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You have to stop him traduction Espagnol

232 traduction parallèle
Elder Cunningham, you have to stop him!
Elder Cunningham, usted tiene que detenerlo!
Listen. You have to stop him.
¡ Escucha, tienes que detenerlo!
Look you have to stop him!
Mira lo que tienes que detenerlo!
You have to stop him!
¡ Tienes que detenerlo!
You have to stop him.
Tienes que detenerlo.
You have to stop him.
- Debe evitarlo.
You have to stop him.
Tienen que detenerlo.
You have to stop him, Joe.
Debes detenerlo, Joe.
You have to stop him.
Debe detenerlo.
He's a blackmailer and you have to stop him.
Es un chantajista y usted tiene que detenerlo.
- You have to stop him.
Tienen que detenerlo.
You have to stop him.
- Debe detenerlo.
Well, you must have wanted him to stop it, or...
Bueno, querrías que él lo detuviera, o...
- Have you tried to stop him?
- ¿ Lo habéis intentado?
You'll have to stop him, Colonel Hatch.
Debe detenerlo, coronel Hatch.
Hit him if you have to but stop him.
- Golpéale si es necesario, pero no le dejes.
I'm going back to tell the president and congress just exactly what i've told you, that unless something is done to stop hitler, we may have to fight him alone.
Repetiré todo esto al presidente y al Congreso, o se intenta parar a Hitler o lucharemos solos contra él.
Try to stop me and I'll have you put in jail and him declared incompetent
Intente impedírmelo y la mandaré a prisión y haré que a él le declaren incompetente. ¿ Por qué no se calla?
What right do you have to stop them from making him a decent man?
¿ Con qué derecho puedes impedir que hagan de él un hombre honrado?
You'll have to stop him yourself.
Hágale usted callar.
After Nathan gets Joe back, he's still got to live here, which means you 2 can't, and if you don't have Joe, what'll stop him?
Nathan seguirá viviendo aquí, una vez que rescate a Joe. Es decir, que ustedes tendrán que irse. Cuando ya no tengan a Joe en su poder... nada lo detendrá.
We'd better get a beaver at once because when the wound opens you have to stop it with beaver's fat and the sickness will leave him
Si la herida de tu tío se abre, la taparemos con la grasa. - Enseguida se curará.
A man threatens your life and you have... the means to stop him, what do you do?
Un hombre te amenaza la vida... y puedes detenerlo, ¿ qué haces?
Gavin, you've got to stop him. I have proof it's not Hardy.
Tengo pruebas de que no es Hardy.
You won't have a job to do unless you stop treating him like a machine.
No tendrás trabajo si lo tratas como a una máquina.
You tell him to stop missing school or I'll have you.
- Dile que se aplique en la escuela.
But you have to stop him!
¡ Tienen que detenerlo!
Well, you'll just have to stop him, won't you?
Bueno, sólo tenemos que detenerlo, ¿ no?
You have to help us stop him.
Tienes que ayudarnos a detenerlo.
- We have to stop him. - We've got to get you to a hospital.
- Necesito llevarte al hospital.
Grammy! Grammy, you have to make him stop!
IAbuela, hazlo parar!
You don ´ t have to stop loving him or supporting him, but you do have to stop lying for him.
No tiene por qué dejar de amarlo o apoyarlo pero debe dejar de mentir por él.
You decide, that's all, that you're going to have him and nothing can stop you.
Debes decidir que será tuyo y que nadie te lo impedirá. Sedúcelo.
Koba, I tell him to stop, you have to carry water every day
Vamos, Koba. Si les digo, tendrás que traer agua del pozo todos los días.
You have to make him stop.
Debes hacer que se detenga.
Talia, I'll do whatever I have to to stop him. You must know that. I do.
Talia haré lo que sea para detenerlo, debes saberlo.
When the Constellation arrives I'll tell them that I couldn't stop you from leaving, that I would have had to kill the boy to keep him here.
Cuando llegue la Constellation, les diré que no pude impedir que se fuera, que tendría que haber matado al chico para retenerlo aquí.
If you can't stop him, I'll have to!
¡ Si no puedes detenerlo, tendré que hacerlo yo!
Bill, you're about to have some company. Stop him!
¡ Bill, tú estás a cargo.
No, I'm not going to tell him to shut up, and these basketball wars between you and your father have got to stop.
No lo callaré y la guerra de basquetbol con tu padre debe terminar.
Hey, you guys, since we don't know how to vanquish the ghost, we have to try to stop him from killing his next victim.
Chicos, ya que no sabemos cómo vencer al fantasma hay que impedir que vuelva a matar.
You're gonna have to make good on your threat... get a court order and compel him to stop his pussyfooting.
Entonces cumple la amenaza. Consigan una orden y obligenlo a dejar las evasivas.
That man you were going to marry- - if you could have just taken a hypospray to make yourself stop loving him so that it didn't hurt so much when you were away from him, would you have done that?
Ese hombre con el que ud. iba a casarse... si pudiera sólo haber tomado un hipospray para poder dejar de amarlo como para que no le doliera tanto el alejarse de él, ¿ lo habría hecho?
Still, you have to find a way to stop him before things get worse.
Tenéis que hallar el modo de detenerlo antes de que todo empeore.
Well, now I'm asking you to turn the other way while I do what I have to to stop him.
Bueno, ahora te pido que mires para otro lado mientras hago lo que tengo que hacer para detenerlo.
Dad, you have to stop making trouble for him
Deja de darle problemas.
If you have to kill him, don't let that stop you.
Si hay que cargárselo que eso no os lo vaya a impedir.
You don't think Gregory could have been topped to stop him broadcasting something?
¿ No cree que Gregory podría haber sido eliminado para que dejara de difundir algo? La mano derecha ha sido cortada...
Ok, I'll go to Aunt Honey's with you if you'll go to my parents'with me and we have to stop by Jack's stepdad's with him
Te acompaño si tú vienes a casa de mis padres y a ver al padrastro de Jack.
I have to find him and there's nothing you can do to stop me.
Tengo que encontrarlo y no hay nada que puedas hacer para pararme.
I have to see him, you can't stop me...
Tengo que verlo, no puedes pararme...

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