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You're not going home traduction Espagnol

231 traduction parallèle
Who's going to tell them you're not at home?
¿ Quién le dirá que está Vd. ausente?
- You're not going home.
- No. Usted no irá a ningún sitio.
You're not going home until I send you!
No te irás a casa hasta que yo lo diga.
- You're not going to take me home at all!
- ¡ No me llevarás a ningún lado!
Mark, you're gonna stay home now, aren't you? You're not going back?
Mark, ¿ Te quedas aquí por ahora, no te vuelves a ir?
Not you. You're going home!
Tú volverás a casa.
You're not going home?
¿ No vas a casa?
- Then you're not going home?
¿ No regresas mañana?
Well, you're not going to leave home now.
Pues nada, ya no se irá a ninguna parte.
You're not going home?
Tú no vas a casa?
You're not going home?
¿ No vuelves a tu casa?
Friends or not, you're going home.
Amigos o no, te vas a casa.
You're not going home for supper.
No ira a su casa para la cena.
I'm not going back home. You're not?
- No voy a volver a casa.
Oh, you're not going to send me home, are you?
ARW, no me va a enviar a casa, ¿ verdad?
You trying to tell me we're not going home?
¿ Estás por decirme que no regresemos a casa?
- No. You're not going home.
No se va usted a casa.
You're not gonna be talking about death every day. Talking about people on the plane, they know they're never going home again.
No vas a hablar de la muerte siempre, de la gente en los aviones que sabe que no volverá a sus casas.
Well, I hate to stand in the way of cupid's dart, but she's not going home yet awhile. And as for you, you're taking the next train to Exeter.
Odio estar parado... pero ella no se va a ir a su casa todavía... y con respecto a usted, deberá tomar el próximo tren... a Exeter.
You're not going home, you know.
No va a irse a casa.
Listen, I'm sorry you're not going home, Trap.
Siento que no se vaya a casa, pero me alegra que haya vuelto.
If you decide you're not going to be reasonable, then one night, when you come home, you'll find me on the inside... waiting for you.
Si decides no ser razonable una noche, al llegar me encontrarás adentro esperándote.
No, you're not going home.
No te vas a casa.
You're not going home. I need you.
Lo necesito
Look, since you're not going home you can share my chow.
Oiga, si no va a ir a cenar a su casa... puede compartir mi comida.
Before I begin the lesson, will those of you playing in the match this afternoon move your clothes down onto the lower peg immediately after lunch before you write home, if you're not getting a haircut unless you have a brother going out this weekend as the guest of another boy then collect his note before lunch, put it in your letter after your haircut.
Antes de empezar la clase, debo decir a los que... jueguen en el partido de esta tarde que cuelguen su ropa... en el perchero inferior después de la comida, antes de escribir a casa, si no se van a cortar el pelo, a no ser que su hermano salga este fin de semana como invitado de otro chico, en ese caso recojan su nota y métanla en la carta tras cortarse el pelo.
My parents wanted to know if, since you're not going home, you'd wanna come over to our house for Thanksgiving.
Dicen mis papás que si quieres pasar el Dia de Gracias con nosotros.
You're not going to walk home by yourself, are you?
Escucha... no te irás a tu casa caminando sola, ¿ o sí?
You're not going home early?
¿ No te vas temprano?
- You're not going home already, are you?
- ¿ No te irás a casa, no?
Well, if you're not in love with me, I'm going home.
Bueno, si no estás enamorada de mí, me voy a casa.
You're not going home as the new emperor.
No volverá a casa como el nuevo emperador.
At home any more... Not if you're going to go running off and leaving him like that.
No podemos tenerle en casa si tú te vas y le dejas.
- You're going to jail for what you did and I will not have that child placed in a foster home.
- Vas a ir la cárcel por lo que hiciste y no dejaré a esa niña en una casa de crianza.
- So you're not avoiding going home?
- ¿ No evitas volver a casa?
- We're not. - We're going to get you home first.
- Vamos a acompañarte primero.
What do you mean you're not going to make it home?
- -como que no vas a poder venir a casa?
You're not talking about going home, Bartleby.
No estás hablando de ir a casa, Bartleby.
We're going home, Loki... and no one, not you, not even the Almighty Himself... is gonna make that otherwise.
Iremos a casa, Loki... y nadie, ni tú, ni el Todopoderoso mismo... hará que sea diferente.
Because at this point, when you're not home today, when I'm not home today, people are going to start noticing.
Cuando Uds. no vuelvan hoy a casa cuando yo no vuelva, la gente se dará cuenta.
You're not going to stay in a home.
No te vas a quedar en casa.
You're not going home?
¿ No vas a ir a casa?
- You're not going anywhere but home.
- Sólo irás a tu casa.
I'm telling you guys we're not going to want to go home.
Se los digo, no vamos a querer irnos a casa.
I don't care if they're kissing Kristi Yamaguchi. You're not going home!
No me importa si besan a Kristi Yamaguchi. ¡ No irán a casa!
You're not going. You're going home, where you'll wait for me to call and tell you what, if anything, we found.
Vas a irte a casa donde esperarás mi llamada... diciéndote qué encontramos, si es que encontremos algo.
You're not going home alone.
No te irás sola a casa.
You're not going home empty-Handed.
No te irás a casa con las manos vacías.
You're not going home, Darlene.
No se irá a casa, Darlene.
You're not going home?
¿ No te vas a casa?
If you're not going home, how about a hot meal?
Si no vas a casa, ¿ qué te parece comer comida caliente?

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