas a saber si no le das una oportunidad.
We're all going out for happy hour again, if you wanna come.
Vamos a salir para la Hora Feliz otra vez, por si quieres venir.
If you move our best workers out, we're going to the management
Si mueves a nuestros mejores compañeros, iremos a la administración.
And then the other one, let's say it was you, will have to figure out what the hell we're going to present.
Y entonces el otro, digamos que fueras tú, tendrá que averiguar qué coño vamos a presentar.
Naomi, if you're trying to cover for Mark, I think the kids are going to figure out pretty quick that Liam's not their dad.
Naomi, si estás intentando cubrir a Mark, creo que los niños se van a dar cuenta bastante rápido de que Liam no es su padre.
Look, I-I'm going to go back out to the dance and pretend none of this is happening because you're acting like a middle schooler, Linda, and I am, uh...
Mira, Yo-yo ire de regreso a la pista de baile y pretendere que nada de esto paso porque estas actuando como uuna chica de secundaria, Linda, y yo soy, uh...
Look, I don't know what you're doing, but I promise you, I'm going to find out.
Mira, no sé qué haces, pero te prometo, que me voy a enterar.
You're going out in that thing?
¿ Vas a salir en eso?
( Whispers ) Are you saying you were going to ask me out, and now you're not?
¿ Estás diciendo que me ibas a pedir una cita, y ahora que no?
I know you're going out into the ocean lionfish, but...
Sé que vas a salir al océano pez león, pero... si no te vuelvo a ver, entonces...
You're almost out of origami paper, so you want to tell me what's going on with you?
Casi se te acaba el papel de origami, ¿ así que quieres contarme qué te pasa?
Get the hell out of here or you're going to have problems.
Váyanse al infierno o tendrán problemas.
And you're all going to be so shocked to see how it comes out.
Y vais a estar sorprendidos de en lo que se convierte.
Are you saying you were going to ask me out and now you're not?
¿ Está diciendo que me iba a pedir una cita y ahora no?
No, but that's what you're going to find out.
No, pero eso es lo que vas a averiguar.
But you've told us, Hywel, that's a good thing..... because we're going to find out who hurt her.
Pero nos lo has contado, Hywel, eso está bien... porque vamos a averiguar quién la hizo daño.
I know you're going out into the ocean lionfish, but...
Sé que vas a salir hacia el océano pez león, pero... si no te vuelvo a ver, entonces...
You're not going out there.
No vas a salir ahí fuera.
You're the one going out with a gladiator?
¿ Y tú eres la que sale con un gladiador?
I thought you were going to bring Jeremy back, but it turned out you were just a brainwashed crazy person, so technically, you're a walking reminder of all the horrible things that have happened to me.
Pensaba que ibas a traer a Jeremy de vuelta, pero resultó que eras una loca lavamentes, así que técnicamente, eres un recuerdo andante de lo que me ha pasado.
Do you want to pretend like you're just going out with me on a bet?
¿ Quieres hacer parecer que sales conmigo por una apuesta?
¿ Vas a salir a cenar con tu chica?
And as long as you keep taking out your anger on Evan or Miranda... or me... you're never going to be able to let your brother go and say good-bye.
Y como siempre sacando tu rabia sobre Evan o Miranda... o yo... nunca serás capaz de dejar ir a tu hermano y decirle adiós.
You're going out? Yeah.
- ¿ Vas a salir?
Tell me if you're going out, will you?
- No. - Avísame si sales, ¿ De acuerdo?
Tell me if you're going out though.
Voy abajo.
We've got to figure out how we're going to get you all home.
Tenemos que averiguar... cómo vamos a llevarlos a todos a casa.
Actually, I'm trying to help you, because, if you're going to find my brother, then you need to use the one person who might actually have an ability to seek out the supernatural.
De hecho, estoy intentando ayudarte, porque, si vas a encontrar a mi hermano, entonces necesitas usar la única persona que podría tener una habilidad para buscar lo supernatural.
You're going to have to figure it out.
Vais a tener que averiguarlo.
We're going to get you out of there - as soon as we can.
Vamos a sacaros de ahí en cuanto podamos.
We're going to get you out of here.
Vamos a sacarte de aquí.
Wow, you're really going all out for this thing, aren't you?
Sí que le estás poniendo interés a esto, ¿ no es así?
I don't think you're going to lose your shirt, although... let's not rule that out, actually.
No creo vayas a perder la camisa, sin embargo... de hecho, no hay que descartarlo.
You're going to get me out of here.
¿ Y qué es eso?
You're going to knock me out to take me to the hospital.
Va a dejarme inconsciente para llevarme al hospital.
You spend 25 years in prison, wanking into a sock, thinking about the day you get out and what you're going to do to the girls that got away -
Pasaste 25 años en prisión, pajeándote en un calcetín, pensando en el día que salieras y en lo que les ibas a hacer a las chicas que se escaparon,
I'll tell you what, George, you're a big man... and I'm tired, but if we are going to take lumps out of each other, they won't be the first one I've had tonight.
Te diré algo, George, tú eres un tío grande... y yo estoy cansado, pero si vamos a tener una trifulca, no será la primera que tenga esta noche.
- You're going to a time-out. - Yeah.
- Irás a un tiempo fuera.
I put them under a microscope, check this out, you're not going to believe it.
Las puse bajo un microscopio, mira esto, no lo vas a creer.
If you think I'm going to help you get out, you're insane!
Si crees que voy a ayudar salgas, Usted está loco!
You're going out?
¿ Están saliendo?
Not your fault, nobody's fault, but sometimes you say something the wrong way or it comes out wrong, and the person you're talking to, they think there's something going on when there isn't.
No es tu culpa, nadie tiene la culpa, pero a veces dices las cosas de la forma equivocada o que algo va a salir mal, y las personas con las que hablas, piensan que algo está pasando cuando no lo está.
Now that we're going out again, what do you wanna do tonight?
Ahora que estamos saliendo otra vez, ¿ qué quieres hacer esta noche?

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