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You need to understand something traduction Espagnol

165 traduction parallèle
I think you need to understand something.
Tiene que entender algo.
You need to understand something.
Tienes que entender algo.
- You need to understand something.
- Necesita entender algo.
Look, you need to understand something.
Mira, tienes que entender algo
You need to understand something.
Ross, tienes que entender una cosa.
Napoleon, you need to understand something.
Napoleón, debes entender algo.
You need to understand something.
Es necesario comprender algo.
Mikey, you need to understand something.
Mikey, debes entender algo.
Hey, Stanley, you need to understand something :
Oye Stanley, necesitas entender algo :
You need to understand something, lads.
Deben saber algo, chicos.
From here on. you need to understand something.
¿ No te das cuenta?
You need to understand something else i can't have you interfering anymore
- Necesitas comprender algo más. No puedo dejar que interfieras más.
I know you for a long time, and you need to understand something. Whatever I tell you, I would only be guessing.
Escucha te conozco desde hace mucho tiempo y lo que yo te dijera serían sólo conjeturas.
Mrs. Forman, you need to understand something.
Señora Forman, tiene que entender algo.
Jess, you need to understand something, OK?
Jess, debes entender algo, ¿ de acuerdo?
But you need to understand something.
Pero debes comprender algo.
You need- - You need to understand something.
Necesitas, tú necesitas entender una cosa.
I need an angle, something to hit the public with. You understand?
Necesito otro enfoque para el público.
I need you for something, for you to give me news about something I need to understand
Usted me hace falta a mí, para que me de noticias de algo que necesito aprender
Then it like, I need a little something- - [Sniffs] to get my head together every now and then, you understand?
Y luego necesito un poco... para centrarme de vez en cuando, ¿ entiendes?
If you ever need someone to talk to, if something's bothering you I'll understand.
Si alguna vez necesitas hablar con alguien, si hay algo que te preocupe lo entenderé.
Cynthia, I can't come back, and I need you to understand something. Can you do that, please?
Cynthia, no puedo regresar y necesito que entiendas, por favor.
Honey, I've known your grandmother... for a long time, and there's something... you need to understand about her.
Cariño, he conocido a tu abuela durante mucho tiempo, y hay algo que necesitas comprender de ella.
- Sure. But I need you to understand something.
Pero quiero que entienda algo.
The kids need something to do, to have discipline. Don't you understand?
Los niños necesitan algo que hacer, tener disciplina. ¿ No lo entiendes?
Henry, what you need to know about me and it's something that I'm just beginning to understand is that until I can look at myself without judgment or condemnation I'm not ready for anyone.
Henry, lo que debes saber de mí y que apenas comienzo a entender es que ahora puedo verme sin juzgarme o condenarme. No estoy lista para nadie.
Dad, you and Mom have both been a big help... but there's something I need to understand... before I can talk.
Papá, tú y mamá han sido una gran ayuda pero hay algo que necesito comprender antes de poder hablar.
I need you to understand something.
Tienes que entender una cosa.
I understand. But I need you to help me to reconstruct something.
Incluso con mamá últimamente estaban... como quien dice enemistadas.
You need to understand... something very important about the father- -
Tienes que entender... algo muy importante acerca de tu padre- -
I'm going through something. I don't understand what it is... but I need to be around people who aren't like you.
Estoy pasando un momento, y no sé por qué, pero necesito estar rodeada de gente que no es como tú.
Something you need to understand.
Algo que necesitas entender.
You kids need to understand something, okay?
Chicos, tenéis que entender que
But I need you to understand something.
Pero tienes que tener algo presente.
There's something you need to understand.
Hay algo que necesitas comprender
I need something to eat, don't you understand?
Necesito algo más que azúcar y carne de cabra
- I want you to understand something. When my patients are in the operating room, they need god, and that's exactly what I give them.
- Quiero que entienda algo cuando mis pacientes están en la Sala de Operaciones, necesitan a Dios y eso es exactamente lo que les doy.
There is something you need to understand.
Hay algo que debes entender.
And there's something you need to understand.
Y hay algo que usted debe entender.
I need you to help me understand something.
Necesito que me ayude a entender una cosa.
Something that you, as citizens Americans need to understand.
Algo que como ciudadana americana debe entender.
Okay, look... I need you to understand something,'cause those Opa-Locka detectives won't listen to me.
Está bien, mire... necesito que entienda algo, por que esos detectives de Opa-Locka no me escuchan.
I need you guys to understand something :
Necesito que ustedes entiendan algo :
I need you to understand something for me, though.
Sin embargo necesito que entiendas algo.
You need to understand something.
Debes entender algo.
Lewis is alway doing nice things for me it was a chance i could do something nice for him a favor for a friend it's OK, Cleo, i understand we all know you like Lewis but, you really need to tell him that he didn't catch that fish
¿ Tenía que ser un pez tan grande? Lewis siempre hace cosas buenas para mí. Era mi oportunidad de hacer algo por él.
Kids, to understand this story, you need to know That your uncle marshall was doing something That lots of college kids do.
Chicos, para entender esta historia tenéis que saber... que vuestro tío Marshall estaba haciendo algo... que muchos universitarios hacen.
To understand how something as intangible as thin air protects us from meteors, you need to find a meteorite that has survived its fall to Earth.
Para entender cómo algo tan intangible como el fino aire nos protege de los meteoritos, tienes que encontrar un meteorito que haya sobrevivido a su caída a la Tierra.
Paulie Ferrari doesn't need you beating him up for him to know that he did something wrong, do you understand me?
Paulie Ferrari no necesita que lo golpees para saber que lo que hizo estuvo mal, ¿ me entiendes?
I do need you to understand something.
Está bien
Look, I need you to understand something.
Escucha, necesito que entiendas algo.

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