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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ Y ] / You're gonna have to wait

You're gonna have to wait traduction Espagnol

274 traduction parallèle
You're gonna have to wait a few days for that, Roy.
Tendrás que esperar unos días, Roy.
You're gonna have to wait.
Vas a tener que esperar.
You're gonna have to wait a while to get paid.
- Va a tener que esperar
You're gonna have to wait, and that's the end of it.
Tendrá que esperar y no se hable más.
You're gonna have to take a number and wait your turn.
Tendrá que sacar un número y esperar su turno.
Listen, you're just gonna have to wait a minute.
Tendra que esperar.
well, you're gonna have to wait a minute, that's all.
Bien, tendrá que esperar un minuto, eso es todo,
We've already got him stabilized and we're gonna bring him through, and you'll just have to, by God, wait.
Ya lo tenemos estabilizado y vamos a salvarlo, y ustedes lo tendrán, por Dios, esperen.
You're gonna have to wait at the end of the line.
Tiene que esperar.
They're gonna have to wait,'cause you're going upstairs till I get some answers.
Tendran que esperar, te vas arriba y hablaremos
Sorry, ladies. You're just gonna have to wait this one out.
Tendrán que esperar a que se les pase.
I'm sorry, I'm new here. You're gonna have to wait.
Lo siento, soy nueva, tendrá que esperar.
Shit. We're gonna have to wait till you have a drink.
Demonios. vamos a tener que esperar a que les sirvan una copa.
You're gonna have to wait until the morning.
Tendrá que esperar hasta mañana.
- You know, we're gonna have to come up with some sort of plan, he's just gonna wait us to death.
Vamos a tener que idear algo o esperará a vernos muertos.
You're just gonna have to wait.
Tendrá que esperar.
Now, please. You're just gonna have to wait.
Por favor va a tener que esperar.
Well, you're just gonna have to wait.
Pues tendrá que esperar.
Got a lot to talk about. Oh, yeah? Yeah, but you're gonna have to wait until tomorrow.
Tengo muchas cosas que contarte, pero te dejaré en ascuas hasta mañana.
We would like to have Caroline wait on us if you don't mind, because... well, we're gonna tip you both.
Si. No gustaria que Caroline nos atendiera... Si no te importa, porque...
Of course, you're gonna have to wait about a month to find out.
Por supuesto, vas a tener que esperar un mes para averiguarlo.
You're gonna have to wait then.
Bueno, tendrá que esperar.
You're just gonna have to wait in there.
No te vayas. - Tendrás que esperar aquí.
Angie, i'm sorry. You're gonna have to wait outside.
Angie, lo siento.
Grounded is grounded, so you're gonna have to wait till tomorrow...
Castigo es castigo. Tendran que esperar hasta mañana.
You're just gonna have to wait.
Van a tener que esperar.
I told you, you're gonna have to wait.
He dicho que tendrás que esperar.
- You're gonna have to wait here. - What?
- Usted tendrá que esperar aquí.
Gentlemen, you're gonna have to wait outside.
Caballeros, tendrán que esperar fuera.
If you want my buddy dead, nut ball, you're gonna have to wait.
- Si quieres ver a mi amigo muerto, tendrás que esperar. Yo lo necesito primero.
If you're gonna wait for the universe to start making sense... you'll have a long wait ahead of you.
Si vas a esperar que el universo empiece a tener sentido... tienes una larga espera por delante.
I told you... you're gonna have to wait.
Te dije que vas a tener que esperar.
You're gonna have to wait in Chairs.
Tendrá que esperar en Sillas.
We can wait until the results come in, or, if they're gonna point to you, you have an opportunity to help yourself out here.
Podemos esperar a que vengan los resultados, o, si apuntan hacia Ud., tiene la oportunidad de ayudarse a salirse de esta.
Well, you're gonna have to wait and see.
Tendrás que esperar para verlo.
If I see Dr. Love again anytime soon you're gonna have to wait till I'm done with him first.
- Si vuelvo a ver al Dr. Love, prometo que tendrá que esperar a que haya acabado con él.
Like they say, that'll do nicely... but you're gonna have to wait.
Esta vez no logro decirle que se calle. Sin duda es un idiota.
- You're just gonna have to wait.
- Vas a tener que esperar.
You, in the acid-washed jeans, you're gonna have to wait... a while.
Tú, en los vaqueros lavados con ácido, tendrás que esperar un tiempo.
You're gonna have to wait and see, aren't ya?
- Hay que esperar y ver.
You're gonna have to wait till we're airborne.
Lo siento, señor.
You're gonna have to wait a while longer. Uh-uh!
Tendrás que esperar un poco más.
Yeah, well, you're gonna have to wait a little bit longer, Billy,'cause that 600 bucks is mine!
Viejo, creo que tendremos que intentarlo sin él. Muy bien, dónde está Clyde. Aquí.
There's a million fuckin'phones in this city. you're fuckin'with my phone. You're gonna have to wait a fuckin'minute.
Hay un millón de jodidos teléfonos en esta ciudad y si quieres usar éste... tendrás que esperar, ¿ de acuerdo?
Okay, sir, you're just gonna have to wait here.
Bien, tendrá que esperar aquí. ¿ De acuerdo?
You're gonna have to wait.
El señor tendrá que esperar.
Well, you're gonna have to wait.
- Pues tendrás que hacerlo.
Well, we're not gonna know anything for a while. So the thing to do is to, you know, just have a drink. Wait it out.
No sabremos nada durante un tiempo, así que lo que hay que hacer es tomar un trago y esperar.
You're gonna have to wait... for the official press release like the rest of the media. That's all.
Tendrá que esperar... a que salga el comunicado de prensa oficial, como los demás medios.
Honey, you're gonna have to wait, just like everybody else.
Cariño, tendrás que esperar como todos los demás
If you're late, you're gonna have to wait till tomorrow.
25A.M., si llegó tarde tendrá que esperar hasta mañana.

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