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You scared the crap out of me traduction Espagnol

136 traduction parallèle
You scared the crap out of me, Sarge.
- Casi me mata del susto, Sargento.
You scared the crap out of me!
¡ Me dieron un gran susto!
You scared the crap out of me.
¡ Me dieron un gran susto!
Oh, you scared the crap out of me.
Me diste un susto de muerte.
- You scared the crap out of me, Ike!
- ¡ Casi me cago del susto!
You scared the crap out of me!
Me mataste del susto.
Kid, you scared the crap out of me.
Me diste un tremendo susto.
God, you scared the crap out of me!
Me has asustado apelazerus.
You scared the crap out of me.
Dios, me acabas de dar un susto de muerte.
Ali, you scared the crap out of me.
Ali, casi me matas del susto.
Damn, Ry, you scared the crap out of me.
Maldición, Ry, me estás sacando de las casillas.
- You scared the crap out of me.
- Tu sacas fuera de mi.
- You scared the crap out of me.
- Casi me matas del susto.
Oh! You scared the crap out of me.
Que susto me diste.
You scared the crap out of me.
Casi me matas de un susto.
You scared the crap out of me!
¡ Me has dado un susto de muerte!
You scared the crap out of me..
Me mataras del susto.
- You scared the crap out of me.
- El susto.
Swink, you scared the crap out of me, man.
Swink, casi me matas del susto.
You scared the crap out of me.
Me diste un susto de muerte.
Man, Granger, you scared the crap out of me.
Hombre, Granger, Me asustaste.
Justin, You Scared The Crap Out Of Me.
Justin me asustaste de muerte.
You scared the crap out of me.
Me has dado un susto de muerte.
And, oh, wait, here's another. Uh, you scared the crap out of me. "Why?"
Y, aquí hay otra me diste un tremendo susto.
God, you scared the crap out of me.
Dios, qué susto me dieron.
You scared the crap out of me.
Me asustaste!
Mr. Hammond, you scared the crap out of me.
Sr. Hammond, casi me mata del susto.
You scared the crap out of me, little momma.
Me diste tremendo susto.
My gosh, you scared the crap out of me.
Dios, qué susto me dio.
You scared the crap out of me.
Me hiciste cagarme de miedo.
You scared the crap out of me!
¡ Me hiciste cagar de miedo!
You scared the crap out of me.
Casi me zurro del susto.
Jeez, you scared the crap out of me.
Jesús, que susto me has dado.
East dillon lions go into halftime With a 17 to 7 lead. You scared the crap out of me.
East Dillon se va al descanso con una ventaja de 17 a 7.
You scared the crap out of me.
Me asustó.
I don't know what you guys are talkin about, that scared the crap out of me.
No sé de que hablan, eso me asustó hasta la mierda.
You also scared the living crap out of me and Bill not to mention the inmates.
También nos asustaste a muerte a mí y a Bill. Sin mencionar a los presos.
Scared the crap out of me. I was ready to kill you.
Estaba listo para matarte.
My god, you scared the living crap out of me!
¡ Dios, me has dado un susto de muerte!
You know, you really scared the crap out of me, man.
Realmente me asustaste amigo.
You scared the crap out of me.
- ¡ Retrocedan!
( Laughs ) I'm sure I woke the dead. You scared the fucking crap out of me! You scared the fucking crap out of me!
Estoy segura de que ya los he despertado, me has dado un jodido susto de muerte
Crap, dude, you scared the bejeebs out of me.
Demonios, amigo, me diste un gran susto.
I'm sorry, Sweetheart, you scared the crap out of me.
Perdona, me has asustado.
You're one freaky ass bird who scared the crap out of me, and now I can't be comfortable around birds ever again.
Eres un jodido pájaro extraño... que me hiciste cagar de miedo, y ahora no me sentiré a gusto nunca más con los pájaros.
And unless you want to spend the rest of the school year slinking around and being scared to let me kick the crap out of you, you need to stand up for yourself.
Y a menos que quieras pasar el resto del año escabulléndote por ahí... tan acojonado que dejas que yo te quite las tonterías a golpes, debes defenderte por ti mismo.
You scared the living crap out of me.
Me diste un terrible susto.
You scared the fucking crap out of me!
¡ Qué susto me has dado, imbécil!
Chloe told me you scared the crap out of Dr. Paul.
Chloe me dijo que asustaste bastante al Dr. Paul.
You sure scared the crap out of me.
Me has tenido muy asustada.
You scared the crap out of your mother and me.
Nos asustastes como carajo a tu madre y a mi.

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