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You're going too far traduction Espagnol

186 traduction parallèle
Rudig.. you've tormented me enough for one afternoon. You and your silly gossip. And now you're going much too far.
Rudig ya me has atormentado bastante una tarde.
clemens, you're going too far!
- Clemens, ¡ estás yendo demasiado lejos!
It's alright to make a bluff of reform... but you're going too far.
Está bien que te burles de la reforma... pero has ido demasiado lejos.
Now you're going too far, son, you're going...
Estás yendo demasiado lejos, hijo, sólo vas a...
Ezra, don't you think you're going a trifle too far?
¿ No crees que vas demasiado lejos?
Look, Jim, I'm very easy to get along with, but you're going too far.
Jim, no soy de los que se quejan, pero es demasiado.
Now you're going too far.
Ahora estás yendo demasiado lejos.
You're going a little too far.
Está yendo muy lejos.
We just think you're going a little too far too soon with Jack Buck.
Es sólo que creemos que estás yendo demasiado lejos con Buck.
He said you're going too far, crossing the line.
Me lo ha dicho, encuentra que exageras, que eres excesiva.
Now you're going too far.
Ahora fuiste demasiado lejos.
You're going to go too far!
¡ Va a pasarse!
Está yendo muy lejos, Witzel
Listen, you're going too far, it was bad enough on the links.
Has ido demasiado lejos hace un momento
- Brandon, you're going too far. - Why?
- Brandon, vas demasiado lejos.
You're crazy. This is going too far.
- Esto ha ido demasiado lejos.
You're going too far!
Has ido muy lejos.
Now you're going too far.
Ahora te pasas de la raya.
Cultus Charley, we think you're going too far maybe.
Cultus Charley, nos parece que te estás pasando.
I don't know what you're talking about at the moment, but it does seem like you're talking to yourself and going too far.
No sé de lo que estás hablando en este momento pero pareces estar hablándote a ti mismo y yendo un poco demasiado lejos.
You're going too far. - - Not in the least.
- Está yendo demasiado lejos.
Don't you think you're going too far?
¿ No cree que está yendo demasiado lejos?
It's fine to play the wild child, but you're going too far.
Es bello jugar a la niña salvaje, pero vas demasiado lejos.
You're going too far, Marcel.
- Estás yendo muy lejos, Marcel.
Miss, you're going too far!
Señorita, está usted yendo demasiado lejos.
- Mother, you're going too far!
- ¡ Madre, estás exagerando!
- You're going too far!
- ¡ No exageres, Jules!
- You're going too far.
- Está yendo demasiado lejos.
Don't you think you're going a little too far, playing tennis with him? And golf? And polo?
¿ No es ir demasiado lejos que juegue al tenis, al golf y al polo?
You're going too far.
Está yendo demasiado lejos.
Och, man, you're far too old to be going to the gymnasium.
Och, hombre, eres muy viejo para estar yendo al gimnasio.
You're going too far Therese.
Estás yendo demasiado lejos, Therese.
You're going too far, even if I'm fond of you.
Vas demasiado lejos, aunque te tenga cariño.
Don't you think you're going too far?
¿ No te parece que te estás pasando?
I think you're going too far, Taggert.
Creo que está exagerando, Taggert.
- You don't think you're going too far?
¿ No cree que está llegando demasiado lejos?
You're going too far!
Estás exagerando.
- You're going too far.
- Estás yendo muy lejos.
Now you're going too far!
¡ Ahora vas demasiado lejos!
You're going a bit too far.
Está yendo demasiado lejos.
Excuse, you're going too far!
- Perdona, pero estás exagerando.
- You're going too far over.
- Vas demasiado por alla.
Darrin, you're going too far.
Darrin, ya es demasiado
I know I grounded you, Muttley, but you're going too far.
Sé que te castigué, Patán, pero esto es demasiado.
My friend, you're going a bit too far!
Mi amigo, te estás pasando.
Laura, you're going too far.
Laura, no exageres.
You're going too far, Michael. You're so selfish! - I don't do anything for me.
Esta vez no me engañarás, Segismundo.
As far as the police are concerned, you're the one who's going to end up in jail because killing people isn't too bright when we're doing this kind of thing.
La que vas a terminar en la cárcel eres tú. Andar por ahí matando a gente no es una idea muy inteligente.
You're going too far.
Estas yendo muy lejos.
She says you're going too far.
Ella dijo que estás yendo demasiado lejos.
I think you're going a bit too far.
Ahora creo que exageras.

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