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You don't know what happened traduction Espagnol

1,016 traduction parallèle
You don't know what happened. - I...
Usted no sabe lo que pasó.
You know what happened to Lot's wife when she looked back, don't you? - What?
- ¿ Sabes qué le pasó a la mujer de Lot?
You know what happened to Lot's wife, don't you?
Ya sabes, lo de la esposa de Lot. ¿ La esposa de quién?
I don't know what you've done to Jim or where he is, but I do know what happened to Julie.
¿ O qué cree saber? No sé lo que hizo con Jim, pero sé lo que le pasó a Julie. Usted la hizo suicidarse.
I don't know what happened to me when you told me, except that a whole beautiful evening was spoiled.
No sé que sucedió, excepto que esto nos arruinó la velada.
- Don't you know what happened?
— ¿ No sabes qué ha pasado?
You don't know what really happened.
Uno no sabe lo que realmente pasó.
No sabes que pasó.
I know you're angry very angry with me but don't be harsh I want to get back with you forgive for what has happened forget it and don't be spiteful if you think about it we all make mistakes.
Yo sé que estás enojada muy enojada conmigo pero no seas renegada quiero regresar contigo perdona lo que ha pasado olvida y no seas ingrata pos viéndolo bien mira'o todos metemos la pata.
You don't know what happened.
No sabes lo que ocurrió.
You have ruined me, and my brother, to whom we don't know what happened!
Me has arruinado a mí y a mi hermano, que ni siquiera sabemos dónde está.
I don't remember exactly what happened next. But next thing you know, we're all standing around talking.
No recuerdo bien qué pasó después pero empezamos a hablar.
Don't you want to know what happened?
¿ No quieres saber qué pasó?
You don't know what happened. How do you know that?
No tienes ni idea de lo que pasaba.
It's obvious you don't know what happened.
Es evidente que no sabe lo que ha pasado.
You know, after what happened today, I don't guess we'll be seeing you any more.
Después de lo sucedido hoy, no creo que volvamos a vernos.
Since when I saw you at the theater, I don't know what happened to me.
Desde que te vi en el teatro, no sé lo que me ha pasado.
I don't know what I'd do if anything ever happened to you.
No sé qué haría si te ocurriera algo.
- I don't know what's happened to you.
- No sé qué te ha ocurrido. - ¿ Diga?
He was killed being conspicuously brave. He had to be conspicuously brave, you see, because, well, something had happened in training camp - I don't know what - but he was afraid the others thought him a coward.
Murió por ser valiente y sensato, y no tenía más remedio que serlo porque algo le pasó en el campo de entrenamiento, no sé el qué, y temía que pensaran que era un cobarde.
I don't know what I'd do if anything happened to you.
No sé lo que haría si te ocurriera algo.
I don't know what happened between you and Desmond, but I have my suspicions.
No sé lo que ocurrió entre la Desmond y tú... aunque tengo mis sospechas.
- I don't think so. - You don't really know what happened in that house.
- Usted no sabe a ciencia cierta Io que sucedió en esa casa.
I don't know what happened to you but it's not my fault, for sure.
No sé lo que te pasa, pero yo no tengo la culpa.
I don't know what happened up in Maine last summer, but whatever it was you have got to put that whole experience out of your mind.
No sé qué pasó en Maine el verano pasado, pero fuera lo que fuera tienes que intentar pasar página y olvidar esa experiencia.
I... You know... Sounds crazy, but I don't know what happened to me.
Yo... sabes... suena de locos, pero no sé lo que me pasó, yo...
You don't know what has happened?
- ¿ No sabe lo que ha pasado?
I don't know what would have happened if it was not for you
Que Dios te bendiga. No sé qué hubiera pasado sin ti.
You don't know what happened!
¡ No sabéis lo ocurrido!
I told you before - l don't know what happened to that donkey.
Ya les dije : No sé qué pasó con el burro.
Don't you really know what happened, Mrs. Curwen?
¿ No sabe realmente lo que sucedió, Sra. Curwen?
You don't know what happened!
Por qué se volvió loco.
I don't know what happened to you, either, horace, but i think we're all like that.
Lo recuerdo ahora. Yo tampoco sé lo que te ha pasado, Horace,... pero creo que todos somos así.
It's better that you don't know what happened to us.
Es mejor que ustedes no sepan lo que nos pasa.
- Do you know what's happened? - No, I don't.
- ¿ Sabe qué ha ocurrido?
Don't you know what happened in town last night?
¿ No sabe qué paso en la ciudad anoche?
Well, you know what happened, don't you?
Bueno, sabes lo que ocurrió, ¿ no es así?
If you, erm... escaped the Time War, don't you want to know what happened?
Si escaparon de la Guerra del Tiempo ¿ no quieren saber qué pasó?
You actually don't know what's happened to Captain Pike?
¿ No sabe qué le pasó al Capitán Pike?
Don't you want to know what happened to me?
¿ No quiere saber lo que me ocurrió?
- You don't know what happened?
- ¿ No está al corriente?
- Don't you know what's happened?
¿ No sabe lo ocurrido? - No
What happened? Don't you know?
¿ Que pasó?
If it weren't for you, I don't know what would have happened to me.
De no ser por ti, no sé lo que me habría pasado.
You don't know what happened.
No tienes idea de lo que pasó.
I don't know what this man was planning on doing on a primitive planet, but assuming one did exist, I can tell you what would have happened
No sé qué pensaba hacer este hombre en un planeta primitivo. Pero suponiendo que existiese le diré qué habría pasado al establecerse allí.
What happened to Harris happened for reasons you don't know anything about.
Lo que le pasó a Harris tiene una razón. Tú no sabes nada.
It's true... don't know if you know what happened.
En verdad... no se si sabes que pasó.
Don't you know what happened to Kosara?
¿ No sabe lo que pasó con Kosara?
Setsuko, after all that happened, I don't know what you told Ritsuko
Setsuko, no sé qué diálogo mantuvo con su hija,
You don't even know what happened.
No tienes ni idea de lo que pasó.

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