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You're going to kill him traduction Espagnol

172 traduction parallèle
You... You don't mean you're going to kill him?
¿ No querrá decir que va a matarle?
If you're going to pull out on us, Alberto, maybe it's best that you don't kill him.
Bueno, si se va a echar atrás, no le mate.
You're going to kill him, aren't you?
¿ Vas a matarle, ¿ no?
I don't know how you're going to kill him.
No sé cómo le vas a hacer para matarlo.
You're going to kill him!
¡ Déjalo! ¡ Lo vas a matar!
You, Dunson, pretending you're going to kill him!
¡ Usted, Dunson, fingiendo que va a matarlo!
You're going to be there when I kill him.
Vas a estar allí cuando lo mate.
He'll die. He's got to die, and you're going to kill him!
Morirá, tiene que morir gracias a usted.
- You're right, I'm going to kill him!
- Tiene razón lo voy a matar.
I know you killed him, and you're going to have to kill me, too, because if you don't, I'm going to kill you!
¡ Sé que le has matado y sé que también vas a tener que matarme, porque si no, te mataré yo!
Because you're going to kill him.
Porque vas a matarle.
- You're going to kill him!
- ¡ Lo va a matar! - ¿ Y qué?
You're going to kill him anyway.
Vais a matarle.
Today you're going to kill him because of something I've said or done?
¿ Y va a matarle hoy por algo que he dicho o he hecho?
No, you're going to kill him!
¡ No, que lo vas a matar!
You're going to kill him.
Vas a matarle.
You're going to kill him or he's going to kill you. You're crazy!
Vas a matarle o él te matará a ti. ¡ Estais locos!
Since you're so sure you're going to kill him... Here's a third of it now.
Puesto que está seguro de matarle la tercera parte ahora.
You're going to have to kill him, Jim.
Tendrá que matarlo, Jim.
You're going to kill him, aren't you!
¡ Van a matarle, ¿ verdad? !
And you're not going to kill him.
Y usted no va a matarlo.
You're not going to kill him!
No vas a matarle, no mientras yo esté vivo.
You're going to kill him to prove you're right?
No tiene posibilidades de éxito. ¿ Lo va a hacer matar para probar que tenía razón?
You're going to kill him?
¿ Vas a matarle?
- Well, you're not going to let him kill you?
- ¿ No dejarás que te mate?
- You're going to kill him!
¡ Que le vas a matar!
Ray, if you don't go, they're going to kill him.
Ray, si no vas, lo matarán.
You're going to kill him.
Detente. Lo vas a matar.
Easy. You're going to kill him.
Suave, lo vas a matar.
- You're going to kill him?
- ¿ Vas a matarlo?
What? You're going to kill him? Why?
¿ Por qué matarlo?
Take a good look at him'cause you're going to kill him.
Míralo bien, porque lo matarás.
You're going to kill him!
¡ Lo vas a matar!
Don't, you're going to kill him!
¡ Lo vas a matar!
Assume, if you like, that they're going to kill him.
Supón, si quieres, que lo van a matar.
We'll kill you then we're going to find Hap Ashby and kill him too.
Te mataremos y luego hallaremos... a Hap Ashby y lo mataremos también.
If what you're telling me is right, then any stress is going to kill him.
Si lo que me dices es cierto, cualquier tensión lo mataría. Mira.
- You're going to kill him!
- ¡ Vas a matarlo!
You're going to kill him!
¡ Vas a matarlo!
You can shoot him now Pete. You're going to kill him?
- Ahora puedes dispararle, Pete.
This time you're going to kill him.
Esta vez lo matará.
You're going to kill him!
¡ Van a matarlo!
You're going to kill him?
¿ Vas a matarlo?
If you don't bring me that film we're going to kill him, fuck him and film it.
Si no me traes la película lo vamos a matar, a jodérnoslo y a filmarlo.
You're going to put him away even though he didn't kill the boy?
¿ Lo encerrarán, aunque no haya matado al niño de los Davies?
So you're going to kill him?
Por eso vas a matarlo?
You're going to kill him?
¿ Vas a matarlo'?
So you're going to put him back in the Gen Pop even though he masterminded the death of Salah Yudin and he has vowed to kill me, too?
¿ Y va a devolverlo a la población general aunque ideó la muerte de Salah Yudin y ha jurado matarme a mí también?
You're going to kill him!
Lo vas a matar.
Geez, I didn't kill him, if that's where you're going to.
Dios, no lo maté, si es a donde quiere llegar.
Well, i hope it works... because if you're wrong, ashlocke's going to tear you limb from limb before i get the chance to kill him.
Bueno, espero que funciona... porque si te equivocas, ashlocke va a romper miembro del miembro antes tengo la oportunidad de matarlo.

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