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You're going to be a father traduction Espagnol

98 traduction parallèle
I'm going to meet his mother and father tomorrow. By the time you're lying in some gutter where you belong, I'll be Mrs. Gifford Middleton.
Y pasaré a ser la Sra. Gifford Middleton, y viviré en un sitio tranquilo, con gente que me comprende.
You're going to be a father.
Va a ser padre.
You're going to be a father.
¿ Que vas a ser padre?
Because it may very well be that you're going to be a father.
Pues porque a lo mejor vas a ser padre.
You're going to be a father.
Vas a ser padre.
Thomas, you're going to fail your exams, and your father'll be furious.
Thomas, te van a suspender.
You're going to be a father, Ralph.
Vas a ser padre, Ralph.
You're going to be joining your father.
Te vas a juntar con tu papá.
You're going to be a father.
Si sigues malgastando tu tiempo y perdiendo tus habilidades...
Mangdang, now that you're a father... you're going to be very busy.
Mangdang, ahora que eres padre vas a estar muy ocupado.
Now your father if you're going to be okay to broth, Teddy.
Ahora tu padre si que te va a poner bien a caldo, Teddy.
You're going to be a father for crying out loud!
Usted va a ser un padre para el amor de Dios!
Mike, la mala noticia es que vas a ser padre.
You're going to be a father!
¡ Vas a ser padre!
You're going to be a father.
Vas a ser papá.
You're going to be with Rory's father's girlfriend while she has his baby?
¿ Vas a estar con la novia del padre de Rory mientras de a luz a su bebé?
"You're going to be a father", wow...
"Tú vas a ser padre".
You're going to be a father. and I'm going to be all alone.
Tú vas a ser padre. Y yo voy a estar completamente solo.
Eric, you're going to be your father.
Eric, tu vas a ser tu padre
You're going to be a father
Capitán el trabajo estará hecho, si hacemos lo que dice el Capitan... ¿ Dónde estás ahora?
At least, that's how I feel when you're looking after me like I'm some job that you want to do well so you can show your father and he'll be proud of you. It's so disconnected from me and anything that I'm going through.
Por lo menos yo me siento así cada vez que me miras como si yo fuera un trabajo que tienes que hacer bien para que tu padre se sienta orgulloso hace que me sienta inferior a lo que soy
- You're going to be a father!
¿ Qué? - Vas a ser padre!
You're going to be just like father
Vas a ser como papá.
You're going to be a father.
Serás padre.
I know it's shocking to find out that you're going to be a father but you can't just not deal with it.
Oye, sé que es impactante descubrir que vas a ser padre pero no puedes desentenderte de eso.
Mukesh! You're going to be a father!
Vas a ser padre, Mukesh.
You're going to be a father!
¡ Vas a ser papá!
We're heading back to Far Far Away one way or another and you're going to be a father!
Vamos a ir a Muy Muy Lejano de algún modo u otro. ¡ Y tú vas a ser papá!
You're going to be their mother and I'm going to be their father.
Tú vas a ser la madre de los niños y yo seré su padre.
Look at you, so weak you're going to be a father soon how can you protect my daughter like this?
El siguiente paso uno crece con tiempo y perseverancia
Congratulations, you're going to be a father.
Felicidades, va a ser padre.
Son, one day you're going to be a great father.
Hijo... algun dia llegaras a ser un gran padre.
By the end of the night, she's going to be back at Juilliard playing the viola and making her father happy, because that's what you're going to tell her to do.
Cuando acabe la noche, ella volverá a Juilliard a tocar la viola haciendo feliz a su padre....... porque eso es lo que le vas a decir que haga.
I've never thought one day I'd say this... but I have to say... that you're going to be a great father, Agostinho Carrara.
Nunca me imaginé que fuese a decirte esto algún día... pero tengo que decirte... que vas a ser un excelente papá, Agostinho Carrara.
And then I was going to tell you that you're going to be a father
Y entonces iba a decirte que vas a ser un padre
How could you even say you're not going To be a father to that kid?
¿ Cómo puedes siquiera decir que no vas a ser un padre para ese niño?
You're going to be a great father.
Vas a ser un gran padre.
I'm going to be running Bass industries, And you're about to inherit a billion dollars. I know my father.
Yo manejaré las Industrias Bass y tú estás a punto de heredar un billón de dólares.
If you're going to be strict, that's fine, but be a father, don't play the deadbeat at 40.
Todo tiene que ver con esto. Si vas a ser estricto, bien Pero se un padre, no juegues a incumplirlo a los 40.
Yeah, you're saying that he's going to be the father of my grandchild, and that's like, you know, it's like Christmases and Thanksgivings and birthdays.
Sí, estás diciendo que va a ser el padre de mi nieto, y eso es como, ya sabes es como las navidades y los días de acción de gracias y los cumpleaños.
But I'm not sure yet if you're going to be a father
Pero no estoy seguro todavía si tú vas a ser padre
Wow, that's... you're going to be a father?
Sí. Guau, eso es... ¿ vas a ser padre?
Maybe they're still hidden in town, Master. Father, Father! But why didn't you get me up, we're going to be late for school?
A ver, las cogieron, las llevaron a una cueva, estaban atadas, pero, qué más?
You have a son, so you're going to have to grow up if you want to be a good father.
Tienes un hijo, asi que tienes que madurar. si quieres ser un buen padre.
It means that you're going to be a father.
Significa que vas a ser padre.
You're going to be a wonderful father.
Vas a ser un padre maravilloso.
Hey, babe, you're going to be a father.
Eh, cariño, vas a ser padre.
And you're going to be a father too?
¿ Y vas a ser padre?
And you're going to be joined by your father.
Y vos vas a estar unido con tu padre.
You're not going to be like your father, okay?
No vas a ser como tu padre, ¿ vale?
You're going to be a father to our child.
Vas a ser un padre para nuestro hijo.

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