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You didn't do it traduction Espagnol

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Whatever's broken in you, Cory, whatever your Dad did or didn't do, I can't fix it.
Sea lo que sea que está roto en ti, Cory lo que te hizo o no hizo tu padre, yo no puedo arreglarlo.
We can't argue that you didn't do any of that, so, one day, it goes to the jury and maybe they acquit, you walk out of here on your own.
No se puede argumentar que no hiciste nada de eso, así que, Un día, no hace falta que el jurado y quizá absolver, Se puede caminar fuera de aquí por su cuenta.
And it's irrelevant because he didn't ask any questions about you or what I do for a living.
Y ni es relevante porque no me hizo preguntas sobre usted ni sobre mi carrera.
You didn't do it.
No es tu culpa.
How do you think it would look if I didn't turn up?
¿ Cómo crees que voy a quedar si no aparezco?
You see, the thing is, someone accused me of doing something bad at work and I didn't do it.
Mira, lo que pasa es que alguien me acusó de hacer algo malo en el trabajo, y no lo hice.
Wait, you didn't do... You didn't write in it, did you?
Espera, no hiciste - No escribiste nada en ella, ¿ verdad?
And I chose you'cause I didn't think anybody else would do it.
Y yo os elegí a vosotros Porque yo no creo que nadie más lo haría.
I didn't do this to you, you did it to yourself.
Yo no te hice esto, te lo hiciste tú misma.
Well, I didn't think you'd do it without me.
Bueno, no pensé que lo harías sin mí.
I know- - you didn't do it.
Sé... que no lo hiciste.
I'm really, really sorry for my part in this, but I want you to know that my brother didn't have anything to do with it.
En serio, de veras lamento todo esto de mi parte, pero quiero que sepan que mi hermano no tuvo nada que ver con eso.
Don't lie, you didn't want to do it.
No mientas ni siquiera trataste.
It's nothing that you did or didn't do, it's just that we've come to the conclusion that we don't need anyone to clean out here, this house.
No es nada que hayas hecho o dejado de hacer, es sólo que hemos llegado a la conclusión de que no necesitamos a nadie para limpiar aquí, esta casa.
Whatever you think we did, we didn't do it.
Lo que sea que pienses que hicimos, no lo hicimos.
And you had to fuckin'do it, didn't ya?
Y tenías que hacerlo tú, ¿ verdad?
Okay, you didn't do it?
Bueno, ¿ no lo hiciste?
There was only one car at the terminal, and you got out of it, and you're saying you know nothing about this body, you didn't move it, - had nothing to do with it?
Solo había un auto en la terminal, y tú saliste de él y dices que no sabes nada de este cuerpo, que tú no lo llevabas...
Why didn't he do it when he asked you before?
¿ Por qué no lo hizo cuando te preguntó antes?
It was a terrible accident and you didn't do anything wrong, but you have to let go of this.
Fue un terrible accidente y tú no hiciste nada malo, pero tienes que superar esto.
And you didn't think he can do it on his own?
¿ Y no pensaste que podía hacerlo por si solo?
We didn't. So you have to do it now.
No fue así, así que debes hacerlo ahora.
yeah sure you just do your thing and I will just eh... wanna see how the whole shebang turns out play it off and back away and... she totally franced ya, didn't she?
si claro tu solo haz lo tuyo y yo simplemente pues... me gustaria saber como todo el asunto se echo a perder juega a lo tuyo y eso... Ella es brutalmente franca verdad?
You didn't do it...
No hiciste...
Tell me you didn't have anything to do with it.
Dime que no tuviste nada que ver con eso.
- And you didn't do it just once either.
- Y no fue solo una vez.
I wanted to tell you, but I didn't wanna do it over the phone.
Quería decírtelo, pero no quería hacerlo por teléfono.
Why didn't you do it?
¿ Por qué no lo hiciste?
Yes, he did, but he didn't do it nearly as well as you're doing it.
Sí, pero no lo hacía tan bien como tú.
Why didn't you do it yourself?
¿ Por qué no lo hiciste tú?
And I know you told me to put them on my computer, but I just didn't do it.
Me dijiste que las pase a la computadora, pero no lo hice.
I didn't do it for the money, but to help you.
Yo no lo hago por dinero. Lo hice para ayudarte.
How does it help me if you lie and take the blame for something you didn't do?
¿ Cómo va a ayudarme mintiendo y asumiendo la culpa por algo que no hiciste?
Ah, you didn't do it on purpose.
No lo hiciste a propósito.
Honey, please tell them you didn't do it.
Cariño, por favor diles que no lo hiciste.
- I didn't do it for you.
- No lo hice por ti, he! .
Do you care when you read a novel that it didn't really happen?
Cuando lees una novela, ¿ te importa que no haya ocurrido de verdad?
Not that it matters, but I didn't blow off court to do you a solid, just like I didn't purposefully get you thrown off the case.
Nada que importe. pero yo no exprese corte para hacerle un sólido, al igual que yo no fuiútil conseguirle arrojado fuera el caso.
You just didn't do it.
Simplemente no lo hiciste.
I don't think that I could do it if I didn't know I was coming home to you.
No creo que pueda hacerlo si no supiese que estarás cuando llegue a casa.
Rebecca claims she didn't do it, which is why you and I need to work together.
Rebecca dice que ella no lo hizo, por eso tú y yo necesitamos trabajar juntas.
I didn't do it for you.
No lo hice por ti.
Whatever you think I did, I can assure you I didn't do it.
Lo que piensas que hice, te puedo asegurar que no lo hice.
Do you want to know the only reason why I didn't do it?
¿ Quieres saber cual fue la única razón por lo cual no lo hice?
You say I was the worst, yet I didn't do anything. It doesn't add up.
Dices que era el peor, pero que no hacía nada directamente. ¡ Eso no tiene sentido!
I didn't want you to do it alone.
No quería que lo hicieras sola.
I didn't do it to hurt you.
No lo hice para herirte.
How do I know you didn't do it?
¿ Cómo sé que no lo hiciste tú?
How do I know you didn't do it?
¿ Cómo sé que tú no lo hiciste?
Since Vivian's death, you're aware Kimberly Yaeger headlines have resurfaced, and you didn't do yourself any favors... was it Roger?
Desde la muerte de Vivian, estás al tanto de que los titulares de Kimberly Yaeger han resurgido, y no te has ayudado a tí mismo... ¿ fue Roger?
Strange you didn't do it.
Es extraño que no lo hiciera usted.

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