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You're going to kill me traduction Espagnol

415 traduction parallèle
You're going to kill me?
¿ Vas a matarme?
You're not going to kill me, are you?
No vas a matarme, ¿ verdad?
You're going to kill me, do you hear?
Vas a matarme, ¿ me escuchas?
You want to kill me? But you're going to die first.
Quieres matarme, pero tú morirás primero!
In a little while, you're going to see 97 men riding through this town... looking to kill me.
Dentro de poco verás a 97 hombres cabalgando por el pueblo dispuestos a matarme.
Yeah. Yeah, I think you're going to kill me.
Sí, creo que me vais a matar.
You're going to kill me?
¿ Me matarás?
¤ I can't live without you anymore,... ¤ oh, my pigeon, you're going to kill me!
# Vivir sin ti yo no puedo más, # ¡ ay, pichona mía, me vas a matar!
I know you killed him, and you're going to have to kill me, too, because if you don't, I'm going to kill you!
¡ Sé que le has matado y sé que también vas a tener que matarme, porque si no, te mataré yo!
"You're going to have to kill me, " because if you don't, I'm going to kill you. "
"Vas a tener que matarme, porque si no, te mataré yo."
you're going to kill me?
¿ vas a matarme?
Kill me if you're going to.
Mátame si es lo que vas a hacer.
So, Mattioli, you're going to have to kill me?
¿ Entonces, Mattioli, tendrá que matarme?
But, my Colonel, you're going to kill me out of upsets.
Pero, mi coronel, me vais a matar a disgustos.
Does this mean you're going to kill me?
¿ Significa eso que vas a matarme?
You're not going to kill me, are you?
- Vamos, ¿ no irás a matarme?
- You're going to kill me?
- ¿ Vas a matarme?
But today you're going to talk, you're going to tell me where you hide what I'm looking for. Otherwise, I'll kill you!
Pero hoy vas a hablar,... vas a decirme dónde ocultas lo que busco,... de lo contrario, te mato.
You're going to kill me at this rate.
Me vas a matar a este paso.
Para llegar a usted, tendrán que matarme a mí primero.
- You're going to kill me?
- ¿ Me matará? - No.
Because your right eye is sad and you're not going to kill me. "
"Porque tu ojo derecho está triste y no vais a matarme"
You're going to have to kill me.
Vas a tener que matarme.
You're not going to kill me because this gun in my hand says different.
No me matará porque esta pistola en mi mano dice lo contrario.
You're not going to kill me are you?
No vas a matarme ¿ verdad?
- So instead you're going to kill me.
En su lugar me matarás tú.
If you're going to kill me, you all be hung.
Si me matais, os ahorcarán.
You're going to kill me anyway.
Me vas a matar de todos modos.
A whole day full of appointments and you send a letter that you're going to kill yourself and then don't.
Un día lleno de citas... y tú me envías una carta diciendo que te vas a suicidar... - y no te suicidas.
If you're going to die, kill me first!
¡ Si vas a morir, mátame primero!
You're going to kill me in a little while.
Vais a acabar asesinándome dentro de un rato.
You're not going to kill me.
No me va a matar.
But Ozeki... if you're not going to kill me, how will you save face?
Pero, Ozeki... Si no intentas matarme, ¿ cómo reaccionara la banda Kannon?
You're going to kill me, aren't you?
Me vas a matar, ¿ no?
You're going to kill me, aren't you?
Me van a matar, ¿ verdad?
If you're going to leave, you'd better kill me first!
Si de verdad quieres irte ¡ entonces mátame antes!
You're not going to kill me.
No va a matarme.
- You're going to kill me as well?
- ¿ También me va a matar?
- You're going to kill me.
- Y me matará.
Why should I do what you tell me to do if you're going to kill me anyway?
Porque tengo que hacer lo que me dices si de todas formas vas a matarme?
Oh, you're going to kill me, all of you, you'll be the death of me, the whole bunch of you!
¡ Ay, me vais a matar, me vais a matar entre todos! ¡ Vito!
You're going to kill me!
Me vas a matar.
If you don't stop burning my scarf, you're going to have to kill me.
Si no dejas de quemar mi bufanda, vas a tener que matarme.
One of these days you're going to kill me the way you drive.
Algún día me vas a hacer morir, por cómo conduces.
Then kill me, but you're not going to kill the others!
¡ Entonces mátame, pero no vas a matar a los demás!
You're going to kill me anyway.
Pensé que me ibas a matar de todas formas.
And I'll have the ring! So you're going to kill me in my sleep?
¿ Hablas de matarme mientras duermo?
You're gonna come here and get me, and that means... you're going to kill me, and that means they're going to go too.
Ustedes entrarán por mí, y eso significa... que van a matarme, y significa que ellos morirán.
You're going to kill me.
Me vas a matar.
You were going to kill me, Khan! You're going to have to come here!
Khan, si quiere matarme, tendrá que venir aquí.
You're going to kill me anyway. - Not if you listen.
- Me va a matar de todas formas.

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