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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ Y ] / You don't know anything about me

You don't know anything about me traduction Espagnol

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Never came near me, don't know anything about me in fact you never even heard of me.
Ni siquiera me conocen.
You don't know anything about me- -
No sabes nada de mí -
But you don't know anything about me.
Pero usted no sabe nada de mí.
You don't know anything about me.
No sabes nada de mí.
- You don't know anything about me.
- Tú no sabes nada de mí.
You can't get mad at me. We've been through too much together. You don't know anything about her, so shut up!
Puede que aún no me quiera, pero no está enamorada de otro.
You don't know anything about me.
Usted no sabe nada de mí.
You don't know my father... you don't know anything about him, and you can't help me.
No conoce a mi padre. No sabe nada de él, y no puede ayudarme.
You don't know anything about me yet.
Todavía no me conoce.
You don't know anything about it, get me someone who does.
Si no lo sabe, entérese.
You don't know anything about me.
- No sabes nada de mí. Quién soy. - Como si cambiara algo...
I know nothing about you, and you don't know anything about me, not even my name.
Ni sabes mi nombre.
I don't care about anything anymore. I know what you're capable of. I'm not afraid.
No me importa nada... sé de lo qué eres capaz y no tengo miedo.
I'll do it. You're not telling me anything about Rankin or myself I don't already know better than you do.
No me dices nada sobre Rankin o sobre mí que yo no sepa.
Is there anything about me you don't know?
- ¿ Hay algo de mí que no conozca Vd.? - Varias cosas.
You don't know anything about me. Well, I've heard things.
- Ud. no sabe nada de mí.
Right now I don't know anything about you but believe me, within 24 hours I will.
Ahora mismo, yo no sé nada de ti, pero, créeme, en 24 horas lo sabré.
But you don't know anything about me.
Pero usted no sabe nada sobre mí.
You don't know anything about me.
No sabes nada acerca de mí.
I don't know anything about you, not even if you care about me.
, no sé nada de ti, tampoco si de verdad me quieres.
- You still don't know anything about me.
Hay muchas cosas que no sabes de mí.
You say that. You don't know anything about me.
Eso cree, pero no sabe nada sobre mí.
There's a guy upstairs, if he asks about me tell him you don't know anything.
Ahí hay uno. Si pregunta por mí, dile que no sabes nada.
I don't know if I'm worried about anything now that you're here.
No creo que me preocupe nada, ahora que estás tú aquí.
She couldn't tell me anything I don't know about you.
Sé todo sobre ti.
Tell me, how could you eliminate me as a candidate... when you don't know anything about me?
Cómo puede eliminar mi candidatura... sin saber nada de mí?
Oh, i know you don't care anything about me now. I'm just a silly woman who watches television dyes her hair, grows old.
Soy sólo una vieja tonta que ve televisión,... se tiñe el cabello y envejece.
Then you don't really know anything about me do you Terry?
Entonces no sabes nada acerca de mí, ¿ verdad, Terry?
and here you are at the door talking about me having pinched a lot of money, money that I don't know anything about.
Pero dígame qué es esto, porque me levanto y está ahí en la puerta diciendo que he robado dinero. Y yo no sé nada.
Mr. Kennedy, I don't care where you've been, I don't wanna know anything about you, I don't care whether you've got a mother, a father, an orphan child... you understand?
Señor Kennedy, no me interesa donde ha estado, no quiero saber nada de usted, no quiero saber si tiene madre, padre, o es huérfano, ¿ entiende?
I will allow myself, to introduce myself to you. You are my wife and don't know anything about me.
Me permito presentarme, casi ha sido mi mujer sin saber nada de mí.
No, Jonas, you don't know anything about me- - who I am, where I come from, what I've done...
no, Jonas, tú no sabes nada de mí... quién soy, de dónde vengo, que he hecho...
I don't know what got into me talking like that. I know you've never really thought anything bad about me.
No sé qué me ha pasado, sé que tú nunca has pensado mal de mí.
But you don't know anything about me.
Pero si no me conoces.
You don't know anything about me either, and I don't need to know.
Tú tampoco me conoces a mí. Además, no necesito saber nada.
I want you to get used to the thought that you don't know anything about me, don't understand anything. You will give me a formal, noble word for it.
Quiero que te acostumbres a la idea de que tú no sabes nada sobre mí, que no comprendes nada.
I don't know anything about anything, do you hear me?
No sé nada de todo esto, ¿ me oye?
You don't know anything about me, really.
La verdad es que no sabes nada de mí.
You don't know anything about me, really.
No sabe nada de mí.
Let me have it, you don't know anything about it.
Precaución Lionel, está a punto de pegarle un tiro. ¿ Ya sabes qué hacer?
It seems to me that you still don't know anything about the Redshirts, Gereb!
Me parece que aún no sabes anda de los camisas rojas, Gereb!
Oh, now don't tell me you don't know anything about that!
¡ No me digas que no sabes nada!
I know it doesn't matter to you, but it drives me crazy when you start buying pieces you don't know anything about.
Sé que no te importa, pero me vuelve loco cuando compras piezas de las que no sabes nada.
You don't know anything about me.
No sabe nada de mí.
You don't know anything about me either.
Ud. Tampoco sabe nada de mí.
I don't know if you'd be... particularly interested in hearing anything about me... my life.
No sé si estás... particularmente interesado en escuchar algo de mí... de mi vida.
- I tell you everything about me and I don't know anything of you.
- Os he dicho todo sobre mí y no sé nada de vos.
I don't know anything about it, but I hope you'll teach me.
No sé nada al respecto, pero espero que me enseñe.
You want to know why why you don't want to know anything about me?
¿ Quieres saber por qué... por qué no quieres saber nada acerca de mí?
Hey, I don't care anything about the money, you know that. We're friends.
El dinero no me interesa, tú lo sabes.
- But you don't know anything about me.
- Es que no sabes nada de mí.

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