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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ Y ] / You're going to be great

You're going to be great traduction Espagnol

160 traduction parallèle
You're going to be one of the great ones.
Serás uno de los grandes.
I got great news for you, old man, you're not going to be seasick.
Tengo grandes noticias para ti, no te vas a marear.
Christine? You're going to be a great and famous singer.
Christine... serás una cantante famosa.
Christine, you're going to be a great and famous singer.
Christine, serás una cantante famosa.
You're going to be a great man.
Ud. va ser un gran hombre.
I know you're going to be a great help to Mrs. Gordon.
Sé que será de gran ayuda a la Sra. Gordon.
Lily, you're going to be a great actress.
Lily, se que vas a ser una gran actriz.
I think someday you're going to be a great writer lt's just beautiful
Creo que algún día serás un magnifico escritor. Es precioso.
I can see you're going to be of great help to me.
Veo que me vas a ser de gran ayuda.
I think we're going to be great friends, don't you?
Creo que seremos buenos amigos. ¿ No te parece?
And they're one of the great examples of an idea ahead of its time, because one of the ways this was to be used by sailors to open up the world, in a way you're going to see happening later in this program,
y es uno de los mejores ejemplos de una idea que surgió antes de su tiempo. Porque una de las formas en que se le habría de usar por marineros para abrir el mundo en una forma que van a ver más adelante en este programa, no habría de tener lugar sino hasta 1400 años después.
This is the first great man-made trigger of change, the plough, because with it, you know how much harvest you're going to get next year, and because of that, you know you're going to be here next year.
Este fue el primer gran gatillo del cambio del hombre : El arado. Porque con este sabía cuánto se iba a cosechar al año siguiente.
You're going to be great!
¡ Vas a hacerlo muy bien!
You're going to be great.
Serás una estrella.
dr. Hadley was going to remove it, but now that you're here, just to see you perform even a simple surgery would be a great thrill in my life.
El Dr. Hadley se lo iba a extirpar, pero ahora que usted está aquí, el simple hecho de verle llevar a cabo una cirugía es electrizante para mi vida.
You just relax and have a good time, because you're going to be great.
Relájate y pásala bien, te va a ir muy bien.
Sam, you're going to be great. OK?
Sam, lo vas a hacer genial.
You're going to be a great lawyer someday.
Vas a ser una gran Iawyer algún día.
You're right. We are going to be great together.
Ahora veo que sí la vamos a hacer juntos.
Camille... You're beautiful. You're going to be a great musician.
Camille, es usted guapa, inusual, va a ser una gran violinista.
No, you're going to be great.
No, estarás genial, muy bien.
Or that that could cause you to crash your car... or you're going to have to go to rehab for that one. It was a great time to be alive.
Era una gran época para estar vivo.
You're going to be great.
Vas a ser grande.
You're going to have a different life, that's for sure but it can still be a great life and a fulfilling life, believe me.
Su vida cambiará. Pero puede seguir siendo grande y provechosa, créame.
I know you won't. I know you're going to be there, and you're going to be great.
Sé que irá y que todo saldrá estupendo.
When you walk into the courtroom... you're the actor... you're the director, you're the producer... and if it's going to be a great performance...
Cuando entras en la sala... eres el actor... el director, el productor... y si va a ser una gran actuación...
- You're going to be a great success.
- Vas a ser un gran éxito.
Great! So... the big dilemma, now that you're officially helping me in the movie, is who is going to be cast as Sammy.
El gran dilema, ya que estás ayudándome con la película es quién hará el papel de Sammy.
- Oh, God... - According to him, you're going to be one of the next great filmmakers of our time.
Según él, serás uno de los mejores cineastas.
Great, that way when this whole thing screws up and we die, you're not going to be whinging in my ear, right?
Grandioso. Cuando este hoyo nos aplaste y nos mate, no te vas a quejar, ¿ De acuerdo?
You're going to be great.
Serás grande.
We're going to be your hosts this week and believe me, we've got some great shows lined up for you.
Vamos a ser los conductores esta semana y créanme, vamos a tener algunos de los mejores programas para ustedes.
- And you're going to be great.
- Se que lo harás y serás genial.
"'lf you're going to have a bunch of people, instead of having models, "'wouldn't it be great if each one was a face you'd recognise? "
Si va a tener un manojo de gente, en lugar de tener modelos, no seria genial que cada una de las caras las pudieses reconocer?
- You're going to be great.
- Lo harás bien.
This is a great group, but Keith, I think that you've been a little overconfident and cocky about how you're going to be here till the very end.
Este es un gran grupo pero Keith creo que has sido demasiado confiado y arrogante porque sabes que estarás aquí hasta el final.
You're going to be great.
Vas a ser grandiosa.
You're going to be great.
Vas a llegar muy lejos.
I hear you're going to be a great-grandfather!
¡ Escuché que usted va a ser un gran abuelo!
You're beautiful, you're going to be great.
Eres muy hermosa, vas a llegar muy lejos.
But you're going to be engaged to a really great friend of mine.
Pero te comprometerás con un muy buen amigo mío.
You're going to be great.
Vas a tocar muy bien.
Although I'm sure you're going to be great.
Aunque estoy segura de que estarás genial.
I really do believe you're going to be a great king.
De verdad creo que serás un gran rey.
You're going to be great.
Estarás grandioso.
You're going to be a great grandmother!
¡ Vas a ser bisabuela!
You're going to be great.
- You're going to be great.
- Vas a estar genial
You're going to be great at this.
Lo vas a hacer muy bien
You're going to be great, Coop.
Estarás genial, Coop. Buena suerte.
My family and a few friends, we're all going back to our place on the shore and it would be so great if you guys came.
- Mi familia y algunos amigos iremos a nuestra casa de la playa - y sería genial si vinieran.

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