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You don't know me at all traduction Espagnol

328 traduction parallèle
Well, men, I don't like what I have to say, but let's face it, you all know the central munition dump at Spraug.
Señores, no me gusta lo que tengo que decir, pero debemos enfrentarlo. Todos conocen el deposito central de municiones en Spraug.
You don't know me at all!
¡ No me conoces en absoluto!
You know I don't like to be critical, Dancer, but... you know, it doesn't look quite right when you and your partner... and your prima donna and your best customer... all go out at the same time.
Sabes que no me gusta criticar, Dancer, pero, ¿ sabes? No queda bien que tú, tu socio, tu prima donna y tu mejor cliente... os marchéis todos a la vez.
You don't know me at all.
No me conoces.
You know, I don't mind you being such a lofty person at all.
¿ Sabes? No me importa que seas una persona altiva en lo absoluto.
You don't know me at all, do you?
No me conoces en absoluto.
Well, I don't know what you're talking about at all.
No tengo ni idea de lo que me estás hablando.
You don't know me at all.
No me conoces en absoluto.
You don't know me at all.
No me conoces a fondo.
You know, Judy, sometimes I think you don't like me at all.
Sabes, Judy, a veces pienso que no te gusto nada.
You don't really know me at all.
No me conoces en absoluto.
You know something? I don't like this at all.
Esto no me gusta nada.
I don't care at all, you know Tell him everything
No me importa nada, ¿ sabes? ¡ Cuéntaselo todo!
- You don't know me at all.
- No me conoces en absoluto.
Oh, Steve, you don't know me at all.
Steve, tú no me conoces.
Me, I'm independent. Either I work for me or I don't work at all, you know? Isn't God Almighty funny, eh?
Es que mira, yo soy prácticamente independiente,... o trabajo para mí o no trabajo, ¿ sabes?
The other day in Philadelphia when I was singing, you know, I don't appreciate that at all.
El otro día en Filadelfia, cuando estaba cantando... Tu sabes, No me gusta en absoluto. - Oh, sí.
'Cause listen, I don't know what tale you've been telling my mother... about Barbara being this sister of yours, but she's been going on at me all afternoon, so just pack it in... and grow up!
Porque escucha, no sé que historia le has dicho a mi madre... acerca de que Bárbara es tu hermana, pero me ha estado sermoneando toda la tarde, así que guárdatelas... y madura!
You don't need at all to put it on in this way in order to know me.
No hacía falta montar este rollo para hablar conmigo.
You don't know me at all.
Tú no me conoces en absoluto.
There is absolutely no point at all in us getting married... when I know nothing about you, except... Well, things I don't like.
Meredith, no tiene sentido que nos casemos si no sé nada de tí... excepto, bueno, cosas que no me gustan.
If anybody calls, anyone at all you don't know where I am, or how to reach me.
Si me llama alguien, quien sea... di que no sabes dónde estoy ni cómo encontrarme.
I don't know why I put up with you at all.
No se por que me cuenta todo esto.
Miss Izabela, you don't know me at all.
Señorita Izabela, no me conoces para nada.
You don't know me at all.
No me conoces para nada.
- But you don't know me at all yet.
- ¡ Pero si ni siquiera sabes quién soy!
Well, I don't want to show my hand too early, but actually Here at slater nazi we are quite keen to get into orphans You know, developing market and all that.
No quiero que se me vea el plumero tan pronto... pero aquí nos interesa mucho el ámbito de los huérfanos.
You don't know anything about me at all, do you?
No sabes nada de mí.
You know, I don't buy this hell-hath-no-fury act of yours. I just think it's your way of blackmailing me and feeling wronged all at the same time.
No te da el papel de mujer despreciada, se que es tu forma de hacerme chantaje y hacerte la victima, todo al mismo tiempo.
I don't know about you, but I don't like myself at all. Okay, then let's send him back to prison!
No sé tú, pero en cuanto a mi, no me gusta nada.
Chronology notwithstanding... I think sometimes... you don't really... know me at all.
A pesar de la cronología... me parece que a veces... tú no me conoces... en absoluto.
You know, I don't know what they'd say at the war college, and I don't care, but to me, Ernest Ladd was the ideal soldier, a man of war... who loved peace most of all.
No sé qué dirían en la Escuela de Guerra ni me interesa. Pero, para mí, Ernest Ladd era el soldado ideal. Un hombre de guerra... que amaba la paz por encima de todo.
You don't know me at all.
Tú no me conoces.
Now, I know that you're all upset at me, and you don't really understand why I'm doing this, but I will not roll over and die, and I will rest easy, because I sleep the sleep of the righteous.
- Fácil.
You don't know anything at all about me.
Tú no sabes nada de mí.
N-Not at all. And, incidentally, just so you know, I don't care if you do all kinds of dope and shit.
Por cierto, quiero que sepas... que no me importa si usas drogas.
You don't know what to say to me at all, do you?
No sabes qué decirme en absoluto ¿ no?
I don't know about the rest of you... but, Plunkett, you haven't fooled me at all.
No sé ustedes, pero, Plunkett... a mí no me ha engañado.
You talked with Tower all the time, and yet you don't know... what he was working on? - Let me at him!
Matt... no comprendes.
I don't mind if you kill her, you know,'cause I don't know her at all.
No me importa si la matas, no la conozco.
Well, you know my situation, I don't care at all.
Amedeo, yo estoy... Sabes cómo estoy, no me importa en absoluto.
You don't know me at all, do you?
No me conoces en absoluto, ¿ verdad?
I don't know you at all... but somehow I have the feeling... that you're exactly the listener that I've been looking for.
No nos conocemos, Nigel. Pero de alguna manera algo me dice que eres el confidente que estaba buscando.
Boy... you still don't know me at all.
Chamo todavía no me conoces del todo.
You don't know me at all.
Entonces no me entiende.
- You don't know me at all.
- No me conoces.
When you look at me like that, I don't know how I managed all these years without you next to me.
Cuando me miras así no sé cómo pude estar todos estos años sin ti.
I know you think I'm trouble, and you curse the day you met me... but off the record, I don't feel that way about you... at all.
Tú piensas... que causo problemas y lamentas haberme conocido. Pero, "off the record", yo no pienso eso de ti. En absoluto.
That just goes to show you don't know me at all.
Eso sólo sirve para mostrar que no me conoces en absoluto.
You don't know me at all.
No me conoces nada.
You know, little man, you don't amuse me at all.
Sabes, hombrecito, a mí no me diviertes para nada.

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