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You really don't have to traduction Espagnol

1,256 traduction parallèle
Really, you don't have to.
De verdad, no tienes que hacerlo.
No tenés que hacerlo.
Debería drogarme para presentarme.
I really appreciate the interest, but you don't have to look after me.
En verdad agradezco tu interés... pero no tienes que protegerme.
I mean, if you just take a look at your life... you really don't have that much to be angry about.
Me refiero a que si echas un vistazo a tu vida, no tienes tantos motivos para estar enfadada.
Now, I know compared to Lex, we don't have a whole lot around here, but... up until now, I never really thought it bothered you.
Y comparado con Lex, nos hacen falta muchas cosas aquí, pero hasta ahora eso no te había molestado.
You really don't have to do that anymore.
Realmente no teneis que hacer esto más.
Look, you know you really don't have to stay with me I-I'm fine
No tienes porque quedarte, estoy bien.
And you really don't have to pull that hard to climb it.
Y no hay que halar tan duro para subir.
Why don't you have a look? I really don't want to go back there.
Realmente no quiero volver allá.
No, I can't say that I do. You don't really care to hear much what I have to say, do you?
- No te importa lo que tengo decir, ¿ no?
So I don't really give a damn what you have to say.
Así que no me importa lo que tengas que decir.
Listen, you really don't have to take care of me all the time.
Escucha, no tienes porque cuidarme todo el rato.
Oh, well, thanks anyway, but I really have it under control, so, you don't have to worry about a thing, Ed.
Gracias de todas formas, pero tengo todo bajo control así que, no tienes que preocuparte de nada, Ed.
I really don't have time to get you up to speed.
Es verdad Realmente no tengo tiempo para enseñarte esto
Kit, I like you, really... but I don't want to fuck up what I have with Barnaby.
Kit, me agradas de verdad pero no quiero arruinar lo que tengo con Barnaby.
You really don't have to do that.
No tiene que hacerlo.
I need a sponge,'cause it don't come... - You have to really scrub.
Necesito una esponja, porque no se quita... tienes que frotarla.
We've looked at statistics from the whole country and what's positive is that you don't really have crime here to motivate your activity.
Hemos analizado las estadísticas de todo el país lo positivo es, que no hay criminalidad aquí, que necesite su presencia.
And in the case in question, you don't really have to dig very deep it's all right on the surface.
Y en el caso en cuestión, no tienes realmente que escarbar muy profundo, esta todo muy sobre la superficie.
As I said at the beginning you don't really have to work very hard to see these things.
Como dije al principio no tienes que trabajar demasiado para ver esas cosas.
"Just called to say goodbye..." "... actually, besides you, I don't really have any friends... "
Solo llamaba para decirte adiós en realidad, sin contarte a ti, no tengo ningún amigo...
Sharks over here are not very aggressive towards human beings, so therefore you don't have to really worry about sharks.
Los tiburones de por aquí no son muy agresivos con los humanos. Así que no tienen que preocuparse por los tiburones.
Melanie, you really don't have to help me. No, I really don't mind.
- Melanie, no tienes por qué ayudarme.
And I know you're really busy and you don't need to be listening to some advice columnist's psychobabble, but if I still have a job I promise you'll see all the changes you're looking for in my column first thing in the morning.
Y sé que estás muy ocupado y no necesitas oír los balbuceos psicológicos de una columnista de consejos, pero si aún conservo mi puesto te prometo que verás todos los cambios que buscas en mi columna a primera hora del día.
You know, you don't have to believe me, Chris, but this really is for the best.
No tienes por qué creerme, Chris pero esto es para bien.
And I can see how you don't have any ideas of your own on how to improve it, because, after all you're not really in the business of having ideas, are you?
Y entiendo que no tienes ideas propias de cómo mejorarlo porque tú no estás en el negocio de las ideas.
Thanks, Adam, for that astute insight, but if you don't mind me saying so I think C.J.'s problems here are really subordinate to members of this audience who have actually paid money to listen to your vastly underqualified advice.
- Adam, gracias por esa reflexión pero creo que los problemas de C.J. son secundarios frente a los de los aquí presentes quienes pagaron por Venir a oír tus sabios consejos.
You don't have to be here with me. Do I really need a chaperone?
Realmente no tienes que acompañarme ¿ realmente necesito un supervisor?
You have to understand, I don't really see Johnny anymore.
Tiene que entender que ya no veo a Johnny...
Sure. I don't have time to say thank you because I really gotta go!
Claro. ¡ No tengo tiempo para decir gracias pues ya me tengo que ir!
Really big in L.A. You go through the motions, you don't have to strip.
Es muy de moda en L.A. Debes hacer solo los movimientos, No necesitas hacer un striptease
You know, you really don't have to go to it, Luke.
Sabes, no estas obligado a venir, Luke. Quiero ir.
It's just... I was raised Catholic and I was... taught that you don't ask God for specific things, but there is this one miracle that I would really, really like to have.
Me criaron como católica y me enseñaron que no se le pide a Dios cosas especificas, pero hay un milagro que en verdad me gustaría tener.
Yeah! You really don't have to do that.
- No tiene que hacer eso.
Dr. Kim, I really don't have time to argue with you right now.
Dra. Kim, realmente no tengo tiempo para discutir con usted ahora mismo.
Sabes, no sé a qué te estás refiriendo, Jimmy, pero tengo una ligera idea de por qué lo quieren ustedes aquí, y cuando le diga a las autoridades que ni hijo adolescente está viviendo con dos maricones...
Because you have no idea just how frustrating it is working your ass off trying to inflate a tiny little balloon inside someone's clogged artery and all that person has to do, really, is, I don't know, go for a walk in the morning or choke down a fresh green salad and you come back here looking like that.
Porque no se hace idea de lo frustrante que es... romperse los cuernos tratando de hinchar... un minúsculo globo dentro de una arteria bloqueada... de una persona que lo único que tendría que hacer... es darse un paseo por la mañana o ventilarse alguna que otra ensalada,
- You really don't have to come.
- De verdad, no hace falta que vengas.
You really don't have to drive me home.
No tienes que llevarme a casa.
I love Drake and I don't really want to beat them, but I want to beat them bad and show them, you know, the reason that they've been winning might have something to do with me.
Amo a Drake y de verdad que no quiero ganarles, pero sí que quiero apalizarles y mostrarles que, bueno, la razón por la que han estado ganando podría tener algo que ver conmigo.
And I don't think it's really fair to say that she was wearing a scoutmaster uniform, so therefore, she should have let herself get kicked out, you know, and not tried to lie, cheat and steal the way everybody else did. I
Y no creo que sea justo decir que llevaba un uniforme de Jefe Scout, y qué, ¿ por eso tendría que haberse dejado echar, y no intentar mentir, engañar y robar como los demás?
You really don't have anywhere else to go?
¿ En serio no tienes dónde más ir?
You really don't have to pay me.
No me tiene que pagar.
You know, I have to say that I - I'm... Well, I just don't feel like I'm really your type.
Debo decir que yo no siento que sea tu tipo.
I don't really know what to say. But I'd be happy to answer any questions that you might have.
No sé qué decir, pero contestaré con sumo placer, cualquier pregunta que tengan.
You really don't have to.
No te sientas obligado.
You really don't know what you have to do?
¿ En serio no sabes lo que tienes que hacer?
And of course you don't have to, you know... think very far to figure out what was really happening.
Y claro, no tienes que... pensarlo mucho antes de entender qué estaba pasando. Le pregunté... a Steven un día y me dijo :
You don't have to really... reach.
Y-you know, phoebe, you really don't have to come in here bright and early anymore.
Sabes Phoebe, ya no tienes que venir temprano

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