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Translate.vc / Anglais → Espagnol / [ Y ] / You know something i don't

You know something i don't traduction Espagnol

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I'll tell you something about Vivian that you don't know.
Te diré algo que no sabes de Vivian.
I wouldthink something else! I don't know... You have to get her married one day, right sir?
me gustaria pensar en otra cosa no sé... un dia tenia que conseguir su matrimonio o no es asi
Unless, I don't know, maybe there's something else you want to ruin.
A menos que, no sé, tal vez haya algo más que quieras arruinar.
And you don't want to do something all crazy that you can't take back. Now, you take that from me. I know.
Si no quieres hacer algo loco, entonces no hagas nada... y lo aprendiste de mí, lo sé.
You better call your client and tell him to bring some chalk or something for y'all can play some hopscotch on the floor'cause I don't know what you're gonna do.
Será mejor que llame a la cliente y la marca en otros lugares para mí para desinfectar aquí que es lo que tengo que hacer.
I don't mind because I thought, you know, if I keep going, then... one day I'd come up with something good. What if this is it?
¿ Y si es ésta?
There's something else that I don't think you know.
Hay algo más que no creo que sepas.
I thought you said he was going to do something really embarrassing. I don't know.
Crei que dijiste que seria una fiesta salvaje
Tell me something I don't know. Life ain't easy when you're 2 mm tall.
La vida no es fácil cuando mides 2 milímetros.
How'bout you tell me something I don't know?
Sí, lo sé. ¿ Qué tal si me dices algo que no sepa?
Because I know something you don't know.
¿ Y eso que es?
She's just run away, you know? I don't know. The TV reckons-they said something happened to her.
No sé, en la TV creen que algo le pasó.
I don't even know you, you already want something from me, huh?
No te conozco, y ya quieres algo de mí.
- Something I don't know about you?
¿ Algo que no sé de ti?
I don't know what you're talking about but we gotta do something, and quickly.
No sé de qué coño estáis hablando, pero tenéis que arreglar eso ahora.
I don't know, you're glowing or something.
No sé, radiante o algo.
I don't know, if you wanted me to be your sidekick or something...
No sé, si quisieras que yo fuera tu socio o algo así...
I don't know, it's hard to miss something that you never really had.
Pero es difícil echar de menos lo que nunca tuviste.
I don't know, can I take you out to dinner or something?
¿ Puedo invitarte a cenar?
I mean, that may be true but something is happening to you and I don't know if it's what happened before, or It's not, not.
O sea, puede ser cierto, pero... Algo te está pasando. Y no sé si fue lo que te pasó antes... o no.
I don't know, but no worries, if I hear something I will tell you immedialty.
Yo no se nada, pero no se preocupe, que si me entero de algo lo pondré su conocimiento.
I mean, when somebody is blackmailing you, generally, that means that they know something that you don't want other people to know.
Nate, cariño, ¿ estás bien? Sí, ¿ Por qué?
I do believe in kind of saints that you can look up to... when you're young and you're starting out... and you don't fit in anywhere and you want to do something in the arts. And you know really early you want to do it, and you know that you're gonna cause trouble with what you want to do.
Yo creo en esa especie de santos que uno ve cuando se es joven y estás empezando, y no encajas en ningún lugar, y quieres hacer algo artístico, y sabes desde temprano que deseas hacerlo, y sabes que vas a causar problemas
Joan is but one of a growing number of citizens... lf something like that doesn't get you to change your perspective on life, I don't know what will.
Joan es sólo una de muchos ciudadanos... Si algo así no te cambia la perspectiva de la vida, no sé que la cambiará.
- You know, I have something very special planned for you later, very special, and I really think you're going to love it. - Don't fucking look at him!
Sabe, tengo algo muy especial planeado para usted más tarde, muy especial, y de verdad creo que le encantará.
Perhaps you might know something that I don't, and if you do, you really should tell us, for your sake.
Tal vez sepas algo que yo no sé y si es así deberías decirnos por tu bien.
I don't know, I guess you rubbed off on her or something.
No sé, supongo que se lo pegaste o algo así.
Because... You think I know something about this company That you don't.
Porque... crees que sé algo sobre esta empresa que tú no sabes.
I don't know, if something happens to me can you make sure that that gets to the orphanage?
No sé, si algo me pasa... ¿ te asegurarás de que llegue al orfanato?
Look, from now on, if Ellie asks you something, just say, "I don't know." That's not a lie.
Mira, de ahora en adelante, si Ellie te pregunta algo, solo di, "no lo se." Eso no es una mentira.
I know you don't really think I could do something like that.
Se que realmente tú no crees que podré hacer algo como eso.
If you're shook up or something, I don't know.
Si se agita, de volver a colocarla.
From now on, if Ellie asks you something, just say "I don't know."
Desde ahora, si Ellie te pregunta algo, sólo di "no lo sé".
Sometimes, I don't know if you're an asshole or a pussy, or something in between.
A veces, no sé si es usted un imbécil o un gatito, o algo intermedio.
I need to tell you something, and I don't know how you're gonna feel about it.
Necesito decirte algo. Y no sé cómo te sentirás por ello.
Oh, I keep trying to convince myself that this is a mistake... you know, it's just something that I don't understand.
Oh, sigo intentando convencerme de que esto es un error sabes, es algo que no puedo entender.
I don't know what happened to you when we used that amulet to get here, but something has happened to you, Kahlan.
No sé qué te pasó cuando usamos ese amuleto para venir aquí pero algo te pasó, Kahlan.
I know you don't do something for nothing, so what do you want, Victoria?
Ya sé que tú no haces algo por nada, así que, ¿ qué quieres, Victoria?
Anything-something about how you'd like me to stay here And not move on to another program, I don't know.
algo sobre cómo te gustaría que me quedase aquí y no cambiar a otro programa, no lo se.
- I don't know, just sad that it seems you have fewer friends in New York, and I know when something wonderful happens, there are maybe three people I'll call, when maybe 15 years ago, there would have been six people I'd call.
No sé, porque pareciera que tienes menos amigos en Nueva York y sé que cuando pasa algo maravilloso quizá llame a tres personas cuando hace unos 15 años habría llamado a seis.
You know something I don't know?
¿ sabes algo que yo no sepa?
Mother, is there something I don't know about you and Wainwright?
¿ Madre, hay algo que no sé de ti y Wainwright?
Can I ask you for something, even though I know it's something that you don't want to hear?
¿ Te puedo preguntar algo, aunque sé que es algo que no quieres oir?
It's your study group, And I don't know if you perceive it As something that could be improved,
Es vuestro grupo de estudio, y no sé si lo precibís como algo que puede mejorar.
You know, I think I've seen something like this before, But I just didn't know what it was, These dark, angry ghosts that don't really cross over.
Creo que he visto algo como esto antes, pero no sabía que era, esos oscuros y enfadados fantasmas que en realidad no quieren cruzar.
So even after you helped Keller Landreaux... cover up the crawl space hole with a furnace... and erase all the digital files from the security cameras... you didn't think something was, I don't know... fishy?
incluso despues de ayudar a Keller landreaux... a cubrir la entrada del semisotano con una caldera... y de borrar todos los archivos digitales de las camaras de seguridad... ¿ nada de todo ello te olio, no se... a chamusquina?
Because I think He knows something you don't know.
Porque pienso que el sabe algo que tu no.
But there's something I know that you don't.
Pero hay algo que se y tu no.
You've definitely got something mixed up, I don't know anything.
Se equivocan, yo no sé nada.
Whether you're reading it on a small thing that looks like a diamond that you tap with your finger and it beams the entire content straight into your retina or whether you're reading it on something you can fold up and put in your pocket afterwards and you wanna pile up out in your tree house, I don't know.
No importa si lo lees en algo pequeño... con forma de diamante que enciendas con el dedo... y te transmita el contenido a la retina... o si lo lees en algo que puedas doblar... y guardar en el bolsillo al terminar... para amontonarlo después en tu casita del árbol. No lo sé.
You actually helped me make this film into something I don't hate, you know what I mean?
Me has ayudado a hacer una película que no detesto.

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