You don't mean that traduction Espagnol
3,340 traduction parallèle
I mean, not that I don't want you to know.
Es decir, no es que yo lo esté diciendo.
I mean, you don't really think that we could...
No pensarás en serio que podemos...
I know that you don't mean that, Director.
Sé que no habría hecho eso.
You don't know that. I mean, you don't know, you know?
Quiero decir, no sabes eso, ¿ verdad?
I mean, don't you think I'd remember doing something like that?
¿ No crees que me acordaría de hacer algo así?
Does that mean you don't want the job back?
¿ Significa eso que no quieres recuperar tu trabajo?
Don't pretend like that night didn't mean anything to you.
No finjas que aquella noche no significó nada para ti.
That don't mean I think you look right.
Eso no significa que me parezcas bien.
You know, my daddy, he always told me, "Son, just'cause you're paranoid, " that don't mean that somebody ain't out to get you. "
Sabes, mi papá siempre me dijo "Hijo, solo porque seas paranoico no significa que alguien no te esté buscando".
I mean that you don't have to.
Quiero decir que no tienes por qué hacerlo.
- When I came over- - - it's nice to see you, Curtis. I mean that, as much as you're going to think that I don't.
Te lo dije, estaba preocupado por lo que iba a ser sin tu ayuda.
I mean, the reason that you don't want me to see them is the very reason that she would want me to.
Quiero decir, la razón por la que no quieres que las vea sería la razón principal por la que ella querría que lo hiciera.
All I'm saying is, if Catherine Chandler starts asking questions, alerting Muirfield that you're alive... we're both dead men, and I don't mean "on a piece of paper" dead.
Solo digo que si Catherine Chandler empieza a hacer preguntas, y alerta a Muirfield de que estás vivo... ambos somos hombres muertos, y no me refiero a muertos "en un trozo de papel".
Don't you mean "whenever that is"? Take that, Blorgon scum!
¿ No querrás decir "cuando quiera que sea"? ¡ Chúpate esa, escoria Blorgon!
You don't mean you want to empty that coffin out, right?
Veamos que hay dentro de este ataúd.
I don't mean to be presumptuous, but I wouldn't do that if I were you.
No quiero ser impertinente, pero no haría eso, si fuera tú.
You don't mean that.
- No quieres decir eso.
You know, don't treat me like that, right? I mean, come on.
Sabes, no me trates así, ¿ de acuerdo?
I don't mean to be rude, but you don't see that every day.
No quiero ser maleducado, pero no se ve eso todos los días.
You know what's kind of fun is that it's a really mean face, and I don't really do many mean faces.
¿ Sabes qué es una especie de diversión es que es una cara realmente significa, y yo realmente no hacer muchas caras medias.
I wish you'd stop saying terms that I don't know what they mean... bobtailing?
Deseo que usted dejase de decir términos Que no sepa Qué quieren decir... ¿ cortándole el rabo?
No, y-y-you don't mean that.
No, no lo dices en serio.
Whoa. You don't mean that.
Usted no habla en serio.
I mean, it's the least you could do after you lied to that woman and let her think you were one of them. Hey, I don't know who my father is.
Digo, es lo minimo que podrias hacer despues de que le mentiste a esa mujer y la dejaste pensar que eras uno de ellos
I know you're here for peace and I don't mean to disturb that for you but my friend, Lauren Tanner, desperately needs your help.
Sé que estás aqui por paz y no quiero molestarte en eso pero... mi amiga Lauren Tanner, necesita desesperadamente tu ayuda.
I mean, tell me you don't see that.
Me refiero, dime que no te has dado cuenta.
So, if... if you really mean that and you don't mind me hanging around, I-I think I'm happy where I am.
Y si lo dices en serio y no te importa tenerme por aquí, creo que soy feliz donde estoy.
- You don't mean that.
- No lo dices en serio.
I mean, I don't know if I could build a crib that wouldn't fall apart as soon as you put a kid in it, but... a friendly ear or, uh, some babysitting so you can make an A.A. meeting or...
Quiero decir, no sé si podría construir una cuna que no se cayera abajo tan pronto pongas un niño en ella, pero... un amigo que te escuche, o que haga de niñera para que puedas ir a una reunión de Alcohólicos Anónimos o...
I mean, Wes, you've already been taking care of Hudson at night, so why don't you continue to do that?
Quiero decir, Wes, que ya has estado cuidando de Hudson por la noche, entonces ¿ por qué sigues haciéndolo?
Don't say that if you don't mean it.
No digas eso si no es en serio.
I mean, if you don't want to buy him- yeah, um, unfortunately, on this piece, that's probably the best that we're gonna be able to offer you today is 100.
Digo, si no lo quieren comprar..., Sí, um, desafortunadamente, en esta pieza, es probablemente lo mejor que vamos a poderte ofrecer hoy es 100.
You don't know how much I mean that.
No sabes cuánto significa.
You mean, talk about the fact that you don't trust me?
Quiero decir, ¿ hablar del hecho de que no confías en mi?
Nikolai, it's not that I don't - am not very fond of you, I mean,
Nikolai, no es que yo no - no eres de mi agrado, quiero decir,
Yeah, so about that, I mean, don't you think that's gonna be.. kinda...
Sí, sobre eso, quiero decir, ¿ no piensas que será... algo...?
Shut up, don't do that, I mean what were you gonna do, marry my mother?
Cállate, no hagas eso, quiero decir, ¿ qué vas a hacer, casarte con mi madre?
You don't have to shoot me, I didn't mean that literally.
No tienes que dispararme, no lo quise decir literalmente.
Oh, no, I couldn't... I mean, considering where you're headed with that tray, I don't think you want me around.
No, no podría... quiero decir, considerando adonde vas con esa bandeja, no creo que me queráis por allí.
But that doesn't mean that you don't love Ricky.
Pero eso no significa que tú no quieras a Ricky.
Detective Inspector Hunt, I take your silence to mean that you don't agree?
Detective Inspector Hunt, ¿ tomo su silencio como que coincide?
I mean, you might take a second mortgage, might have to flog your car, I don't know, but III don't think that's being unreasonable, do you?
Quiero decir, puedes tomar una segunda hipoteca, puedes rematar tu auto, no lo sé, pero no creo que eso no sea ser razonable, ¿ no es así?
Yeah, but that doesn't mean- - you don't think he has integrity.
Sí, pero eso no significa... no crees que tenga integridad.
I mean, it's like when I see guys at the bar that don't drink, you just know they got a pocket full of roofies.
O sea, es como cuando ves chicos en la barra que no beben, pero sabes que tienen el bolsillo lleno de pastillas.
That douchebag down the street is trying to do you wrong. " I've gotta be honest, I mean it's, like, when you're paying for what you got, I don't even know.
Ese cabrón de al lado está tratando de que te equivoques. " Tengo que ser honesto, quiero decir cuándo estás pagando por lo que obtienes, yo nunca lo sé.
You don't talk, but that doesn't mean you're not smart.
No hablan, pero eso no quiere decir que no sean inteligentes.
I mean... look, I'm... I'm trying to explain to you that it was really messed up, but I just don't think that everything should be blown up out of proportion over something that happened once that meant nothing.
Quiero decir... mira, estoy intentando explicarte... aquello estuvo muy mal realmente, pero no creo... que todo debiera explotar de forma desproporcionada... sobre algo que pasó una vez y que no significó nada.
I mean, how is it that you don't remember every single detail?
Quiero decir, ¿ cómo es que no recuerdas cada uno de los detalles?
I just haven't seen you much, and it made me realize that doing something lame with you is better than doing anything without you, and when I say lame, I don't mean lame.
No te he visto mucho, y hizo darme cuenta que hacer algo penoso contigo es mejor que no hacer nada sin ti, y cuando digo penoso, no me refiero a penoso.
I mean, don't you just find it a little bizarre. That she never even mentioned her before?
Quiero decir, ¿ no te parece un poco raro que ni siquiera la mencionara?
I mean, I don't know, don't they say that it's always the more quiet mousy types you gotta watch out for?
Quiero decir, no lo sé, ¿ no dicen que son los tipos más tranquilos a los que tienes que tener más en cuenta?
you don't want to talk to me 24
you don't 4631
you don't have to 1176
you don't understand 2732
you don't understand me 29
you don't have to worry 197
you don't know me 657
you don't remember me 206
you don't know nothing 35
you don't believe me 569
you don't 4631
you don't have to 1176
you don't understand 2732
you don't understand me 29
you don't have to worry 197
you don't know me 657
you don't remember me 206
you don't know nothing 35
you don't believe me 569